Other Tasks

Here are some topics on various other tasks in the Visual Flow Designer, including user authentication, auto-numbering, resource bundles, creating input forms, creating custom parameters, and importing and exporting flows.

User Authorization

At certain points in a flow, you may wish to enforce user authorization.

You accomplish this by doing the following:

  1. On the states where you want to enforce authorization, set the Requires Authorization property to True. This property is on the General tab of the state's property inspector.

    If a user that reaches such a state hasn't authorized yet, the Authorize using OAuth state is invoked, and then the flow invokes the state that required authorization.

  2. Create an authorization component and map it to the flow's Authorize User standard transition event:
    1. Select the flow and then select the flow's Flow tab.
    2. Double-click the Events tile for the flow to expand it.
    3. Mouse over the Authorize User tile, click the ellipsis (…) button that appears, and select Add State.
    4. From the Security category of the template picker, select a component, provide a name for the state, and click Insert.

      See Security Templates for details of each of the available templates.

    5. In the component's property inspector, configure the component's properties, including its transition actions.

Auto Numbering Response Items

You can use the auto-numbering feature to prefix buttons and list options with numbers in your responses.

When users can’t use tap gestures, they can still trigger the button’s postback actions by entering a number. This feature is particularly helpful for text channels.

You configure auto numbering at the skill level.

To configure auto numbering:

  1. In the left navigation of the skill, select Settings icon.
  2. Select the Configuration tab.
  3. Set the value of Enable Auto Numbering on Postback Actions in Task Flows.

    If you want to turn on auto numbering for all channels, set the value to true.

    If you want to turn auto numbering on only for certain channels, provide an expression to determine which channels will get auto numbering. For example, to turn on auto numbering only for Twilio channels, you would enter:


Limiting the Number of User Prompts

You can keep ensure that users don't get stuck on a step in a dialog flow by configuring that component to limit the number of times it repeats a prompt to the user.

The maxPrompts property limits the number of times that Common Response components can prompt the user when they can’t match the input value to any of the values defined for the entity or input type that’s referenced by the variable property. You can use this property to prevent your dialog from going in circles when users repeatedly enter invalid values. You can set the maximum number of prompts using an integer . The dialog moves onto the next state if the user enters a valid value before reaching this limit. Otherwise, the dialog transitions to the state defined by the cancel action.

Resource Bundles and the Visual Flow Designer

You can use resource bundles to store any user-visible strings that you add to your dialog flow.

You reference resource bundle message keys through the variable rb. A reference to a simple resource bundle message takes either of the following two forms:

  • ${skill.system.rb.RB_ENTRY_NAME}
  • ${rb.RB_ENTRY_NAME}
For more on resource bundles, including information on creating the resource bundle entries themselves and using complex message formats, see Resource Bundles for Skills.


Autocompletion helps you select the resource bundles referenced in Apache FreeMarker expressions.
Description of autocomplete-resource-bundle-expression.png follows

Modify a Resource Bundle Entry

  1. In the skill, click Resource Bundles icon to open the Resources Bundle.
  2. Select the Configuration tab.
  3. Using the Filter field, navigate to the entry that you want to update.
  4. Mouse over the value for the key and select the Editicon that appears.
  5. In the Text field, enter the updated message.
  6. Click Update Entry.

User Input Form Messages

In dialog flows, you can also create create input forms.

Sometimes an input form is the quickest and least error-prone way of collecting user information. Rather than a subjecting users to a volley of questions, your skill can guide users to providing valid input by sending them forms that contain input elements like text input fields, time and date pickers and toggle switches.
Description of editable-form-example.png follows

Wherever the conversation flow calls for a message containing an input form, you can insert one by adding an inputForm state:
  1. From the Add State dialog, choose User Messaging > Create Tables and Forms. Then choose Create Input Form.
  2. To create the form's layout, actions and editable and read only fields, first click Edit Response Items and then edit the ResponseItems metadata template. In this case, the template is for the editForm response item.
      - type: editForm
        title: Input Form
        formColumns: 2
          - autoSubmit: false
            displayType: textInput
            defaultValue: "${(submittedFields.value.myText)!''}"
            multiLine: false
            minLength: 5
            name: myText
            label: Text
            placeholder: Enter free text
            clientErrorMessage: Field is required and must be between 5 and 50 characters
            required: true
            maxLength: 50
          - validationRegularExpression: "^[a-zA-Z\\s]*$"
            autoSubmit: false
            displayType: textInput
            defaultValue: "${(submittedFields.value.myTextArea)!''}"
            multiLine: true
            name: myTextArea
            label: Text Area
            placeholder: Enter free text
            clientErrorMessage: Numbers are not allowed
          - autoSubmit: false
            displayType: datePicker
            minDate: "1970-01-01"
            defaultValue: "${(submittedFields.value.myDate)!''}"
            name: myDate
            maxDate: "${.now?iso_utc[0..9]}"
            label: Date
            placeholder: Pick a date in the past
            clientErrorMessage: Date is required and must be in the past.
            required: true
          - autoSubmit: false
            maxTime: "12:00"
            displayType: timePicker
            minTime: "00:00"
            defaultValue: "${(submittedFields.value.myTime)!''}"
            name: myTime
            label: Time
            placeholder: Pick a time in the morning
            clientErrorMessage: Time must be in the morning.
            required: false
          - autoSubmit: false
            displayType: numberInput
            minValue: 5
            maxValue: 500
            defaultValue: "${(submittedFields.value.myNumber)!''}"
            name: myNumber
            label: Number
            placeholder: Enter a number between 5 and 500
            clientErrorMessage: Number is required and must be between 5 and 500.
            required: true
          - autoSubmit: false
            displayType: singleSelect
            defaultValue: "${(submittedFields.value.mySingleSelect)!''}"
            name: mySingleSelect
              - label: Label 1
                value: Value 1
              - label: Label 2
                value: Value 2
              - label: Label 3
                value: Value 3
            layoutStyle: list
            label: Single Select
            clientErrorMessage: Field is required
            required: true
          - autoSubmit: false
            displayType: multiSelect
            defaultValue: "${(submittedFields.value.myMultiSelect?join(','))!''}"
            name: myMultiSelect
              - label: Label 1
                value: Value 1
              - label: Label 2
                value: Value 2
              - label: Label 3
                value: Value 3
            layoutStyle: list
            label: Multi Select
            clientErrorMessage: Field is required
            required: true
          - displayType: toggle
            defaultValue: "${(submittedFields.value.myToggle)!'true'}"
            name: myToggle
            labelOn: "Yes"
            label: Toggle
            valueOff: "false"
            labelOff: "No"
            valueOn: "true"
          - label: Submit
            type: submitForm
          - channel: "${system.channelType}"
              replaceMessage: "${system.message.messagePayload.type == 'formSubmission'}"

The Edit Forms Metadata Template

Here are some things to note about template for the editForm response type:
  • The properties provided for the items, actions and channelCustomProperties are all specific to the editFormMessagePayload objects. Among other things, this payload contains descriptions of the overall layout of the input form message that's received by the user, the form fields (both read only and editable), and channel-specific customizations for platform-specific UI rendering and form submission behavior.
  • For each item and within the actions node, the template references a flow-level variable called submittedFields that holds the user input. This is a map variable that's generated when you add an inputForm state to the dialog flow.

    Depending on your needs, you can reference individual variables or a composite bag variable in place of the submittedFields variable.
  • items:
    • While the template provides properties for the editable fields (single and multiselect fields, date and time pickers, the number input field and the toggle switch), you can also add items for the text and link read only elements.
    • The editable fields share a set of common properties, including the autoSubmit property. This is an optional property, but enabling it (autoSubmit: true) allows the form to submit a field value before the user has actually submitted the entire form. You can use this property for interdependent fields within your form. For example, you can set this property when the display of one field depends on a value entered in another field, or when a value set for one field restricts the input allowed in another field.

      Microsoft Teams does not support autoSubmit.
    • The optional clientErrorMessage property sets the field-specific error message that displays when there is limited client-side validation or when client-side validation fails. For example, for messages sent through the Slack channel, this property is only supported when the form is within the conversation page. It does not display when the form message is in a modal dialog.

      This property is mainly intended for Microsoft Teams adaptive cards, which limits you to use a single message for all different field-level errors.
  • actions - Within this node, the template describes the form submission actions that submit the user input through the FormSubmissionMessagePayload.
  • channelCustomProperties - To support a multi-mode experience, where the user might use combinations of text and voice to fill in the form fields before submitting the form, the template includes the replaceMessage property configuration that instructs the client channel to update the current input form message instead of adding a new input form to the conversation.

Input Form Fields

Element Example Sample Code: Map Variable (submittedFields) Editable?
Single-select List Allows users to search for, and select, an item from a predefined list. You can style this component as a list of options which users can query for, and select.
Description of single-select.png follows

 - displayType: singleSelect
        defaultValue: "${(submittedFields.value.Type)!''}"
        name: Type
          - iteratorVariable: option
            iteratorExpression: "${expenseType.type.enumValues?split(',')}"
            label: "${option}"
            value: "${option}"
        layoutStyle: list
        label: Expense Type
        placeholder: Select expense type
        clientErrorMessage: Expense type is required
        required: true
Multiselect List A list that supports multiple selections. You can style this component as a pick list that users can filter and select from, or as a set of checkboxes.
Description of multi-select-edit-form.png follows

 - displayType: multiSelect
        defaultValue: "${(submittedFields.value.Attendees?join(','))!''}"
        name: Attendees
          - iteratorVariable: option
            iteratorExpression: "${attendee.type.enumValues?split(',')}"
            label: "${option}"
            value: "${option}"
        layoutStyle: list
        label: Attendees
        placeholder: Select attendees
Time Picker Allows the user to enter a time value within a specified range. The component's maxTime and minTime properties validate the user input.
Description of time-picker.png follows

      - displayType: timePicker
        defaultValue: "${(submittedFields.value.Time.value?time.xs?string['hh:mm a'])!''}"
        maxTime: "23:00"
        minTime: "13:00"
        name: Time
        label: Expense Time
        placeholder: What time was the expense?
        clientErrorMessage: This time is outside the limits.
        required: true
Date Picker A field with a drop down calender that allows users to select a day, month, and year. The component's maxDate and minDate properties validate the user input.
Description of date-picker.png follows

 - displayType: datePicker
        defaultValue: "${(submittedFields.value.Date)!''}"
        name: Date
        maxDate: "${.now?iso_utc[0..9]}"
        label: Expense Date
        placeholder: Pick a date in the past
        clientErrorMessage: Expense date is required and must be in the past.
        required: true
Number Input Allows the user to enter a number value. The minValue and maxValue properties validate the user input.
Description of number-input.png follows

     - displayType: numberInput
        minValue: 5
        serverErrorMessage: "${(amountError.value)!''}"
        maxValue: 500
        defaultValue: "${(submittedFields.value.Amount)!''}"
        name: Amount
        label: Amount
        placeholder: Enter expense amount
        clientErrorMessage: Amount is required and must be between 5 and 500.
        required: true
Text Input Allows the user to enter a text value.
Description of text-input.png follows

      - displayType: textInput
        multiLine: true
        defaultValue: "${(submittedFields.value.Description)!''}"
        minLength: 10
        name: Description
        label: Description
        placeholder: What is the expense justification?
        clientErrorMessage: "Description must be 10 characters minimum, 50 characters maximum."
        maxLength: 50
        required: true
      - displayType: textInput
        multiLine: true
        defaultValue: "${(submittedFields.value.Notes)!''}"
        minLength: 10
        name: Notes
        inputStyle: email
        label: Notes
        placeholder: Expense notes (optional)
        maxLength: 50
        required: false
Toggle Presents a toggle switch (or a radio button grouping, depending on the channel) for two options.
Description of edit-form-toggle.png follows

      - displayType: toggle
        defaultValue: "false"
        name: TipIncluded
        labelOn: Tip
        label: Tip Included?
        valueOff: "false"
        labelOff: No Tip
        valueOn: "true"
Text Read only inline text
Description of text-read-only.png follows

      - displayType: text
        alignment: left
        value: Read our expenses policy.
No – Read only
Link An inline link
Description of link-read-only.png follows

      - displayType: link
        alignment: left
        value: "http:www.oracle.com"
No – Read only
Action One of the Action types (link, button, or icon). In the following snippet, an action link is rendered, when the value for the selectedOrder variable is slotted with the value of the item row.
- displayType: action
    displayType: link
        selectedOrder: "${item.SO_CUSTOMER_PO_NUMBER}"
        action: order
       label: "${item.SO_CUSTOMER_PO_NUMBER}"
       type: postback
       label: CUSTOMER PO NUMBER
No – Read only

Custom Parameters

In your skill, you can define customer parameters to be referenced from dialog flows.

After you have published the skill, you can change the values of these parameters (though you can not change other parameter details or add or delete parameters).

Custom parameters are exposed as skill.system.config variables for use in the dialog flow definition. For example, a custom parameter named faHostName would be accessed with the following expression:


If you want to be able to set the value for a skill's parameter in the digital assistant that you add the skill to, preface the parameter name with da. (including the dot (.)). For example, you could use da.faHostName as the name for a parameter for a host name.

Using this approach, you can define parameters with the same names in multiple skills, add all of those skills to a digital assistant, and then set the values for the shared parameters in one place in the digital assistant.

To access a parameter from a custom component, define an input parameter in the custom component and then pass the value of the skill parameter to it.


You can't set the values of custom parameters (or any other variables prefixed with skill.system.config directly in the dialog flow or in custom components.

Create a Custom Parameter

  1. Click icon to open the side menu to open the side menu, select Development > Skills, and select your skill.
  2. In the skill’s left navigation, click the Settings icon.
  3. Click the Configuration tab.
  4. Click New Parameter and fill in the fields of the dialog that appears.

Secure Parameters

If your skill relies on a parameter, the value of which you don't want to be visible to others who are developing that skill or versions or clones that skill, you can designate that parameter as a secure parameter. Anybody who then navigates to the Settings page in the skill can see the name of the parameter, but not the value.

If you export the skill, the value of the parameter is not included in the export.

To create a secure parameter:

  • In the Create Parameter dialog, select Secure from the Type dropdown.

Modify the Value for a Custom Parameter in a Published Skill

Once you have published a skill, you can't add or delete custom parameters, but you can change their values. To do so:

  1. Click icon to open the side menu to open the side menu, select Development > Skills, and select your skill.

  2. In the skill’s left navigation, click the Settings icon.

  3. Select the Configuration tab.
  4. Select the parameter, click Edit, and enter the updated value.


If you have added a skill with a parameter that is prefaced with da. to a digital assistant and you want to update the value that is used by the digital assistant, you need to do so in the digital assistant. Otherwise, the digital assistant will keep using the value that the parameter had at the time when it was added to the digital assistant. Changing the value in the skill will only affect the skill if it is used standalone or if it is later added to a different digital assistant.

Set the Value for a Parameter in Digital Assistant

After a skill has been published and has been added to a digital assistant, you can set the value in the digital assistant for any of the skill's parameters that are prefixed with da. (including the period (.)).

If a "da." parameter with the same name is defined in multiple skills in the digital assistant, the value of that parameter is shared between the skills in the digital assistant.

To set the value for a parameter in a digital assistant:

  1. Click icon to open the side menu to open the side menu, select Development > Digital Assistants, and select your digital assistant.
  2. In the digital assistant's left navigation, click Skills icon.
  3. Select one of the skills that uses the parameter.
  4. Scroll down to the Parameters section of the page and enter a value for the parameter.

    The updated parameter value will be applied for all skills that use the parameter.

Import and Export Flows

You can import and export Visual Mode dialog flows using the Import Flow and Export Selected Flow options from the More menu.

Description of more-flow-options.png follows

Export Flows

You can export a flow by first selecting it, and then clicking More > Export Selected Flow. The exported dialog flow is a YAML representation of the dialog. This document is named for the skill and flow and appended with -Flow ( PizzaSkill-pizza.ans.proc.veggiePizza-Flow.yaml, for example). Its YAML syntax conforms to Visual Dialog Mode, not the OBotML written for skills created in the YAML mode. When you export a flow, you export this document only. It will not be accompanied by any of the following dependencies, even if they are referenced.
  • The security service referenced by security component states.
  • Services for various service integration states
  • Translation services
  • Intents, entities, resource bundles
  • Referenced task flows
When imported, the flow will run properly if the skill already has the referenced artifacts. Otherwise, the import will throw validation errors.

You can export any flow except for the main flow.
An example of the YAML representation of the Visual Dialog Mode is as follows:
name: "WineryChats"
trackingId: "D6BFE43B-D774-412A-91F6-4582D04B3375"
type: "task"
version: "2.0"
  - "done"
- name: "redWineCard"
  type: "map"
  system: false
    system.outOfOrderMessage: "outOfOrderMessageHandler"
    system.startTaskFlow: "buildRedWineMenu"
    component: "System.SetVariable"
      variable: "redWineCard"
        Cabernet Sauvignon:
          image: "https://cdn.pixabay.com/photo/2016/05/24/16/16/wine-1412603__340.jpg"
          price: 35
          description: "Flavor of dark fruits like black cherry and blackberry along with a warm spice, vanilla and black pepper"
          title: "Cabernet Sauvignon"

Import Flows

You can import a flow by clicking More > Import flow and then browsing to, and selecting, a YAML document formatted for the Visual Dialog Mode. These flows can be the YAML documents generated when you export a dialog flow (the ones with names formatted as <skill name> - <flow name> -Flow.yaml ), or they can be the YAML files located in the dialogs folder of an exported ZIP file for a skill built using Visual Dialog Mode. You can't import an OBotML document directly. You must migrate the skill first.

There are some exceptions to the flows that can import.
  • You can't import a main flow (the System.MainFlow.yaml file located in the dialogs folder of an exported ZIP file for a Visual Dialog Mode skill.
  • You can't import a flow that already exists in the skill or in your instance. If the flow already exists, you can upload the YAML document by changing the value for the name node.
    name: "WineryChats"
    trackingId: "D6BFE43B-D774-412A-91F6-4582D04B3375"
    type: "task"
    However, you may instead want to duplicate the flow (Menu > Duplicate Selected Flow) rather than edit the YAML.
You can successfully import a flow even if it references artifacts like entities, intents, resources bundles, or backend services that are not present in the skill. However, these imports will result in validation errorsThis is an image of the warning icon.. To get a list of the validation errors, click View validation findings in the error messages that display after the import.
This is an image of the import flow validation error message.