@Generated(value="OracleSDKGenerator", comments="API Version: 20181001") public interface MarketplaceAsync extends AutoCloseable
Use the Marketplace API to manage applications in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace. For more information, see Overview of Marketplace
void refreshClient()
Rebuilds the client from scratch. Useful to refresh certificates.
void setEndpoint(String endpoint)
Sets the endpoint to call (ex, https://www.example.com).
- The endpoint of the serice.String getEndpoint()
Gets the set endpoint for REST call (ex, https://www.example.com)
void setRegion(Region region)
Sets the region to call (ex, Region.US_PHOENIX_1).
Note, this will call setEndpoint
after resolving the
endpoint. If the service is not available in this region, however, an
IllegalArgumentException will be raised.
- The region of the service.void setRegion(String regionId)
Sets the region to call (ex, ‘us-phoenix-1’).
Note, this will first try to map the region ID to a known Region and call setRegion
If no known Region could be determined, it will create an endpoint based on the default
endpoint format (Region.formatDefaultRegionEndpoint(Service, String)
and then call setEndpoint
- The public region ID.void useRealmSpecificEndpointTemplate(boolean realmSpecificEndpointTemplateEnabled)
Determines whether realm specific endpoint should be used or not. Set realmSpecificEndpointTemplateEnabled to “true” if the user wants to enable use of realm specific endpoint template, otherwise set it to “false”
- flag to enable the use of realm specific endpoint
templateFuture<ChangePublicationCompartmentResponse> changePublicationCompartment(ChangePublicationCompartmentRequest request, AsyncHandler<ChangePublicationCompartmentRequest,ChangePublicationCompartmentResponse> handler)
Moves the specified publication from one compartment to another.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreateAcceptedAgreementResponse> createAcceptedAgreement(CreateAcceptedAgreementRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateAcceptedAgreementRequest,CreateAcceptedAgreementResponse> handler)
Accepts a terms of use agreement for a specific package version of a listing. You must accept all terms of use for a package before you can deploy the package.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<CreatePublicationResponse> createPublication(CreatePublicationRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreatePublicationRequest,CreatePublicationResponse> handler)
Creates a publication of the specified listing type with an optional default package.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeleteAcceptedAgreementResponse> deleteAcceptedAgreement(DeleteAcceptedAgreementRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteAcceptedAgreementRequest,DeleteAcceptedAgreementResponse> handler)
Removes a previously accepted terms of use agreement from the list of agreements that Marketplace checks before initiating a deployment. Listings in Marketplace that require acceptance of the specified terms of use can no longer be deployed, but existing deployments aren’t affected.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<DeletePublicationResponse> deletePublication(DeletePublicationRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeletePublicationRequest,DeletePublicationResponse> handler)
Deletes a publication, which also removes the associated listing from anywhere it was published, such as Marketplace or Compute.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ExportListingResponse> exportListing(ExportListingRequest request, AsyncHandler<ExportListingRequest,ExportListingResponse> handler)
Exports container images or helm chart from marketplace to customer’s registry.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetAcceptedAgreementResponse> getAcceptedAgreement(GetAcceptedAgreementRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetAcceptedAgreementRequest,GetAcceptedAgreementResponse> handler)
Gets the details of a specific, previously accepted terms of use agreement.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetAgreementResponse> getAgreement(GetAgreementRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetAgreementRequest,GetAgreementResponse> handler)
Returns a terms of use agreement for a package with a time-based signature that can be used to accept the agreement.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetListingResponse> getListing(GetListingRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetListingRequest,GetListingResponse> handler)
Gets detailed information about a listing, including the listing’s name, version, description, and resources.
If you plan to launch an instance from an image listing, you must first subscribe to the listing. When you launch the instance, you also need to provide the image ID of the listing resource version that you want.
Subscribing to the listing requires you to first get a signature from the terms of use agreement for the listing resource version. To get the signature, issue a [GetAppCatalogListingAgreements](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/AppCatalogListingResourceVersionAgreements/GetAppCatalogListingAgreements) API call. The [AppCatalogListingResourceVersionAgreements](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/AppCatalogListingResourceVersionAgreements) object, including its signature, is returned in the response. With the signature for the terms of use agreement for the desired listing resource version, create a subscription by issuing a [CreateAppCatalogSubscription](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/AppCatalogSubscription/CreateAppCatalogSubscription) API call.
To get the image ID to launch an instance, issue a [GetAppCatalogListingResourceVersion](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/AppCatalogListingResourceVersion/GetAppCatalogListingResourceVersion) API call. Lastly, to launch the instance, use the image ID of the listing resource version to issue a [LaunchInstance](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/Instance/LaunchInstance) API call.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetPackageResponse> getPackage(GetPackageRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetPackageRequest,GetPackageResponse> handler)
Get the details of the specified version of a package, including information needed to launch the package.
If you plan to launch an instance from an image listing, you must first subscribe to the listing. When you launch the instance, you also need to provide the image ID of the listing resource version that you want.
Subscribing to the listing requires you to first get a signature from the terms of use agreement for the listing resource version. To get the signature, issue a [GetAppCatalogListingAgreements](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/AppCatalogListingResourceVersionAgreements/GetAppCatalogListingAgreements) API call. The [AppCatalogListingResourceVersionAgreements](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/AppCatalogListingResourceVersionAgreements) object, including its signature, is returned in the response. With the signature for the terms of use agreement for the desired listing resource version, create a subscription by issuing a [CreateAppCatalogSubscription](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/AppCatalogSubscription/CreateAppCatalogSubscription) API call.
To get the image ID to launch an instance, issue a [GetAppCatalogListingResourceVersion](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/AppCatalogListingResourceVersion/GetAppCatalogListingResourceVersion) API call. Lastly, to launch the instance, use the image ID of the listing resource version to issue a [LaunchInstance](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/Instance/LaunchInstance) API call.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetPublicationResponse> getPublication(GetPublicationRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetPublicationRequest,GetPublicationResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified publication.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetPublicationPackageResponse> getPublicationPackage(GetPublicationPackageRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetPublicationPackageRequest,GetPublicationPackageResponse> handler)
Gets the details of a specific package version within a given publication.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<GetWorkRequestResponse> getWorkRequest(GetWorkRequestRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetWorkRequestRequest,GetWorkRequestResponse> handler)
Gets the details of the specified work request
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListAcceptedAgreementsResponse> listAcceptedAgreements(ListAcceptedAgreementsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAcceptedAgreementsRequest,ListAcceptedAgreementsResponse> handler)
Lists the terms of use agreements that have been accepted in the specified compartment. You can filter results by specifying query parameters.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListAgreementsResponse> listAgreements(ListAgreementsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAgreementsRequest,ListAgreementsResponse> handler)
Returns the terms of use agreements that must be accepted before you can deploy the specified version of a package.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListCategoriesResponse> listCategories(ListCategoriesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListCategoriesRequest,ListCategoriesResponse> handler)
Gets the list of all the categories for listings published to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace. Categories apply to the software product provided by the listing.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListListingsResponse> listListings(ListListingsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListListingsRequest,ListListingsResponse> handler)
Gets a list of listings from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace by searching keywords and filtering according to listing attributes.
If you plan to launch an instance from an image listing, you must first subscribe to the listing. When you launch the instance, you also need to provide the image ID of the listing resource version that you want.
Subscribing to the listing requires you to first get a signature from the terms of use agreement for the listing resource version. To get the signature, issue a [GetAppCatalogListingAgreements](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/AppCatalogListingResourceVersionAgreements/GetAppCatalogListingAgreements) API call. The [AppCatalogListingResourceVersionAgreements](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/AppCatalogListingResourceVersionAgreements) object, including its signature, is returned in the response. With the signature for the terms of use agreement for the desired listing resource version, create a subscription by issuing a [CreateAppCatalogSubscription](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/AppCatalogSubscription/CreateAppCatalogSubscription) API call.
To get the image ID to launch an instance, issue a [GetAppCatalogListingResourceVersion](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/AppCatalogListingResourceVersion/GetAppCatalogListingResourceVersion) API call. Lastly, to launch the instance, use the image ID of the listing resource version to issue a [LaunchInstance](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/Instance/LaunchInstance) API call.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListPackagesResponse> listPackages(ListPackagesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListPackagesRequest,ListPackagesResponse> handler)
Gets the list of packages for a listing.
If you plan to launch an instance from an image listing, you must first subscribe to the listing. When you launch the instance, you also need to provide the image ID of the listing resource version that you want.
Subscribing to the listing requires you to first get a signature from the terms of use agreement for the listing resource version. To get the signature, issue a [GetAppCatalogListingAgreements](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/AppCatalogListingResourceVersionAgreements/GetAppCatalogListingAgreements) API call. The [AppCatalogListingResourceVersionAgreements](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/AppCatalogListingResourceVersionAgreements) object, including its signature, is returned in the response. With the signature for the terms of use agreement for the desired listing resource version, create a subscription by issuing a [CreateAppCatalogSubscription](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/AppCatalogSubscription/CreateAppCatalogSubscription) API call.
To get the image ID to launch an instance, issue a [GetAppCatalogListingResourceVersion](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/AppCatalogListingResourceVersion/GetAppCatalogListingResourceVersion) API call. Lastly, to launch the instance, use the image ID of the listing resource version to issue a [LaunchInstance](https://docs.oracle.com/iaas/en-us/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/Instance/LaunchInstance) API call.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListPublicationPackagesResponse> listPublicationPackages(ListPublicationPackagesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListPublicationPackagesRequest,ListPublicationPackagesResponse> handler)
Lists the packages in the specified publication.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListPublicationsResponse> listPublications(ListPublicationsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListPublicationsRequest,ListPublicationsResponse> handler)
Lists the publications in the specified compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListPublishersResponse> listPublishers(ListPublishersRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListPublishersRequest,ListPublishersResponse> handler)
Gets the list of all the publishers of listings available in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Marketplace.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListReportTypesResponse> listReportTypes(ListReportTypesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListReportTypesRequest,ListReportTypesResponse> handler)
Lists available types of reports for the compartment.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListReportsResponse> listReports(ListReportsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListReportsRequest,ListReportsResponse> handler)
Lists reports in the compartment that match the specified report type and date.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListTaxesResponse> listTaxes(ListTaxesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListTaxesRequest,ListTaxesResponse> handler)
Returns list of all tax implications that current tenant may be liable to once they launch the listing.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse> listWorkRequestErrors(ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListWorkRequestErrorsRequest,ListWorkRequestErrorsResponse> handler)
List all errors for a work request
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListWorkRequestLogsResponse> listWorkRequestLogs(ListWorkRequestLogsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListWorkRequestLogsRequest,ListWorkRequestLogsResponse> handler)
List all logs for a work request
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<ListWorkRequestsResponse> listWorkRequests(ListWorkRequestsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListWorkRequestsRequest,ListWorkRequestsResponse> handler)
List all work requests in a compartment
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<SearchListingsResponse> searchListings(SearchListingsRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchListingsRequest,SearchListingsResponse> handler)
Queries all Marketplace Applications to find listings that match the specified criteria. To search for a listing, you can use a free text or structured search.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdateAcceptedAgreementResponse> updateAcceptedAgreement(UpdateAcceptedAgreementRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateAcceptedAgreementRequest,UpdateAcceptedAgreementResponse> handler)
Updates the display name or tags associated with a listing’s previously accepted terms of use agreement.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Future<UpdatePublicationResponse> updatePublication(UpdatePublicationRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdatePublicationRequest,UpdatePublicationResponse> handler)
Updates the details of an existing publication.
- The request object containing the details to sendhandler
- The request handler to invoke upon completion, may be null.Copyright © 2016–2025. All rights reserved.