The DBMS_CLOUD_AI package uses the following views.


The list of profiles created in the current database can be obtained by querying DBA_CLOUD_AI_PROFILES. The view displays the details of AI profiles in the database.

Only the ADMIN user is privileged to access DBA_CLOUD_AI_PROFILES. You cannot grant access to other users.

Column Datatype NULL Description
PROFILE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL Unique number assigned to the AI profile
PROFILE_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the AI profile
OWNER VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Owner schema of the AI profile
STATUS VARCHAR2(7) NOT NULL Current status of AI profile - ENABLED or DISABLED
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(4000) NOT NULL User specified description for the AI profile
CREATED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL Creation time for the AI profile.
LAST_MODIFIED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL Last modification time for the AI profile


The list of profiles created in the current database can be obtained by querying USER_CLOUD_AI_PROFILES. The view displays the details of AI profiles in your schema.

Only the user is privileged to access USER_CLOUD_AI_PROFILES. You cannot grant access to other users.

Column Datatype NULL Description
PROFILE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL Unique number assigned to the AI profile
PROFILE_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the AI profile
STATUS VARCHAR2(7) NOT NULL Current status of AI profile - ENABLED or DISABLED
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(4000) - User specified description for the AI profile
CREATED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL Creation time for the AI profile
LAST_MODIFIED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL Last modification time for the AI profile


Attributes of AI profile manage the configuration and behavior of the AI profile. The view displays details of all AI profiles in the database.

Only the ADMIN user is privileged to access DBA_CLOUD_AI_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTES. You cannot grant access to other users.

Column Datatype NULL Description
PROFILE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL Unique number assigned to the AI profile
PROFILE_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the AI profile
OWNER VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Owner schema of the AI profile
ATTRIBUTE_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the AI profile attribute
ATTRIBUTE_VALUE CLOB - Value of the AI profile attribute
LAST_MODIFIED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL Last modification time of the AI profile attribute


Attributes of AI profile manage the configuration and behavior of the AI profile. The view displays details of AI profiles in your schema.

Only the user is privileged to access USER_CLOUD_AI_PROFILE_ATTRIBUTES. You cannot grant access to other users.

Column Datatype NULL Description
PROFILE_ID NUMBER NOT NULL Unique number assigned to the AI profile
PROFILE_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the AI profile
ATTRIBUTE_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the AI profile attribute
ATTRIBUTE_VALUE CLOB - Value of the AI profile attribute
LAST_MODIFIED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL Last modification time of the AI profile attribute


You can obtain a list of vector indexes created in the current database by querying DBA_CLOUD_VECTOR_INDEXES. The view displays the details of all available vector indexes in the entire database.

Only the administrator is privileged to access DBA_CLOUD_VECTOR_INDEXES. You cannot grant access to other users.

Column Datatype NULL Description
INDEX ID NUMBER NOT NULL Unique number assigned to the index
INDEX_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the index
STATUS VARCHAR2(7) - Current status of index: ENABLED or DISABLED
DESCRIPTION CLOB - User specified description for the index
CREATED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL Creation date and time of the index
LAST_MODIFIED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL Last modification date and time of the index


You can obtain a list of vector indexes you created in the current database by querying USER_CLOUD_VECTOR_INDEXES. The view displays the details of all vector indexes that you created in your schema or a PDB.

You have the privilege to access USER_CLOUD_VECTOR_INDEXES. You cannot grant access to other users.

Column Datatype NULL Description
INDEX ID NUMBER NOT NULL Unique number assigned to the index
INDEX_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the index
STATUS VARCHAR2(7) - Current status of index: ENABLED or DISABLED
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(4000) - User specified description for the index
CREATED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL Creation date and time of the index
LAST_MODIFIED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL Last modification date and time of the index


Query the DBA_CLOUD_VECTOR_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES view to display details about the attributes of vector indexes across the entire database. Attributes of the view manage the configuration and behavior of the vector index.

Only the administrator is privileged to access DBA_CLOUD_VECTOR_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES. You cannot grant access to other users.

Column Datatype NULL Description
INDEX_ID NUMBER NOT NULL Unique number assigned to the vector index
INDEX_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the vector index
OWNER VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Owner schema of the vector index
ATTRIBUTE_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the vector index attribute
ATTRIBUTE_VALUE CLOB - Value for the vector index attribute_name
LAST_MODIFIED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL Last modification date and time of the vector index


Query the USER_CLOUD_VECTOR_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES view to display details about the attributes of vector indexes that you created in your schema or PDB. Attributes of the view manage the configuration and behavior of the vector index.

You have the privilege to access USER_CLOUD_VECTOR_INDEX_ATTRIBUTES. You cannot grant access to other users.

Column Datatype NULL Description
INDEX_ID NUMBER NOT NULL Unique number assigned to the vector index
INDEX_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the vector index
ATTRIBUTE_NAME VARCHAR2(128) NOT NULL Name of the vector index attribute
ATTRIBUTE_VALUE CLOB - Value for the vector index attribute_name
LAST_MODIFIED TIMESTAMP(6) WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL Last modification date and time of the vector index