Custom Software Source Creation Failed

Creating a custom or versioned custom software source might fail if you include too many packages, include packages that aren't in the base vendor software sources, or if the custom software source is unable to resolve package dependencies.

Review job error logs

To identify the reason for the custom software source failure, review the error logs for the job.

  1. Open the navigation menu and click Observability & Management. Under OS Management Hub, click Jobs.
  2. Under List scope, select the compartment associated with the job.
  3. Click the Completed jobs tab.
  4. Under Filters, select the following:
    • Status: Failed
    • Type: Create software source or Update software source
  5. Click the name of the job.
  6. Under Resources, click Error messages.

    Possible messages might include:

Large number of packages

You can't create a custom software sources with more than 90,000 packages. If you try to create a custom software source containing too many packages, you might encounter an error similar to the following:

Invalid parameter vendorSoftwareSources: the unique packages in the vendor software sources are 165844,
consider reducing the number of vendor software sources

Limit packages to 90,000 or less. To reduce the number of packages, use filters, a package list, or reduce the number of vendor software sources included in the source. If you need more packages than the limit, create multiple custom software sources each with a smaller number of packages.

Packages not found in included vendor software sources

The custom software source must contain all vendor software sources needed for the packages that you include. If you've selected the auto-resolve dependencies option, you must also include all necessary vendor software sources for the dependent packages. Verify that you've selected all necessary vendor software sources when creating the custom or version software source.

Some packages don't exist in any vendor software sources and therefore can't be included in a custom software source. Don't include any of the following packages in a custom software source:

  • gpg-pubkey
  • unified-monitoring-agent
  • wlp-agent
  • qualys-cloud-agent
  • oracle.mgmt_agent

To identify problematic packages, you can re-add the package list to the failed custom software source. The error message will list the problematic packages.

  1. Open the navigation menu and click Observability & Management. Under OS Management Hub, click Software sources.
  2. Under List scope, select the compartment that contains the software source you're interested in.
  3. Click the name of the custom software source.
  4. Under Resources, click Available packages and then click Add.
  5. Select either Upload or Paste.

    Provide the same package list that you used previously.

  6. Click Add.
  7. Review the error for the problematic packages.

    For example:

    Invalid parameter packages: There were some invalid packages in the request.
    These packages are either not in the vendor software sources chosen for the custom software source, 
    or not found in OS Management Hub:
    [cthulhu-1.2.3.el8.x86_64.rpm, gpg-pubkey-16c083cd-49af3996.rpm]
  8. If you're unsure which vendor software source a package requires, you can search for the package and identify the software source.

Auto-resolve and latest-only options conflict

Depending on the filters you create, there can be a conflict between required dependencies and limiting packages to the latest-only. Some packages might depend on an earlier version of a package which causes the software source to include multiple versions of an individual package (the earlier version and the latest available). When this occurs, the service can't limit the packages to only the latest available, so the software source creation fails.

To resolve this issue, either adjust the filter, disable auto-resolve, or disable latest-only.