Managed Services for MacManaged Services for Mac lets you create and manage orders for dedicated, partially managed Mac servers hosted in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Center.What's new Get Started Learn how Managed Services for Mac works Limitations and conditions Community Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Blog Cloud infrastructure community forum Manage Orders and Servers List your Mac server orders Create a new Mac server order View a Mac server order's details View and manage Mac servers in an order Developer Tools SDKs and the CLI Cloud Shell Support Learn about support requests Create a service request
Managed Services for MacManaged Services for Mac lets you create and manage orders for dedicated, partially managed Mac servers hosted in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Center.What's new Get Started Learn how Managed Services for Mac works Limitations and conditions Community Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Blog Cloud infrastructure community forum Manage Orders and Servers List your Mac server orders Create a new Mac server order View a Mac server order's details View and manage Mac servers in an order Developer Tools SDKs and the CLI Cloud Shell Support Learn about support requests Create a service request