
Here are the features that you can configure in the Oracle iOS SDK.

Absolute and Relative Timestamps

  • Feature flag: enableTimestamp
  • Feature flag: timestampMode

You can enable absolute or relative timestamps for chat messages. Absolute timestamps display the exact time for each message. Relative timestamps display only on the latest message and express the time in terms of the seconds, days, hours, months, or years ago relative to the previous message.The precision afforded by absolute timestamps make them ideal for archival tasks, but within the limited context of a chat session, this precision detracts from the user experience because users must compare timestamps to find out the passage of time between messages. Relative timestamps allow users to track the conversation easily through terms like Just Now and A few moments ago that can be immediately understood. Relative timestamps improve the user experience in another way while also simplifying your development tasks: because relative timestamps mark the messages in terms of seconds, days, hours, months, or years ago, you don't need to convert them for timezones.

Configure Relative Timestamps

To add a relative timestamp, enableTimestamp must be enabled (true) and timestampMode, which controls the style of timestamp, must be timestampMode.relative. By setting timestampMode.relative, an absolute timestamp displays before the first message of the day as a header. This header displays when the conversation has not been cleared and older messages are still available in the history.

This timestamp is updated at following regular intervals (seconds, minutes, etc.) until a new message is received.
  • For first 10s
  • Between 10s-60s
  • Every minute between 1m-60m
  • Every hour between 1hr-24hr
  • Every day between 1d-30d
  • Every month between 1m-12m
  • Every year after first year
When a new message is loaded into the chat, the relative timestamp on the previous message is removed and a new timestamp appears on the new message displaying the time relative to the previous message. At that point, the relative timestamp updates until the next messages arrives.

Actions Layout

Use the BotsProperties.actionsLayout configuration settings to display the action buttons in horizontal or vertical layouts. The layout can be set for local actions, global actions, card actions, and form actions. The default value is horizontal for all action types.

BotsProperties.actionsLayout = ActionsLayout(local: .horizontal,global: .vertical,card: .horizontal,form: .horizontal)

Agent Avatars

For skills integrated with live agent support, the agentAvatar setting enables the display of an avatar icon for the messages sent by the agents. You configure this with the URL of the icon that displays alongside the agent messages.

Dynamically Update Avatars and Agent Details

You can enable the user and agent avatars to be dynamically updated at runtime using the setUserAvatar(avatarAsset : String), getAgentDetails(), and setUserAvatar(avatarAsset : String).

Set the User Avatar

The setPersonAvatar(avatarAsset : String) enables the dynamic updating of the user avatar at runtime. This method sets the user avatar for the all the messages, including previous messages. The avatarAsset can be:
  • The name of the asset from the project Assets folder.
  • An external link to the image source as shown in the following example.
BotsUIManager.shared().setPersonAvatar(avatarAsset: "https://picsum.photos/200/300")
BotsUIManager.shared().setPersonAvatar(avatarAsset: "userAvatarInAssetsFolder") 

Set the Agent Details

You can customize the agent details using the setAgentDetails(agentDetails: AgentDetails) API. Along with the agent name, the other attributes that you can use this API to customize are text color and the avatar. If no agent avatar has been configured, the avatar can be configured dynamically with the agent name initials. You can also customize the color of these initials and background color. The getAgentDetails() API retrieves the current agent details.

Although these APIs can be called at any time, we recommended using them with either the onReceiveMessage() or beforeDisplay() events.

setAgentDetails(agentDetails: AgentDetails)

To override the agent details received from server, use this API as follows:

All of the parameters of the AgentDetails object are optional.
// to override avatar , name and name text colorlet agentDetails = AgentDetails(name: "Bob", avatarImage: "https://picsum.photos/200/300", nameTextColor: .red)
// to override avatar , namelet agentDetails = AgentDetails(name: "Bob", avatarImage: "https://picsum.photos/200/300")
// to override avatar, name, name text color,avatar initials color , avatar background let agentDetails = AgentDetails(name: "Bob", nameTextColor: .red,avatarTextColor: .blue,avatarBackgroundColor: .green)
BotsUIManager.shared().setAgentDetails(agentDetails: agentDetails)
Additionally, each property of the AgentDetails object can be modified. For example:
let agentDetails = AgentDetails()
agentDetails.name = "Bob"
agentDetails.avatarImage = "agentAvatar"
agentDetails.nameTextColor = .red
agentDetails.avatarBackgroundColor = .green
agentDetails.avatarTextColor = .brown
BotsUIManager.shared().setAgentDetails(agentDetails: agentDetails)


Returns an object containing the agent details.
let agentDetails = BotsUIManager.shared().getAgentDetails()

Attachment Filtering

Feature flag: shareMenuConfiguration

Use shareMenuConfiguration to restrict, or filter, the item types that are available in the share menu popup, set the file size limit in KB for uploads (such as 1024 in the following snippet), and customize the menu’s icons and labels. The default and the max limit is 25 MB.

Before you can configure shareMenuConfiguration, you must set enableAttachment to true.
botsConfiguration.shareMenuConfiguration = ([ShareMenuItem.files, ShareMenuItem.camera, ShareMenuItem.location], [ShareMenuCustomItem(types: [String(kUTTypePDF)], label: "PDF Files", maxSize: 1024), ShareMenuCustomItem(types: [String(kUTTypeText)], label: "Text Files")])
For the types, you have to use the CFString for the corresponding file type and convert it to String. Any other string will not be valid. You can allow users to upload all file types by setting the types as String(kUTTypeItem).

public func shareMenuItems(shareMenuItems: ([ShareMenuItem], [ShareMenuCustomItem]))

You can dynamically update the share menu items popup by calling the BotsManager.shared().shareMenuItems(shareMenuItems: ([ShareMenuItem], [ShareMenuCustomItem])) API.
BotsManager.shared().shareMenuItems([ShareMenuItem.files, ShareMenuItem.camera, ShareMenuItem.location], [ShareMenuCustomItem(types: [String(kUTTypePDF)], label: "PDF Files", maxSize: 1024), ShareMenuCustomItem(types: [String(kUTTypeText)], label: "Text Files")])

public func shareMenuItems() -> ([ShareMenuItem], [ShareMenuCustomItem])

This method returns the existing configuration of share menu items.

Auto-Submitting a Field

When a field has the autoSubmit property set to true, the client sends a FormSubmissionMessagePayload with the submittedField map containing either the valid field values that have been entered so far. Any fields that are not set yet (regardless of whether they are required), or fields that violate a client-side validation are not included in the submittedField map. If the auto-submitted field itself contains a value that's not valid, then the submission message is not sent and the client error message displays for that particular field. When an auto-submit succeeds, the partialSubmitField in the form submission message will be set to the id of the autoSubmit field.

Connect, Disconnect, and Destroy Methods

The skill can be connected or disconnected, or the SDK can be destroyed, using the public func destroy(), public func disconnect(), and the public func connect() methods.

public func destroy()

Destroys the SDK by closing any active connection, voice recognition, speech synthesis, file uploads, and by removing the SDK view controller. Once called, none of the public API methods can be called. They will only be active again after the initialize(botsConfiguration: BotsConfiguration, completionHandler: @escaping (ConnectionStatus, Error?) -> ()) method is called again to initialize the SDK.

public func disconnect()

All network connections are closed after calling the disconnect method.

public func connect()

The web socket connection is established if the skill was in a disconnected state.

public func connect(botsConfiguration: BotsConfiguration)

When this method is called with a new BotsConfiguration, the existing web socket connection is closed, and a new connection is established using the new channel properties. Other properties set in BotsConfiguration remain as is.
var botsConfiguration = BotsConfiguration(url: url, userId: userId, channelId: channelId)
BotsManager.shared().connect(botsConfiguration: botsConfiguration)

Default Client Responses

Feature flag: enableDefaultClientResponse

Use enableDefaultClientResponse: true to provide default client-side responses accompanied by a typing indicator when the skill response has been delayed, or when there's no skill response at all. If the user sends out the first message/query, but the skill does not respond with the number of seconds set by defaultGreetingTimeout, the skill can display a greeting message that's configured using the odais_default_greeting_message translation string. Next, the client checks again for the skill's response. The client displays the skill's response if it has been received, but if it hasn't, then the client displays a wait message (configured with the odais_default_wait_message translation string) at intervals set by the defaultWaitMessageInterval flag. When the wait for the skill response exceeds the threshold set by the typingStatusTimeout flag, the client displays a sorry response to the user and stops the typing indicator. You can configure the sorry response using the odais_default_sorry_message translation string.


The delegation feature lets you set a delegate to receive callbacks before certain events in the conversation. To set a delegate, a class must conform to the BotsMessageServiceDelegate protocol and implement the following methods:

public func beforeDisplay(message: [String: Any]?) -> [String: Any]?

This method allows a skill’s message payload to be modified before it is displayed in the conversation. The message payload returned by the method is used to display the message. If it returns nil, then the message is not displayed.

public func beforeSend(message: [String: Any]?) -> [String: Any]?

This method allows a user message payload to be modified before it is sent to the chat server. The message payload returned by the method is sent to the skill. If it returns nil, then the message is not sent.

public func beforeSendPostback(action: [String: Any]?) -> [String: Any]?

The public func beforeSendPostback(action: [String: Any]?) -> [String: Any]? allows a postback action payload to be modified before it is sent to the chat server. The action payload returned by the method is sent to the skill. If it returns nil, then the postback action selected by the user is not sent to the chat server.
public class ViewController: UIViewController, BotsMessageServiceDelegate {
    func beforeSend(message: [String : Any]?) -> [String : Any]? {
        // Handle before send delegate here
    func beforeDisplay(message: [String : Any]?) -> [String : Any]? {
        // Handle before display delegate here
    func beforeSendPostback(action: [String : Any]?) -> [String : Any]? {
        // Handle before send postback action delegate here
The instance, which conforms to the BotsMessageServiceDelegate protocol, should be assigned to the BotsManager.shared().delegate property as shown in the following code snippet for initializing the SDK:
BotsManager.shared().delegate = self

End the Chat Session

Feature flag: enableEndConversation

enableEndConversation, when set to true, adds a close button to the header view that enables users to explicitly end the current chat session. A confirmation prompt dialog opens when users click this close button and when they confirm the close action, the SDK sends an event message to the skill that marks the end of the chat session. The SDK then disconnects the skill from the instance, collapses the chat widget, and erases the current user's conversation history. The SDK also raises a chatend event in the BotsEventListener protocol that you can implement.

Opening the chat widget afterward starts a new chat session.


The conversation can also be ended by calling BotsManager.shared().endChat() method, which you can use when the SDK is initialized in the headless mode.

Headless SDK

The SDK can be used without its UI. The SDK maintains the connection to server and provides APIs to send messages, receive messages, and get updates for the network status and for other services. You can use the APIs to interact with the SDK and update the UI.

You can send a message using any of the send() APIs available in BotsManager class. For example, public func send(message: UserMessage) sends text message to skill or digital assistant.

public func send(message: UserMessage)

This function sends a message to the skill. Its message parameter is an instance of a class which conforms to the UserMessage class. In this case, it is UserTextMessage.BotsManager.shared().send(message: UserTextMessage(text: "I want to order a pizza", type: .text))


To listen for the connection status change, a message received from skill and attachment upload status events, a class can implement the BotsEventListener protocol which then implements the following methods:
  • onStatusChange(ConnectionStatus connectionStatus) – This method is called when the WebSocket connection status changes. Its connectionStatus parameter is the current status of the connection. Refer to the API docs included in the SDK for more details about the ConnectionStatus enum.
  • onReceiveMessage(message: BotsMessage) – This method is called when a new message is received from the skill. Its message parameter is the message received from the skill. Refer to the API docs included in the SDK for more details about the BotsMessage class.
  • onUploadAttachment(message: BotsAttachmentMessage) – This method is called when an attachment upload has completed. Its message parameter is the BotsAttachmentMessage object for the uploaded attachment.
  • onDestroy() – This method is called when the destroy() method is called.
  • onInitialize() – This method is called when the initialize(botsConfiguration: BotsConfiguration, completionHandler: @escaping (ConnectionStatus, Error?) -> ()) method is called. It takes the following parameter:
    • newLanguage – The SupportedLanguage object for the newly set chat language.
  • beforeEndConversation() – This method is called when the end conversation session is initiated.
  • chatEnd() – A callback method triggered after conversation has ended successfully.
extension ViewController: BotsEventListener {
    func onReceiveMessage(message: BotsMessage) {
        // Handle the messages received from skill or Digital Assistant

    func onUploadAttachment(message: BotsAttachmentMessage) {
        // Handle the post attachment upload actions

    func onStatusChange(connectionStatus: ConnectionStatus) {
        // Handle the connection status change

    func onInitialize() {
        //Handle initialization

    func onDestroy() {
        //Handle destroy

    func onChatLanguageChange(newLanguage: SupportedLanguage) {
        //Handle the language change.

    func beforeEndConversation(completionHandler: @escaping (EndConversationStatus) -> Void) {
        //Do the desired cleanup before session is closed.
        return completionHandler(.success) // if cleanup was successfull.
        return completionHandler(.success) // if there was en error cleaning up.
     func chatEnd() {
        //Handle successfull session end from server before the SDK is destroyed.
The instance which conforms to the BotsEventListener protocol should be assigned to the BotsManager.shared().botsEventListener property as illustrated in the following code snippet for initializing the SDK:
BotsManager.shared().botsEventListener = self

In-Widget Webview

UI Property: LinkHandler

You can configure the link behavior in chat messages to allow users to access web pages from within the chat widget. Instead of having to switch from the conversation to view a page in a tab or separate browser window, a user can remain in the chat because the chat widget opens the link within a webview.

Configure the In-Widget Webview

UI Property: WebViewConfig

You can set the webview configuration by setting the LinkHandler property to LinkHandlerType.webview. WebViewConfig can be set to a WebViewConfiguration struct instance.
BotsProperties.LinkHandler = LinkHandlerType.webview
//Set the properties which you want changed from the default values.
BotsProperties.WebViewConfig.webViewSize = WebViewSize.full
BotsProperties.WebViewConfig.clearButtonLabelColor = UIColor.black
As illustrated in this code snippet, you can set the following attributes for the webview.
Attribute Settings
webViewSize Sets the screen size of the in-widget webview window with WebviewSize attribute, which has two values: parial (WebviewSize.partial) and full (WebviewSizeWindow.full).
clearButtonLabel Sets the text used for clear/close button in the top right corner of webview. The default text is taken from the string set to odais_done in the Localizable.strings file.
clearButtonIcon Sets an icon for the clear button, which appears left-aligned inside the button. By default, there's no icon set for the clear button. It's an empty string.
clearButtonLabelColor Sets the color of text of clear button label. The default color is UIColor.white.
clearButtonColor Sets the background color for the clear button. The default color is UIColor.clear.
webviewHeaderColor Sets the background color for webview header.
webviewTitleColor Sets the color of title in the header. The title is the URL of the web link that has been opened.

Message Timestamp Formatting

The timestampFormat flag formats timestamps that display in the messages. It can accept a string consisting of format tokens like "hh:mm:ss" and other formats supported by the Swift DateFormatter.

Multi-Lingual Chat

Feature flag: multiLangChat

The iOS SDK's native language enables the chat widget to detect a user's language or allow users to select the conversation language. Users can switch between languages, but only in between conversations, not during a conversation because the conversation gets reset whenever a user selects a new language.

Enable the Language Menu

You can enable a menu that allows users to select a preferred language from a dropdown menu by defining the multiLangChat property with an object containing the supportedLanguages array, which is comprised of language tags (lang) and optional display labels (label). Outside of this array, you can optionally set the default language with the primaryLanguage variable (MultiLangChat(primaryLanguage: String) in the following snippet).
    botsConfiguration.multiLangChat = MultiLangChat(
                SupportedLanguage.init(lang: "en", label: "English"),
                SupportedLanguage.init(lang: "fr"),
                SupportedLanguage.init(lang: "fr-CA", label: "French (Canada)")
            primaryLanguage: "fr-CA"

To properly format language and region codes in localizable .lproj (localization project) files, use a dash (-) as the separator, not an underscore (_). For example, use fr-CA, not fr_CA. This aligns with how the .lproj files are created in the app. When the SDK searches for an .lproj file, it first tries to locate one with the exact languageCode-Region.lproj format. If it can't find such a file, the SDK searches for a languageCode.lproj file. If that is also not found, the SDK searches for a base.lproj file. When none of these can be located, the SDK defaults to using English (en).

The chat widget displays the passed-in supported languages in a dropdown menu that's located in the header. In addition to the available languages, the menu also includes a Detect Language option. When a user selects a language from this menu, the current conversation is reset, and a new conversation is started with the selected language. The language selected by the user persists across sessions in the same browser, so the user's previous language is automatically selected when the user revisits the skill through the page containing the chat widget.

You can add an event listener for the onChatLanguageChange event, which is triggered when a chat language has been selected from the dropdown menu or has been changed.

Here are some things to keep in mind when configuring multi-language support:
  • You need to define a minimum of two languages to enable the dropdown menu to display.
  • If you omit the primaryLanguage attribute, the widget automatically detects the language in the user profile and selects the Detect Language option in the menu.
  • The label key is optional for the natively supported languages: fr displays as French in the menu, es displays as Spanish, and so on.
  • While label is optional, if you've added a language that's not one of the natively supported languages, then you should add a label to identify the tag. For example, if you don't define label: 'हिंदी', for the lang: "hi", then the dropdown menu displays hi instead, contributing to a suboptimal user experience.

Disable Language Menu

Starting with Version 21.12, you can also configure and update the chat language without also having to configure the language selection dropdown menu by passing MultiLangChat(primaryLanguage: String).

Language Detection

In addition to the passed-in languages, the chat widget displays a Detect Language option in the dropdown menu. Selecting this option tells the skill to automatically detect the conversation language from the user's message and, when possible, to respond in the same language.

You can dynamically update the selected language by calling the BotsManager.shared().setPrimaryLanguage(primaryLanguage: String) API. If the passed lang matches one of the supported languages, then that language is selected. When no match can be found, Detect Language is activated. You can also activate the Detected Language option by calling BotsManager.shared().setPrimaryLanguage(primaryLanguage: "und") API, where "und" indicates undetermined or by passing primaryLanguage:nil.

You can update the chat language dynamically using the setPrimaryLanguage(primaryLanguage: String) API even when the dropdown menu has not been configured.

Multi-Lingual Chat Quick Reference

To do this... ...Do this
Display the language selection dropdown menu to end users. Pass MultiLangChat(supportedLanguages: [SupportedLanguage]).
Set the chat language without displaying the language selection dropdown menu to end users. Pass MultiLangChat(primaryLanguage: String).
Set a default language. Pass MultiLangChat(supportedLanguages: [SupportedLanguage], primaryLanguage: String).
Enable language detection. Pass primaryLanguage:nil or primaryLanguage:"und".
Dynamically update the chat language. Call the setPrimaryLanguage(primaryLanguage: String) API.

Replacing a Previous Input Form

When the end user submits the form, either because a field has autosubmit set to true, the skill can send a new EditFormMessagePayload. That message should replace the previous input form message. By setting the replaceMessage channel extension property to true, you enable the SDK to replace previous input form message with the current input form message.

Share Menu Options

By default, the share menu displays options for the following file types:
  • visual media files (images and videos)
  • audio files
  • general files like documents, PDFs, and spreadsheets
  • location
The sharePopupConfiguration setting allows you to restrict the items that display in the share menu. By passing a tuple of arrays to ShareMenuConfiguration -- shareMenuConfiguration = ([ShareMenuItem], [ShareMenuCustomItem]) -- you can restrict, or filter, the type of items that are available in the menu, customize the menu's icons and labels, and limit the upload file size. The tuple is has an array of share menu options of type ShareMenuItem and an array of share menu options of type ShareMenuCustomItem. Pass either as an empty array for all file types.

public func shareMenuItems(shareMenuItems: ([ShareMenuItem], [ShareMenuCustomItem]))

You can enable dynamic updating of the menu using the
shareMenuItems(shareMenuItems: ([ShareMenuItem], [ShareMenuCustomItem]))

public func shareMenuItems() -> ([ShareMenuItem], [ShareMenuCustomItem])

This method returns the existing configuration of share menu items.

Speech Recognition

  • Feature flag: enableSpeechRecognition
  • Functionality configuration: enableAutoSendSpeechResponse

Setting the enableSpeechRecognition feature flag to true enables the microphone button to display in place of the send button whenever the user input field is empty. The speech is converted to text and sent to the skill or digital assistant. If the speech is partially recognized, then the partial result is displayed in a popup that's opened by clicking the microphone button.

Setting this property to true also supports the functionality enabled by the enableAutoSendSpeechResponse property, which when also set to true, enables the user's speech response to be sent to the chat server automatically while displaying the response as a sent message in the chat window. You can allow users to first edit (or delete) their dictated messages before they send them manually by setting enableSpeechRecognitionAutoSend to false.

Speech recognition is utilized through the following methods:

public func startRecording()

Starts recording the user's voice message.

public func stopRecording()

Stops recording the user's message.

public func isRecording() -> Bool

Checks whether the voice recording has started or not. Returns true if the recording has started. Otherwise, it returns false.

The onSpeechResponseReceived(data: String, final: Bool) function from the BotsEventListener protocol can be used to handle all the responses from the speech server.
if (BotsManager.shared().isRecording()) {
    BotsManager.shared().stopRecording() // Stop voice recording

Speech Synthesis

  • Feature flag: enableSpeechSynthesis
  • Functionality configuration: speechSynthesisVoicePreferences
The SDK has been integrated with speech synthesis to read the skill's message aloud when a new message is received from skill.
  • You enable this feature by setting the enableSpeechSynthesis feature flag to true.
  • You can set the preferred language that read the skill's messages aloud with the speechSynthesisVoicePreferences property. This property enables a fallback when the device doesn't support the preferred language or voice. If the device does not support the preferred voice, then the default voice for the preferred language is used instead. When neither the preferred voice or language are supported, then the default voice and language are used.

public func speak(text: String)

Starts reading the skill's response aloud. Its text parameter is the text for the skill's message that's read aloud.
BotsManager.shared().speak(text: "What kind of crust do you want?")

public func stopSpeech()

Stops reading the skill's response aloud.

Speech Service Injection

Feature flag: ttsService

The ttsService feature flag allows you to inject any text-to-speech (TTS) service -- your own, or one provided by a third-party vendor -- into the SDK. To inject a TTS service, you must first set the enableSpeechSynthesis feature flag to true and then pass an instance of the TTSService interface to the ttsService flag.

The TTSService Protocol

You create an instance of a class that's an implementation of the TTSService interface. It implements the following methods:
  • speak(text: String) - This method adds the text that's to be spoken to the utterance queue. Its text parameter is the text to be spoken.
  • isSpeaking() - This method checks whether or not the audio response is being spoken. It returns false if no audio response is being spoken.
  • stopSpeech() - This method stops any ongoing speech synthesis.
   class CustomTTSService: TTSService {

        func speak(text: String) {
            // Adds text to the utterance queue to be spoken
        func stopSpeech() {
            // Stops any ongoing speech synthesis
        func isSpeaking() -> Bool {
            // Checks whether the bot audio response is being spoken or not.

Typing Indicator for User-Agent Conversations

Feature flag: enableSendTypingStatus

When this flag is enabled, the SDK sends a RESPONDING typing event along with the text that's currently being typed by the user to Oracle B2C Service or Oracle Fusion Service. This shows a typing indicator on the agent console. When the user has finished typing, the SDK sends a LISTENING event to the service. This hides the typing indicator on the agent console.

Similarly, when the agent is typing, the SDK receives a RESPONDING event from the service. On receiving this event, the SDK shows a typing indicator to the user. When the agent is idle, the SDK receives LISTENING event from the service. On receiving this event, the SDK hides the typing indicator that's shown to the user.

The sendUserTypingStatus API enables the same behavior for headless mode.
 public func sendUserTypingStatus(status: TypingStatus, text: String? = nil)
  • To show the typing indicator on the agent console:
    BotsManager.shared().sendUserTypingStatus(status: .RESPONDING, text: textToSend)
  • To hide the typing indicator on the agent console:
    BotsManager.shared().sendUserTypingStatus(status: .LISTENING)
  • To control user-side typing indicator, use the onReceiveMessage() event. For example:
        public func onReceiveMessage(message: BotsMessage) {
            if message is AgentStatusMessage {
                if let status = message.payload["status"] as? String {
                    switch status {
                    case TypingStatus.LISTENING.rawValue:
                    case TypingStatus.RESPONDING.rawValue:
There are two more settings in BotsConfiguration that provide additional control:
  • typingStatusInterval – By default, the SDK sends the RESPONDING typing event every three seconds to Oracle B2C Service. Use this flag to throttle this event. The minimum value that can be set is three seconds.
  • enableAgentSneakPreview - Oracle B2C Service supports showing the user text as it's being entered. If this flag is set to true (the default is false), then the SDK sends the actual text. To protect user privacy, the SDK sends instead of the text to Oracle B2C Service when the flag is set to false.

    This feature must be enabled in both the SDK and the Oracle B2C Service chat configuration.

Voice Visualizer

When voice support is enabled (botsConfiguration.enableSpeechRecognition = true), the footer of the chat widget displays a voice visualizer, a dynamic visualizer graph that indicates the frequency level of the voice input. The visualizer responds to the modulation of the user's voice by indicating whether the user is speaking too softly or too loudly. This visualizer is created using Swift's AVAudioEngine which is exposed in the onAudioReceived method in the SpeechEventListener protocol for use in headless mode.

The chat widget displays a voice visualizer when users click the voice icon. It's an indicator of whether the audio level is sufficiently high enough for the SDK to capture the user’s voice. The user’s message, as it is recognized as text, displays below the visualizer.

Voice mode is indicated when the keyboard icon appears.

When botsConfiguration.enableSpeechAutoSendSpeechResponse = true, the recognized text is automatically sent to the skill after the user has finished dictating the message. The mode then reverts to text input. When botsConfiguration.enableSpeechAutoSendSpeechResponse = false, the mode also reverts to text input, but in this case, users can modify the recognized text before sending the message to the skill.