Clone an Autonomous Database from a Backup
Shows the options to select a backup as the clone source for cloning Autonomous Database.
Perform the following prerequisite steps as necessary:
Open the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console by clicking the
next to Oracle Cloud.
- From the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure left navigation menu click Oracle Database and then, depending on your workload click one of: Autonomous Data Warehouse, Autonomous JSON Database, or Autonomous Transaction Processing.
On the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console the State shows Provisioning... until the new database is available.
If there is an ongoing clone from backup operation on a source database, you cannot initiate a new clone operation on the same backup being cloned until the ongoing operation completes. Thus, you cannot clone from backup twice concurrently from a specific backup (for example, a specific timestamp or a specific selected backup from the list of backups).
For external tables, partitioned external tables, and the external partitions of hybrid partitioned tables a backup does not include the external files that reside on your Object Store. Thus, for the clone from backup operation, it is your responsibility to backup, and restore if necessary, the external files associated with external tables, external partitioned tables, or the external files for a hybrid partitioned table
With clone from backup, the Oracle Machine Learning workspaces, projects, and notebooks of the source database are not cloned to the new database.
See Notes for Cloning Autonomous Database for additional information on cloning.
See Cloning an Autonomous Database for information on using the API.
- Clone an Autonomous Database from Latest Backup
When you choose to clone from latest backup, this selects the latest backup as the clone source. You can choose this option if a database becomes unavailable or for any reason when you want to create a clone based on the most recent backup.
Parent topic: Cloning and Moving an Autonomous Database
Clone an Autonomous Database from Latest Backup
When you choose to clone from latest backup, this selects the latest backup as the clone source. You can choose this option if a database becomes unavailable or for any reason when you want to create a clone based on the most recent backup.
Follow the steps in Clone an Autonomous Database from a Backup and in the Clone source area, select Clone from a backup and Select the latest backup timestamp to clone to create a clone that recovers the most recent backup data that is available for the Autonomous Database instance (the clone source) from the database backup and logs backup.
After Autonomous Database
has finished provisioning the clone, query the view
to see the
columns. These columns provide the
saved timestamp and the saved SCN of the data from which the cloned database
was created.
For example:
SELECT last_recover_time, last_recover_scn FROM dba_pdbs;
Parent topic: Clone an Autonomous Database from a Backup