Class | Description |
AudioFormatDetails |
Audio format details.
AudioFormatDetails.Builder | |
ChangeCustomizationCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment of a Customization.
ChangeCustomizationCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeTranscriptionJobCompartmentDetails |
Details for changing the compartment of a transcription job.
ChangeTranscriptionJobCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
CreateCustomizationDetails |
The information about the new Customization.
CreateCustomizationDetails.Builder | |
CreateRealtimeSessionTokenDetails |
Request sent to the realtime authentication endpoint in order to obtain the auth token.
CreateRealtimeSessionTokenDetails.Builder | |
CreateTranscriptionJobDetails |
The information about new Transcription Job.
CreateTranscriptionJobDetails.Builder | |
Customization |
Description of a Customization.
Customization.Builder | |
CustomizationCollection |
Results of a Customization search.
CustomizationCollection.Builder | |
CustomizationDatasetDetails |
Customization Training Dataset
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder . |
CustomizationInference |
Inference payload for using Customization in Realtime Speech or Async Speech
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the CustomizationInference.Builder . |
CustomizationInference.Builder | |
CustomizationInferenceEntity |
Entity Object for customization inference payload
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the CustomizationInferenceEntity.Builder . |
CustomizationInferenceEntity.Builder | |
CustomizationModelDetails |
Customization details.
CustomizationModelDetails.Builder | |
CustomizationReferencedEntities |
Entities referenced by top level customization.
CustomizationReferencedEntities.Builder | |
CustomizationSummary |
Summary of the Customization.
CustomizationSummary.Builder | |
Diarization |
Speaker diarization is a combination of speaker segmentation and speaker clustering.
Diarization.Builder | |
Entity |
Entity Object Reference
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Entity.Builder . |
Entity.Builder | |
EntityList |
List of entities of a given type, to be used to train a customization.
EntityList.Builder | |
EntityListDataset |
Entity List Dataset
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the EntityListDataset.Builder . |
EntityListDataset.Builder | |
InputLocation |
The location of the input(s).
LocationDetails |
Possible object storage location types
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder . |
ObjectListDataset |
Data source details for object storage
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ObjectListDataset.Builder . |
ObjectListDataset.Builder | |
ObjectListFileInputLocation |
Use this locationType when passing the location of the object storage in the request (where the
WAV file is stored).
ObjectListFileInputLocation.Builder | |
ObjectListInlineInputLocation |
Use this locationType when passing the WAV file name in the request.
ObjectListInlineInputLocation.Builder | |
ObjectLocation |
A location in Object Storage that is uniquely identified by namespace name, bucket name and
object name.
ObjectLocation.Builder | |
ObjectStorageDataset |
Object Storage Dataset
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ObjectStorageDataset.Builder . |
ObjectStorageDataset.Builder | |
OutputLocation |
OCI Object Storage Location.
OutputLocation.Builder | |
ProfanityTranscriptionFilter |
Profanity transcription filter to recognize profane words.
ProfanityTranscriptionFilter.Builder | |
Pronunciation |
Pronunciation Object Reference
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Pronunciation.Builder . |
Pronunciation.Builder | |
RealtimeMessage |
Websocket messages sent between client and service.
RealtimeMessageAckAudio |
The websocket ack message received from service.
RealtimeMessageAckAudio.Builder | |
RealtimeMessageAckAudioDetails |
Details object for the websocket ack message received from service.
RealtimeMessageAckAudioDetails.Builder | |
RealtimeMessageAuthentication |
The payload for authentication.
RealtimeMessageAuthenticationCredentials |
The payload for credential-based authentication.
RealtimeMessageAuthenticationCredentials.Builder | |
RealtimeMessageAuthenticationToken |
The payload for JWT based authentication.
RealtimeMessageAuthenticationToken.Builder | |
RealtimeMessageConnect |
The websocket connection message received from service.
RealtimeMessageConnect.Builder | |
RealtimeMessageError |
The websocket error message received from service.
RealtimeMessageError.Builder | |
RealtimeMessageOut |
Websocket messages sent by client to the service.
RealtimeMessageResult |
The websocket result message received from service.
RealtimeMessageResult.Builder | |
RealtimeMessageResultTranscription |
Transcription object.
RealtimeMessageResultTranscription.Builder | |
RealtimeMessageResultTranscriptionToken |
Individual transcription tokens.
RealtimeMessageResultTranscriptionToken.Builder | |
RealtimeMessageSendFinalResult |
Tell service to send final result
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the RealtimeMessageSendFinalResult.Builder . |
RealtimeMessageSendFinalResult.Builder | |
RealtimeModelDetails |
Details of the ASR model used by the realtime speech service.
RealtimeModelDetails.Builder | |
RealtimeParameters |
Parameters to be sent to the realtime speech service over a websocket connection.
RealtimeParameters.Builder | |
RealtimeSessionToken |
The response from the realtime session token endpoint that creates the auth token to be used with
the realtime speech service.
RealtimeSessionToken.Builder | |
SynthesizeSpeechDetails |
Input JSON to get audio inference from TTS Service.
SynthesizeSpeechDetails.Builder | |
TranscriptionFilter |
Transcription Filter.
TranscriptionJob |
Description of Transcription Job.
TranscriptionJob.Builder | |
TranscriptionJobCollection |
Results of a Transcription Job search.
TranscriptionJobCollection.Builder | |
TranscriptionJobSummary |
Summary of the Transcription Job.
TranscriptionJobSummary.Builder | |
TranscriptionModelDetails |
Model details.
TranscriptionModelDetails.Builder | |
TranscriptionNormalization |
Information to Normalize generated transcript.
TranscriptionNormalization.Builder | |
TranscriptionSettings |
Processes to perform on the generated transcription.
TranscriptionSettings.Builder | |
TranscriptionTask |
Description of Transcription Task.
TranscriptionTask.Builder | |
TranscriptionTaskCollection |
Results of a Transcription Task search.
TranscriptionTaskCollection.Builder | |
TranscriptionTaskSummary |
Summary of the Transcription Task.
TranscriptionTaskSummary.Builder | |
TtsAudioConfig |
Use this schema to specify handling of audio response.
TtsBaseAudioConfig |
Use this audio config for saving the audio response at specified path.
TtsBaseAudioConfig.Builder | |
TtsConfiguration |
Speech configuration for TTS API.
TtsOracleConfiguration |
Use this configuration for selecting a model from Oracle model family.
TtsOracleConfiguration.Builder | |
TtsOracleModelDetails |
Model specific properties to use with Oracle model for TTS.
TtsOracleSpeechSettings |
Settings to use for generating speech with a model from ORACLE family.
TtsOracleSpeechSettings.Builder | |
TtsOracleTts1StandardModelDetails |
Use this schema for specifying properties of TTS_1_STANDARD model from Oracle model family.
TtsOracleTts1StandardModelDetails.Builder | |
TtsOracleTts2NaturalModelDetails |
Use this schema for specifying properties of TTS_2_NATURAL model from Oracle model family.
TtsOracleTts2NaturalModelDetails.Builder | |
UpdateCustomizationDetails |
The information to be updated.
UpdateCustomizationDetails.Builder | |
UpdateTranscriptionJobDetails |
The information to be updated.
UpdateTranscriptionJobDetails.Builder | |
VoiceCollection |
Results of the voices available as speaker Ids for given language code and voice type
VoiceCollection.Builder | |
VoiceSummary |
Details related to the voice available for the given language code and voice type.
VoiceSummary.Builder |
Enum | Description |
CreateTranscriptionJobDetails.AdditionalTranscriptionFormats | |
Customization.LifecycleState |
The current state of the Job.
CustomizationDatasetDetails.DatasetType |
Possible data sets
CustomizationModelDetails.Domain |
Customization Domain
InputLocation.LocationType |
The type of input location.
LocationDetails.LocationType |
Possible object storage location types
ProfanityTranscriptionFilter.Mode |
MASK : Will mask detected profanity in transcription. |
RealtimeMessage.Event |
Incoming Types of message event sent from Service -> Client - RESULT - result - ACKAUDIO -
ackAudio - ERROR - error - CONNECT - connect Outgoing Types of message event sent from Client
-> Service - SEND_FINAL_RESULT - sendFinalResult
RealtimeMessageAuthentication.AuthenticationType |
Type of authentication method to be used.
RealtimeMessageOut.Event |
Outgoing Types of message event sent from Client -> Service - SEND_FINAL_RESULT -
RealtimeMessageResultTranscriptionToken.Type |
Type of the transcription token.
RealtimeModelDetails.Domain |
Model Domain.
RealtimeParameters.ModelDomain |
Model Domain.
RealtimeParameters.Punctuation |
Configure punctuations in the generated transcriptions.
RealtimeParameters.StabilizePartialResults |
When enabled sets the amount of confidence required for latest tokens before returning them
as part of a new partial result
SortOrder |
Sort orders.
TranscriptionFilter.Type |
The type of filters.
TranscriptionJob.AdditionalTranscriptionFormats | |
TranscriptionJob.LifecycleState |
The current state of the Job.
TranscriptionModelDetails.Domain |
Domain for input files.
TranscriptionModelDetails.LanguageCode |
Oracle supported language codes are (Oracle models are locale specific).
TranscriptionTask.LifecycleState |
The current state of the Task.
TtsAudioConfig.ConfigType |
The audio config type to use for handling the audio output.
TtsConfiguration.ModelFamily |
The class of models to use for speech generation.
TtsOracleModelDetails.ModelName |
The fully qualified name of model to use for speech generation.
TtsOracleSpeechSettings.OutputFormat |
The format of audio in which the user wants the audio to be in.
TtsOracleSpeechSettings.SpeechMarkTypes | |
TtsOracleSpeechSettings.TextType |
The format in which the input text has been supplied i.e., Text or SSML.
VoiceSummary.Gender |
Gender of the speaker.
VoiceSummary.LanguageCode |
An abbreviated notation of region to which the language and accent of the speaker belongs to.
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