Autonomous Database for Developers

Autonomous Database for Developers provides you with low cost instances for developers and others to build and test new Autonomous Database applications.

Billing for Autonomous Database for Developers databases is hourly per instance. See Autonomous Database for Developers Billing and Tenancy Service Limit for details.

Autonomous Database for Developers are low-cost, fixed shape databases intended for development and testing uses cases, and are not recommended for production use cases. When you need more compute or storage resources or you want to take advantage of additional Autonomous Database features, you can upgrade your Autonomous Database for Developers instance to a full paid service instance.


Resource Restrictions with Autonomous Database for Developers

Autonomous Database for Developers instances come with compute and storage resources included.

  • 4 ECPUs per instance. The number of ECPUs cannot be scaled manually or automatically unless you upgrade to a full paid service instance.

  • Maximum of approximately 20 GB storage per database (you may see more than this). The storage size cannot be scaled manually or automatically unless you upgrade to a full paid service instance.

  • Maximum of 30 simultaneous database sessions

  • Maximum of 100 Autonomous Database for Developers instances per Oracle Cloud Infrastructure tenancy. The instances you create can be a mix of the available workload types: Data Warehouse, Transaction Processing, JSON Database, and APEX Service. For details on using Autonomous Database for Developers with an APEX workload, see.

  • The HTTP interface for Autonomous Database for Developers is rate limited to restrict the number of simultaneous service users. Approximately 3-6 simultaneous users can be supported across all of the APEX, Oracle REST Data Services, and Database Actions running on an Autonomous Database for Developers instance.

    Additional simultaneous users beyond that number may result in users encountering HTTP errors such as HTTP status code 429.

  • The Maximum of 30 simultaneous database sessions limit for Autonomous Database for Developers allows you to work with Autonomous Database; however, if your usage includes many simultaneous users and/or many concurrent database client connections then you can exceed these limits, resulting in errors. To avoid such errors, obtain more resources for your Autonomous Database by upgrading to a full paid service instance. See Upgrade Autonomous Database for Developers Instance to a Full Paid Instance for more information.

Oracle Database Versions with Autonomous Database for Developers

Shows the available Oracle Database versions for Autonomous Database for Developers.

  • Oracle Database 19c

    If you are using Autonomous Database for Developers with Oracle Database 19c, then many of the concepts and features of this service are further documented here:

  • Oracle Database 23ai

    If you are using Autonomous Database for Developers with Oracle Database 23ai, then many of the concepts and features of this service are further documented here:

Supported Features with Autonomous Database for Developers

Autonomous Database for Developers supports most but not all of the Autonomous Database features.

The following features help you use your Autonomous Database instance for development tasks:

  • Cloning: Autonomous Database for Developers instances are low-cost, fixed shape databases intended for development and testing uses cases, and are not recommended for production use cases. For uses such as full scale load testing and production deployments or to access all Autonomous Database features, you can clone an Autonomous Database for Developers instance to a full paid service instance.

    See Clone an Autonomous Database Instance for instructions.

  • Service Maintenance: Autonomous Database for Developers instances have the same patching schedule as full paid service instances.

    See About Scheduled Maintenance and Patching for more information.

  • Database Application Development and Developer Tools: Autonomous Database for Developers provides all of the developer-related features and built-in tools that a full paid service Autonomous Database offers.

    See About Autonomous Database Built-in Tools for more information.

Provisioning and Cloning Workflow with Autonomous Database for Developers

You can provision or clone Autonomous Database for Developers from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure(OCI) console or using the API.

Provisioning or cloning Autonomous Database for Developers instances from the OCI console follows the same workflow as provisioning or cloning a full paid service Autonomous Database. In the Configure the database step, select Autonomous Database for Developers.

See Provision an Autonomous Database Instance and Clone an Autonomous Database Instance for more information.

Upgrade Autonomous Database for Developers Instance to a Full Paid Instance

You can upgrade an Autonomous Database for Developers instance to a full paid service instance.

If your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account is in a trial period or has paying status you can upgrade your Autonomous Database for Developers database to a full paid service instance as follows:

  1. From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation menu click Oracle Database and then, depending on your workload click one of: Autonomous Data Warehouse, Autonomous JSON Database, or Autonomous Transaction Processing.
  2. On the Autonomous Databases page select an Autonomous Database for Developers (Developer) instance from the links under the Display name column.
  3. On the Autonomous Database Details page, from the More actions drop-down list select Upgrade instance to full paid service.
  4. Click Upgrade instance to full paid service.

When you upgrade from an Autonomous Database for Developers instance to a full paid service instance, you get an instance with the same workload type. The ECPU and storage in the upgraded paid instance are initially set to the minimum ECPU and storage values based on your workload type.


After you upgrade you can scale up your compute and storage resources to fit your needs.
Autonomous Database for Developers Workload Type Workload Type, ECPU and Storage Values
Data Warehouse

When you upgrade to full paid service from an Autonomous Database for Developers instance, the upgrade process provides a full paid service instance with workload type Data Warehouse, with 2 ECPUs and 1 TB of database storage.

Transaction Processing, JSON, or APEX

When you upgrade to full paid service from an Autonomous Database for Developers instance, the upgrade process provides a full paid service instance with the same workload type as you had, with 2 ECPUs and 20 GB of database storage.

Features Not Available in Autonomous Database for Developers

There are some features that are not available with an Autonomous Database for Developers instance, compared to a full paid service instance.

The limitations for Autonomous Database for Developers are in place to ensure that instances are specifically used as a development sandbox and to assist you in working with Autonomous Database. When you want to use a feature that is not available, you can upgrade to a full paid service Autonomous Database.

Autonomous Database for Developers restrictions and exclusions:

  • Do not support disaster recovery options, including: Autonomous Data Guard, Backup-Based Disaster Recovery, or OCI Full Stack Disaster Recovery Service
  • Supports ECPUs only
  • Comes with fixed compute and storage sizing and does not support manual or auto-scaling and storage scaling.
  • Does not support elastic pools
  • Does not provide an SLA Guarantee
  • Use of refreshable clones is not allowed
  • Does not provide auto start-stop schedules
  • Supports the license option License included. Does not support BYOL licensing
  • Autonomous Database for Developers databases cannot be provisioned as a private endpoint and cannot reside within a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN). See Configure Private Endpoints When You Provision or Clone an Instance for further information on private endpoints.

  • Does not provide backup or restore operations:

    • No backups can be used (backups are shown)

    • Does not support long-term backups

    • Does not support restore (you cannot restore the current database to a selected past backup or timestamp).

    To use backup and restore functionality on Autonomous Database you must upgrade an Autonomous Database for Developers to a full paid service instance.

    See Upgrade Autonomous Database for Developers Instance to a Full Paid Instance for more information.