Analyzing Your Account Details
Use the reports on the CSU Dashboard view to analyze your account details.
See the following sections:
Balance of Last Statement Widget
Location: On the CSU Dashboard view at Customer Level, when the filter in the upper right corner is set to Recent Activities. For more information on how to access the CSU Dashboard view.
The Balance of Last Statement widget specifies the CSU balance at the close of the previous reporting period.
Purchased Widget
Location: On the CSU Dashboard view at Customer Level, when the filter in the upper right corner is set to Recent Activities or to any of the previous 12 months.
The Purchased widget specifies the number of CSUs you have purchased for your services in the month subject to the statement.
Credits Widget
Location: On the CSU Dashboard view at Customer Level, when the filter in the upper right corner is set to Recent Activities or to any of the previous 12 months. For more information on how to access the CSU Dashboard view.
The Credits widget specifies the number of credits awarded for use in the month subject to the statement.
Posted Charges Widget
Location: On the CSU Dashboard view at Customer Level, when the filter in the upper right corner is set to Recent Activities.
The Posted Charges widget specifies the number of CSUs that will be charged at the end of the current month.
Pending Charges Widget
Location: On the CSU Dashboard view at Customer Level, when the filter in the upper right corner is set to Recent Activities.
The Pending Charges widget specifies the number of CSUs that may be charged at the end of the current month.
Posted Activities Chart
Location: On the CSU Dashboard view at Customer Level, when the filter in the upper right corner is set to Recent Activities.
Chart View: The Posted Activities chart shows the breakdown by activity for CSUs that will be charged at the end of the month.
Click the Open Table View icon in the lower right corner of a chart to open the Posted Activities table view in expanded mode.
Table View: The table view shows details about each activity for which CSUs will be charged at the end of the month:
Activity: Specifies the type of the activity for which CSUs will be charged at the end of the month.
MOS Ref#: Specifies the MOS identification number of the SR or RFC.
Environment: Specifies the designated environment where the SR or RFC was applied.
Activity Date (UTC): Specifies the date when the activity was applied.
Charge: Specifies the CSU cost.
Status: Specifies the status of the activity. All activities included in this chart are in Posted status.
ID: Specifies the identification number of the transaction.
Pending Activities Chart
Location: On the CSU Dashboard view at Customer Level, when the filter in the upper right corner is set to Recent Activities.
Chart View: The Pending Activities chart shows the breakdown by activity for CSUs that may be charged at the end of the month.
Click Open Table View in the lower right corner of a chart to open the Pending Activities table view in expanded mode.
Table View: The table view shows details about each activity for which CSUs may be charged at the end of the month:
Activity: Specifies the type of the activity for which CSUs may be charged at the end of the month.
MOS Ref#: Specifies the MOS identification number of the SR or RFC.
Environment: Specifies the designated environment where the SR or RFC was applied.
Activity Date (UTC): Specifies the date when the activity was applied.
Charge: Specifies the CSU cost.
Status: Specifies the status of the activity. All activities included in this chart are in Pending status.
ID: Specifies the identification number of the transaction.
Starting Balance Widget
Location: On the CSU Dashboard at Customer Level, when the filter in the upper right corner is set to any of the previous 12 months.
The Starting Balance widget specifies the posted CSU balance at the close of the previous reporting period.
Consumed Widget
Location: On the CSU Dashboard view at Customer Level.
The Consumed widget specifies the number of CSUs you have consumed for your services in the month subject to the statement.
Ending Balance Widget
Location: On the CSU Dashboard view at Customer Level.
The Ending Balance widget specifies the posted CSU balance at the end of the reporting period.