Logging Analytics: Support for new visualizations in Link

Logging Analytics now supports multiple visualizations in Link UI. You can hide or view these visualizations using the Show or Hide Link Widgets in Log Explorer View menu (3-dot menu). The following visualizations are now available in Link:

  • Tiles: Use tiles in link visualization to show summary data.
  • Analyze chart: Use classify command to create.
  • Time series chart: timestats or timecluster command to create.
  • Histogram chart: Use histogram to view the dispersion of log records over the time period and can be used to drill down into a specific set of log records.
  • Main table: View the result of the analysis by listing the groups and the corresponding values.
  • Additional tables: Use createtable command to create and updatetable command to modify.

You can also specify dashboard options for Link.

For details and examples of these visualizations, see Link Visualization.