Enabling Diagnostics Standard Mode

On a Roving Edge device, before you can create a diagnostics bundle in standard mode, you must enable standard mode on the device.


You don't need to enable standard mode if you plan to create the diagnostics bundle in normal mode. See Collecting Roving Edge Device Diagnostic Information.
  1. From your computer, connect to the device serial console.

    See Cable the Roving Edge Device and Set Up Terminal Emulation.

  2. Enter your unlock passphrase.

    The serial console main menu is displayed.

  3. Enter the menu number that corresponds to Diagnostics.

    The Diagnostics Menu is displayed:

    Diagnostics Menu           
     1) Enable Diagnostics Data Collection Mode
     2) Exit Diagnostics Data Collection Mode
     3) Show Diagnostics Bundle Encryption Key
     4) Help
     Enter command number (or press Ctrl+C to go back):
  4. In the Diagnostics Menu, enter the number for Show Diagnostics Bundle Encryption Key.

    The encryption key is displayed. Example:

    Diagnostics Bundle Encryption Key: abc1234567abc1234567abc1234567
  5. Copy the key to a secure place. You need it later to decrypt the diagnostics bundle.

  6. Press Enter to return the Diagnostics Menu.

  7. Enter the number for Help.

    The output shows you how to decrypt the diagnostic bundle file after you have downloaded it.

  8. Press Enter to return to the Diagnostics Menu.

  9. Enter the number for Enable Diagnostics Data Collection Mode.

  10. Enter the number for Enable Diagnostics Standard Mode.

    Standard mode is enabled and the following credentials are displayed:

    Data Collection Standard Mode Enabled.
     | Basic Auth: (One Time password) |
     | user: diag                      |
     | password: <generated-passwd>    |
     There is a slight delay in switching DiagService from IAM to Basic Auth, so the service should be accessed with Basic Auth after 1 minute wait.
     Press ENTER to return... 
  11. Copy the user and password to a secure place. You might need these credentials if Oracle Support assists you with submitting the bundle.

What's Next?

Create a diagnostic bundle using the CLI.