To deploy an Availability On-premise Vantage Point Worker, also known as Worker, on Kubernetes, you need to download and deploy the Worker docker image.
Review the following prerequisites:
- Supported versions:
- Kubernetes v1.25 or higher.
- Helm Chart 3.
- Download the on premise vantage point's helm chart zip and unzip. Upload the worker docker image downloaded in Download Worker to a private docker registry. For example: OCI Registry.
- To pull images from a private image repository, a pull secret is required.
Depending on the Kubernetes distribution, you need to generate a pull secret. For information, see Pulling Images from Registry during Deployment.
To deploy on OKE, Oracle recommends to use Use Dedicated Vantage Points instead.
To deploy the Worker on Kubernetes:
- Open the navigation menu, and click Observability & Management. Under Application Performance Monitoring, click Availability Monitoring.
The Availability Monitoring page is displayed.
- Under Resources, located in the left menu, click On-premise Vantage Points.
The On-premise Vantage Points page is displayed.
- Under Get started, click Worker usage instruction and select Kubernetes.
- Select Download helm chart, and download the apm-synthetic-worker-helm file.
To verify the file integrity, check if the value of the MD5 checksum column matches the output of the downloaded zip file.
- Provide the following required information
- Worker name: Enter the worker name.
Provide a unique name. No spaces, only numbers, letters, hyphens or underscores.
- On-premise Vantage Point: Select the On-premise Vantage Point that the worker connects to.
- APM domain private data key: Select the APM domain private data key used to upload data to APM.
If the Authorization type value is selected as a private data key, this value is also used to create a worker.
- APM synthetic api server: Enter the URL of the Availability Monitoring (formerly known as Synthetic Monitoring) API server where the on-premise vantage point will be created.
- Downloaded file path: Enter the path where the downloaded helm file is located.
- Repository URL: Enter the repository URL from which image will be pulled.
- Authorization type: Select the authorization type used for the worker creation.
- Pull secret name: Specify the image pull secret name created in default namespace.
- Authorization type: Select the authorization type used for the worker creation.
- Private data key: This is used as the installation authorization key to create a worker. This is the preferred authorization type when installing a worker in an on-premise host.
- (Optional) Show proxy options: Set the proxy server configuration to access the target URL.
The supported proxy options are: NONE
: If it's selected, the following parameters need to be provided:
- Proxy Host: The designated proxy server that is configured to route internet.
- Proxy Port: The port number on which the proxy server is listening for the requests/responses.
- (Optional)
Proxy User: The username of the proxy server.
- (Optional)
Proxy Password: The username password of the proxy server.
- (Optional)
Proxy BypassList: The list of hostnames where the proxy is not required to connect to.
The information provided on the Worker usage information generates the Helm commands shown under Kubernetes.
- Copy and run the generated commands to create the worker.
- Run Helm command with
flag to verify helm command without creating any resources.
- Run Helm command with
flag to debug helm command.
- Ensure all commands run successfully.
The Worker is deployed.