Migrating Managed Instances to OS Management Hub

Migrate OS Management managed instances to OS Management Hub using appropriate registration profiles. The migration assistant also supports bulk migration of instances to OS Management Hub.

  • Create the necessary OS Management Hub resources and resolve any compatibility issues to ensure a successful migration. For more information, see Migration Workflow.
  • Verify the instances are using Oracle Cloud Agent version 1.40 or later. OS Management Hub requires minimum Oracle Cloud Agent version 1.40. For instances using platform images released before April 2024, upgrade the Oracle Cloud Agent to 1.40 or later.

For simplicity and efficiency, we recommend that you use the migration assistant tool to perform this task. For more information, see Installing the Migration Assistant.

Using the Migration Assistant

Use the osms-to-osmh migrate managed-instance command and required parameters to migrate OS Management managed instances to the OS Management Hub service.

It takes up to 20 minutes for the instance to unregister from OS Management and register with OS Management Hub as part of the migration process.

Migrating an Instance

You can migrate an OS Management managed instance to OS Management Hub by specifying the OCID assigned to the instance.

For example:

osms-to-osmh migrate managed-instance --managed-instance-id ocid 

The command first checks to see if the managed instances have already migrated over to OS Management Hub. If so, no further action is required. If not, the command then prompts you for the profile to use for registering the instance with OS Management Hub.

The following is sample output:

$ osms-to-osmh migrate managed-instance --managed-instance-id ocid1.instance.oc1..<unique_ID>
Migrating instance: ocid1.instance.oc1..<unique_ID>

Fetching compatible profiles for instance
Available profiles:
S.No.  Name     Profile Type  
-----  -------  --------------  
1      ol9-arm  SOFTWARESOURCE
Select a profile: 1
Migrate ol9-mi01 to OS Management Hub with ol9-arm?  [y/n]  y
Attaching profile ol9-arm to ol9-mi01
Disabling OS Management Service Agent
Enabling OS Management Hub Agent
Registering instance with OS Management Hub..............
Instance migrated successfully
Migrating Instances in Bulk

You can migrate multiple OS Management managed instances to OS Management Hub with the same profile by specifying a comma separated list of instance OCIDs and the profile OCID. You can bulk migrate up to 5 instances directly on the command line.

For example:

osms-to-osmh migrate managed-instance --managed-instance-id ocid1,ocid2,ocid3 --profile profile -y

If you have more than 5 instances to migrate or have instances using varying profiles, you can perform a bulk migration of OS Management managed instances to OS Management Hub using a JSON map. See Option Details for information about the JSON map file format.

For example:

osms-to-osmh migrate managed-instance --mi-profile-map file://json_file -y

Bulk migrations run in parallel. You can control the number of instances that migrate in parallel with the --threads option (the default is 3).

The Status column changes as the instances goes through their migration phases. The following is sample output showing instances that are going through the validation stage of the migration.

OCID                             Status                                                
------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------  
ocid1.instance.oc1..<unique_ID>  Validating Instance (This might take up to 20 minutes)
ocid1.instance.oc1..<unique_ID>  Validating Instance (This might take up to 20 minutes)
ocid1.instance.oc1..<unique_ID>  Validating Instance (This might take up to 20 minutes)

When the bulk migration is done, the Status column updates to Done.

OCID                             Status                                                
-------------------------------  ------  
ocid1.instance.oc1..<unique_ID>  Done
ocid1.instance.oc1..<unique_ID>  Done
ocid1.instance.oc1..<unique_ID>  Done

Successfully migrated 3 instances


osms-to-osmh [--threads number] migrate managed-instance --managed-instance-id ocid [--profile ocid] [--mi-profile-map map]  [-y | --yes] [ --help]

Option Details

Parameter Description
--threads number Sets the number of instances to be migrated in parallel. The range is from 2 to 10 (the default is 3).
--managed-instance-id ocid

Migrates the managed instance from OS Management to OS Management Hub. For ocid, specify the OCID assigned to the managed instance.

Specify a comma separated list of OCIDs to migrate more than one managed instance. You can specify up to 5 instance OCIDs.

--profile ocid

Specifies the registration profile to associate with the managed instances being migrated to OS Management Hub. For ocid, specify the OCID assigned to the profile.

If this optional parameter isn't specified, the command prompts you to specify a profile.

--mi-profile-map map

Specifies JSON input for associating managed instances with profiles for batch migration, For map, specify a JSON string or file path to a JSON file. The JSON input format is as follows:

-y | --yes Proceeds with actions required to migrate the instance without prompting you for confirmation.
--help Displays help information about the migration assistant command, such as the available options and the supported values for each option.

Using the Console

  1. Open the navigation menu, click Compute, and then click Instances.
  2. Click the instance that you're interested in.
  3. Click the Oracle Cloud Agent tab.
  4. For the OS Management Service Agent plugin, toggle the Enable Plugin switch to Disable.

    This step disables the OS Management Service Agent plugin on the instance. It takes up to 10 minutes for the change to take effect.

  5. Enable the OS Management Hub Agent plugin.
    1. For the OS Management Hub plugin, toggle the Enable Plugin switch to Enable.
    2. Select a profile to register the instance.

      It takes up to 10 minutes for the change to take effect.

  6. Create the scheduled jobs in OS Management Hub that you identified in the discovery stage.

For more information about how to enable and run plugins, see Managing Plugins with Oracle Cloud Agent.