Summary of Share Consumer Views

This table lists the DBMS_SHARE package views.

View Description
ALL_AVAILABLE_ORACLE_SHARE_PROVIDERS View This view lists all available Oracle share providers.
ALL_SHARE_CACHE_JOB_INFO View This view contains information on the most recent Oracle Live share cache population job in the current POD.
ALL_SHARE_LINKS View A view containing all share links that were created using CREATE_SHARE_LINK.
ALL_SHARE_LINK_VIEWS View A view that contains a list of all the views created to access the shared data using CREATE_SHARE_LINK_VIEW.
ALL_SHARE_PROVIDERS View A view that contains one row for each share provider subscription, created by CREATE_SHARE_PROVIDER.
DBA_SHARE_LINK_VIEWS View A view that contains a list of all the views created to access the shared data using CREATE_SHARE_LINK_VIEW.
DBA_SHARE_LINKS View A view containing all share links that were created using CREATE_SHARE_LINK.
USER_SHARE_LINKS_VIEW View A view that contains a list of all the views created to access the shared data using CREATE_SHARE_LINK_VIEW.
USER_SHARE_LINKS View A view containing all share links that were created using CREATE_SHARE_LINK.
USER_SHARE_PROVIDERS View A view that contains one row for each share provider subscription, created by CREATE_SHARE_PROVIDER.


This view lists all available Oracle share providers.

Column Datatype Description
ORACLE_PROVIDER_ID VARCHAR2 A UUID for the Oracle provider.
PROVIDER_NAME VARCHAR2 A name, as specified by the provider. Note that this is not unique.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2 A description, as specified by the provider.
CONTACT VARCHAR2 A contact address, such as an email, for the provider.
METADATA CLOB Additional JSON metadata, as specified by the provider.
SHARES CLOB A JSON representation of the list of shares available from this provider.
CREATED TIMESTAMP(6) The time when the share provider was first registered.
UPDATED TIMESTAMP(6) The time when the share provider was last updated.


This view contains information on the most recent Oracle Live share cache population job in the database.

Names Datatype Description
LAST_RUN_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE The start time of the most recent cache job execution.
NEXT_RUN_DATE TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE The scheduled start time of the next cache job execution.
RUN_STATUS NUMBER The status of the most recent run (0 = success). A non zero value represents the numeric code of the exception, as reported by the SQL CODE function.
MESSAGE_TEXT VARCHAR2(4000) A text indicating a warning or error condition encountered by the most recent run. NULL in most cases; indicates a warning if RUN_STATUS is 0, an error otherwise.
REPEAT_INTERVAL VARCHAR2(4000) The DBMS_SCHEDULER repeat interval for the cache job.


A view that contains a list of all the views created to access the shared data using CREATE_SHARE_LINK_VIEW.

See CREATE_SHARE_LINK_VIEW Procedure for further information.


A view containing all share links that were created using CREATE_SHARE_LINK.

See CREATE_SHARE_LINK Procedure for further information.


A view that contains one row for each share provider subscription, created by CREATE_SHARE_PROVIDER.

See CREATE_SHARE_PROVIDER Procedure for further information.

Column Datatype Description
OWNER VARCHAR2 The user who subscribed to the share provider.
PROVIDER_NAME VARCHAR2 The local name given to the share provider.
PROVIDER_ID VARCHAR2 A numeric ID for the provider.
ENDPOINT VARCHAR2 (DELTA) The delta endpoint for the provider.
SHARE_TYPE VARCHAR2 The type of share provider: DELTA or ORACLE.
METADATA_PATH VARCHAR2 The lineage path for the share provider.
SHARE_CREDENTIAL_NAME VARCHAR2 (DELTA) The name of the credential used to access the delta endpoints.
METADATA BLOB Additional metadata, provided by the user.
ORACLE_PROVIDER_ID VARCHAR2 (ORACLE) A globally unique GUID for the Oracle share provider.
CREATED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE The date this share provider was created.
UPDATED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE The date this share provider was last modified.


A view that contains a list of all the views created to access the shared data using CREATE_SHARE_LINK_VIEW. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_LINK_VIEWS view.


A view containing all share links that were created using CREATE_SHARE_LINK. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_LINKS view.

See Also:



A view that contains a list of all the views created to access the shared data using CREATE_SHARE_LINK_VIEW. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_LINK_VIEWS view.


A view containing all share links that were created using CREATE_SHARE_LINK. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_LINKS view.

See Also:



A view that contains one row for each share provider subscription, created by CREATE_SHARE_PROVIDER. Its columns are the same as those in the ALL_SHARE_PROVIDERS view.