Big Data Service 3.0.22 has added additional features

  • Services: Big Data
  • Release Date: June 12, 2023

BDS 3.0.22 release has the following new features implemented:

In addition, the following bugs/enhancements have been made:

  • Discovered fix for Apache Hive delete table failure
  • Updated OCI bucket syntax
  • Upgraded OCI HDFS Connector to v3.
  • Enabled support to create password configurations using execute bootstrap python script
  • Enabled custom logger helper function support in execute bootstrap Python script
  • Resolved HBase region server startup on nonworker nodes in the HBase profile
  • Fixed security issue for Trino by disabling weak ciphers while communicating over SSL/TLS
  • Categorized the non-default ODH service level configurations for Export/Import operations
  • Fixed security issue for Ranger by disabling weak ciphers while communicating over SSL/TLS
  • Integrated HBCK2 Tool to Remediate HBase Clusters
  • log4j configuration changes logs to restrict Max Log Size to 100 MB and max log index to 10 (Hive, HBase, Ambari metrics collector, Ranger, and Kafka)
  • Logrotate configuration changes for sys logs to compress the rotated files
  • Resolved Zookeeper keystore/truststore plain text password security issue