Managing Packages and Updates

Autonomous Linux allows you to create one-time or recurring update jobs to update instances.

See also: Understanding Jobs.

How does Autonomous Linux provide updates?

Autonomous Linux provides package updates from the OCI regional yum server.

Updating Instances and Groups

Autonomous Linux provides updates as they're made available by OS vendors. Available updates are subject to the vendor's OS lifecycle programs. Use custom software sources to control when updates are made to instances. Configure update job for individual instances, a group, or all standalone instances in a compartment.

Viewing Updates
Installing updates

Update Types

Autonomous Linux categorizes updates into several types.

Autonomous Linux Category Description

An update that addresses security vulnerabilities found during development, testing, or reported by users.

Security fixes usually have one or more associated CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure) names to identify the vulnerabilities.


An update used by Ksplice for installing zero-downtime security patches. Ksplice patches can include kernel updates, only userspace updates, or both.

See Using Ksplice for Oracle Linux for how to configure an instance to receive Ksplice updates.

Bug Fix

An update that fixes non-security-related issues reported by users or discovered during development or testing.


An update that introduces new features, improved functionality, or enhanced performance in the software.


An update that's not associated with any security, bug, or enhancement update.