Managing a Backup

Use the Console or the command-line interface to edit, delete, or move a backup. You can also copy a backup to another region.

Editing a Backup

Use the Console or the command-line interface to edit the display name, description, and retention period of a DB system backup.


You cannot change the retention period of automatic backups.

The retention period of final backups of Always Free DB systems is limited to a maximum of 7 days.

Use the Console or the command-line interface to edit a backup:

Using the Console

Use the Console to edit the display name, description, and retention period of your backup.


The Edit backup panel is different from the Edit backup plan panel. The Edit backup plan panel enables you to enable automatic backups, edit the retention period and window start time of an existing DB system. See Editing a Backup Plan.
  1. Open the navigation menu and select Databases. Under HeatWave MySQL, click Backups.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click Edit from the Actions menu on the same line as your DB system.
    • Click the name of the backup to open the Backup details page and click Edit.
  3. On the Edit backup panel, provide the following details:
    • Display name: Specify the new name of the backup. If you do not modify the name, the existing name is retained.
    • Description: Specify the new description of the backup. If you do not modify the description, the existing description is retained.
    • Retention period: Specify the new retention period of the backup. If you do not modify the retention period, the existing value is retained.

      You cannot change the retention period of automatic backups.
  4. Click Save changes.
The backup metadata is updated.

Using the CLI

Use the command-line interface to update the display name, description, and retention period of your backup.

This task requires the following:
  • A backup OCID.
  • A policy that permits you to update backups in the compartment or tenancy.
  • A properly configured CLI installation and the requisite SSH keys. See Command Line Interface.
Do the following on the CLI to update a backup:
  1. Open a command prompt, and run the following command:
    oci mysql backup update 
    --backup-id <BackupOCID> 
    --display-name <DisplayName>
    --description <Description>
    --retention-in-days <NumberOfDays>
    • --backup-id: Specify the OCID of the backup.

    • --display-name: (Optional) Specify the new display name of the backup. If you do not define a display name, the existing name is retained.

    • --description: (Optional) Specify the new description of the backup. If you do not define a description, the existing description is retained.

    • --retention-in-days: (Optional) Specify the new number of days to retain the backup. If you do not define a number, the existing retention period is retained.

HeatWave Service udpates the backup metadata.

Editing a Backup Plan

Edit the backup plan of an existing DB system to enable automatic backups and point in time recovery, and edit the retention period and window start time.


You cannot change the backup plan of an Always Free DB system.

Using the Console

Use the Console to edit the backup plan of an existing DB system.


The Edit backup plan panel is different from the Edit backup panel. The Edit backup panel enables you to edit the display name and description of the backup. See Editing a Backup.
  1. Navigate to the DB system details page of the DB system.
  2. From the More actions menu, select Edit backup plan.
  3. On the Edit backup plan panel, provide the following details:
    • Enable automatic backups: Select to enable automatic backups, and to configure the backup retention period, enable point-in-time recovery, and select the backup window. If you do not enable automatic backups, create a manual backup. It is recommended to enable automatic backups.
      • Backup retention period: (Optional) Specify how long to retain the backups, in days. The default retention period is seven days.
      • Enable point-in-time recovery: Select the option to enable you to restore a DB system at a point-in-time to a new DB system.
      • Select backup window: Select to enable you to define the starting time of backup of your DB system in the Window start time field. Your backup starts at some point in the 30 minutes following the Window start time. Click Show backup windows per region to view the default backup window specific to your region.

        Do not set the backup window start time too near to the maintenance window start time. The automatic backup cannot start if a conflicting operation such as maintenance or upgrade is currently running. It has to wait until the conflicting operation completes. If the conflicting operation does not complete within two hours of the backup window start time, the automatic backup will be skipped and it will try again in the next backup window in the following day.

      There is no impact on the DB system or the database connections when the automatic backup is created.
  4. Click Save changes.
The backup plan is updated.

Moving a Backup

You can move an active backup to a different compartment. You can not move a backup that is in any other state.


You cannot move backups of an Always Free DB system to another compartment.

Use the Console or the command-line interface to move a backup to a different compartment.

Using the Console

Use the Console to move your backup to a different compartment.

This task requires the following:
  • The access permission, MYSQL_BACKUP_MOVE, on the compartment to which you want to move your backup. See mysql-backups.
  • An active backup. You can not move a backup that is in any other state.
Do the following to move a backup to a different compartment:
  1. Open the navigation menu, and click Databases. Under HeatWave MySQL, click Backups.
  2. Choose your compartment from the List scope.
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Choose Move resource from the Actions menu on the same line as your backup.
    • Click the name of the backup to open the Backup details page. Click Move resource.
  4. In the Move resource dialog box, choose the new compartment. You cannot select the compartment the backup is currently in.
  5. Click Move backup.
The backup is moved to the selected compartment.

Using the CLI

Use the command-line interface to move a backup to a different compartment.

This task requires the following:
  • A backup OCID.
  • A policy that permits you to move backups in the compartment or tenancy.
  • A properly configured CLI installation and the requisite SSH keys. See Command Line Interface.
Do the following on the CLI to move a backup to a different compartment:
  1. Open a command prompt, and run the following command:
    oci mysql backup change-compartment 
    --backup-id <BackupOCID> 
    --compartment-id <TargetCompartmentOCID>
    • --backup-id: Specify the OCID of the backup.

    • --compartment-id: Specify the OCID of the target compartment to which the backup is moved.

HeatWave Service moves the backup to the target compartment.

Deleting a Backup

Use the Console or the command-line interface to delete a backup of the DB system.

Using the Console

Use the Console to delete a backup of your DB system.

  1. Open the navigation menu and select Databases. Under HeatWave MySQL, click Backups.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Choose Delete from the Actions menu on the same line as your backup.
    • Click the name of the backup to open the Backup details page. Click the More actions button and select Delete.
  3. On the Delete backup dialog box, click Delete backup.
The backup is deleted.

Using the CLI

Use the command-line interface to delete a backup.

This task requires the following:
  • A backup OCID.
  • A policy that permits you to delete backups in the compartment or tenancy.
  • A properly configured CLI installation and the requisite SSH keys. See Command Line Interface.
Do the following on the CLI to delete a backup:
  1. Open a command prompt, and run the following command:
    oci mysql backup delete --backup-id <BackupOCID> 
    • --backup-id: Specify the OCID of the backup.

HeatWave Service deletes the backup.

Copying a Backup to Another Region

Copy a backup of the DB system to another region.


You cannot copy backups of an Always Free DB system to another region.

After copying the backup of a DB system to another region, you can restore the DB system in the destination region. It does not copy the configuration of the DB system on which the backup was taken.

When copying DB system backups across regions in your tenancy, the MySQL Maximum Parallel Cross-Region Backup Copy Count service limit determines the maximum number of concurrent copies that you can perform from a specific source region.

This task requires the following:
  • An active backup in any region:

    You can copy the backup to another region within the same realm in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The backup is not currently being copied to the same destination region. You cannot create a copy of the backup in the same region.
  • The access permission, MYSQL_BACKUP_COPY and MYSQL_BACKUP_READ, in the source region where the backup is located in. See mysql-backups.

    The aggregate resource type mysql-family does not include the MYSQL_BACKUP_COPY permission.
  • The access permission, MYSQL_BACKUP_CREATE, in the destination region where the backup is to be copied to. See mysql-backups.
Sample Policies
  • To allow a group named MyTestGroup1 to copy DB system backups between any regions:
    Allow group MyTestGroup1 to read mysql-backups in tenancy
    Allow group MyTestGroup1 to use mysql-backups in tenancy where request.permission = 'MYSQL_BACKUP_COPY'
    Allow group MyTestGroup1 to manage mysql-backups in tenancy where request.permission = 'MYSQL_BACKUP_CREATE'
  • To allow a group named MyTestGroup2 to copy DB system backups from the US West (Phoenix) and US East (Ashburn) regions to any destination regions:
    Allow group MyTestGroup2 to read mysql-backups in tenancy
    Allow group MyTestGroup2 to use mysql-backups in tenancy where all {request.permission = 'MYSQL_BACKUP_COPY', any {request.region='phx', request.region='iad'})
    Allow group MyTestGroup2 to manage mysql-backups in tenancy where request.permission = 'MYSQL_BACKUP_CREATE'
  • To allow a group named MyTestGroup3 to copy DB system backups from the UK South (London) region to the Germany Central (Frankfurt) region:
    Allow group MyTestGroup3 to read mysql-backups in tenancy where request.region = 'lhr'
    Allow group MyTestGroup3 to use mysql-backups in tenancy where all {request.permission = 'MYSQL_BACKUP_COPY', request.region = 'lhr', target.destination-region = 'fra'}
    Allow group MyTestGroup3 to manage mysql-backups in tenancy where all {request.permission = 'MYSQL_BACKUP_CREATE', request.region = 'fra'}

Use the Console or the command-line interface to copy a backup of the DB system to another region .

Using the Console

Use the Console to copy your backup to another region.

Do the following to copy a backup to another region:
  1. Open the navigation menu and select Databases. Under HeatWave MySQL, click Backups.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click Copy to another region from the Actions menu on the same line as your backup.
    • Click the name of the backup to open the Backup details page and click Copy to another region.
  3. On the Copy to another region panel, provide the following details:
    • Destination region: Select the region to which the backup is copied.
    • Destination region compartment: The compartment cannot be changed. It always copy to the same compartment.
    • Display name: (Optional) Specify the name of the backup. The default value is "<SourceBackupName>-copy-from-<SourceRegionName>".
    • Description: (Optional) Specify the description of the backup. The default value is "This backup is a copy of <SoureBackupName> from the region <SourceRegionName>."
  4. Click Copy.
The backup is copied to the same compartment in the selected region.

If the COPY_BACKUP work request returns the DbSystemBackupCopyLimitExceeded error, you need to retry the copy backup again at a later time.

Using the CLI

Use the command-line interface to copy a backup of the DB system to another region.

This task requires the following:
  • A source backup OCID.
  • A policy that permits you to read and copy backups in the source region and create backups in the destination region.
  • A properly configured CLI installation and the requisite SSH keys. See Command Line Interface.

    The CLI must be configured to authenticate with the destination region to which the backup is copied.
Do the following on the CLI to copy a backup of the DB system to another region:
  1. Open a command prompt, and run the following command:
    oci mysql backup copy 
    --source-backup-id <SourceBackupOCID> 
    --source-region <SourceRegionName>
    --compartment-id <DestinationCompartmentOCID> 
    --region <DestinationRegionName>
    --display-name <DisplayName>
    --description <Description>
    • --source-backup-id: Specify the OCID of the source backup.

    • --source-region: Specify the region identifier of the source backup. For example:us-ashburn-1, sa-saopaulo-1, and eu-frankfurt-1.

    • --compartment-id: Specify the OCID of the destination compartment to which the backup is copied. It must be same as the compartment of the source backup.

    • --region: (Optional) Specify the destination region identifier to which the backup is copied. If you do not defined the region, the region configured in the CLI config file is used.

    • --display-name: (Optional) Specify the display name of the copied backup. If you do not define a display name, one is generated for you with the source backup display name.

    • --description: (Optional) Specify the description of the copied backup. If you do not define a description, one is generated for you with the source backup description.

HeatWave Service starts to copy the source backup to the destination region.