Decrypting and Submitting a Diagnostic Bundle
After you've downloaded a diagnostic bundle from a Roving Edge Device to your local computer, decrypt the bundle before you submit the bundle to Oracle Support.
Know the Roving Edge Device encryption key.
If you put the device into the standard or minimum services mode, you might already know the encryption key. If not, you can access the key from the device serial console. See Displaying the Serial Encryption Key.
Open a command prompt window and navigate to where the diagnostic bundle was downloaded on your computer.
Decrypt the diagnostic bundle by running the following command at the prompt:
openssl enc -aes-128-cbc -d -K <encryption_key> -iv <encryption_key> -in /tmp/bundle.tar.gz -out /tmp/decrypted-bundle.tar.gz
Open an Oracle Support Request and upload the decrypted diagnostic bundle as part of your support request ticket. See My Oracle Support for more information.