Viewing Default Metric Charts for All Health Checks

Go to the Service Metrics page in the Console to view metric charts that use predefined service queries for oci_healthchecks. The charts show metric data for all health checks in the selected compartment and region.

For more information about these metrics, see Health Checks Metrics Reference.

  1. Open the navigation menu  and select Observability & Management. Under Monitoring, select Service Metrics.
    The Service Metrics page opens.
  2. In the navigation bar, select the region that contains the metric data that you want.
    For more information about regions, see Understand Regions and Working Across Regions.
  3. To view the resources in a different compartment, use the Compartment filter to switch compartments.
    You must have permission to work in a compartment to see the resources in it. If you're not sure which compartment to use, contact an administrator. For more information, see Understanding Compartments.
  4. For Metric namespace, select oci_healthchecks.

The Service Metrics page displays default charts for health checks in the selected region and compartment.

You can update the query by selecting dimensions or by opening the chart in the Metrics Explorer page for advanced query updates. You can also create an alarm based on the query.

For query troubleshooting, see Troubleshooting Queries.