mlm_insights.core.post_processors.interfaces package


mlm_insights.core.post_processors.interfaces.post_processor module

class mlm_insights.core.post_processors.interfaces.post_processor.PostProcessor(name: str, is_critical: bool = False, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: ABC

Abstract Class for defining an Insights PostProcessor Module. These components will be used to write the logic to integrate with different tools after profiles or test suites are created . The subclass must be annotated with @dataclass.Subclasses need to implement process method . User can pass is_critical flag option in post processor to configure post processor in critical path. When set to true, Insights run is marked as failed when the post processor execution fails.. By default the flag is set to False.

classmethod get_name() str

Return the Name of the Post Processor which is set during initialization.


str: Name of post processor defined , eg ‘ObjectStorePostProcessor’

abstract process(postProcessorRequest: PostProcessorRequest, **kwargs: Any) PostProcessorResult

Execute the task based on the process method using PostProcessorRequest


postProcessorRequest: PostProcessorRequest


bool : status of the process method execution

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