NoSQL Database Cloud : New features

The following features have been added to Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud:

  • Changes in Terraform script for updating NoSQL table definition: While using Terraform scripts, the table schema can be updated based on the new version of create table DDL statement instead of an alter table statement. That is to update the definition of a table, you use a new CREATE TABLE as the ddl_statement and internally the compiler parses the DDL and compares with the existing table definition and generates an equivalent alter table statement and applies it to the table.
  • Additional features available in the IntelliJ plugin: The IntelliJ plugin for Oracle NoSQL Database offers these new features:
    • Add new columns using form-based entry or supply DDL statements
    • Drop Columns
    • Create Indexes
    • Drop Indexes
    • Execute DML statements to update, insert, and delete data from a table
  • Additional features available in Visual Studio Code Extension : The Oracle NoSQL Database Visual Studio (VS) Code extension for Oracle NoSQL Database offers these new features:
    • Add new columns using form-based entry or supply DDL statements
    • Drop Columns
    • Create Indexes
    • Drop Indexes
    • Execute DML statements to update, insert, and delete data from a table
    • Download the Query Result after running the SELECT query into a JSON file
    • Download each row of the result obtained after running the SELECT query into a JSON file

The following features have been added to Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud:

  • Changes in Terraform script for updating NoSQL table definition: While using Terraform scripts, the table schema can be updated based on the new version of create table DDL statement instead of an alter table statement. That is to update the definition of a table, you use a new CREATE TABLE as the ddl_statement and internally the compiler parses the DDL and compares with the existing table definition and generates an equivalent alter table statement and applies it to the table.
  • Additional features available in the IntelliJ plugin: The IntelliJ plugin for Oracle NoSQL Database offers these new features:
    • Add new columns using form-based entry or supply DDL statements
    • Drop Columns
    • Create Indexes
    • Drop Indexes
    • Execute DML statements to update, insert, and delete data from a table
  • Additional features available in Visual Studio Code Extension : The Oracle NoSQL Database Visual Studio (VS) Code extension for Oracle NoSQL Database offers these new features:
    • Add new columns using form-based entry or supply DDL statements
    • Drop Columns
    • Create Indexes
    • Drop Indexes
    • Execute DML statements to update, insert, and delete data from a table
    • Download the Query Result after running the SELECT query into a JSON file
    • Download each row of the result obtained after running the SELECT query into a JSON file