Introducing Java Deep Dive and Topology Enhancements

  • Application Performance Monitoring provides code line-level diagnostics through new and improved Thread Snapshots capturing. You can use this feature to view a graph of thread stack snapshots and perform a deep dive into trace data, and access information such as start and end time, state of threads, and method and file names, in a variety of formats. For more information, see View Thread Snapshots.
  • Enhancement to the Topology view in Trace Explorer enables you to perform the following actions:
    • Right-click in the white space to view a menu with options that allow you to show or hide specific types of nodes. You can then select the Show All option in the menu to view the entire topology for the query.
    • Place the cursor on a node and right-click to view a menu with options that allow you to show or hide the various nodes and call relationships pertaining to the selected node.
    • Click a service in the Services in Diagram legend to only view the nodes of that service, and their inbound and outbound calls. Other nodes that are not directly related to the nodes of the selected service are not displayed in the topology. This action can be performed when viewing either services or operations in the Topology view. For more information, see View Service Topology.