Big Data Service ODH patch updates

  • Services: Big Data
  • Release Date: October 26, 2023

ODH has the following new features and updates:

  • This is an update for all ODH 1.x versions later than ODH, subject to the eligibility criteria listed below.
  • Eligibility criteria: Your cluster is eligible for this ODH patch update only if the following conditions are met:
    • ODH version is 1.x.
    • The actual ODH version of the cluster is between ODH and ODH Version
    • The Big Data Service version of the cluster is at least
  • Features/Improvements:
    • Once this ODH patch is successfully applied to your cluster, your cluster will receive all of the features and bug fixes from all Big Data Service releases through BDS 3.0.21. See the Big Data Service 3.0.21 Release Notes for more information.
  • Impact:
    • This ODH patch requires downtime. All services in Ambari will be stopped.
    • Plan a maintenance window to apply this patch so that your scheduled jobs/workloads aren't impacted.
    • See Planning for ODH Patch Installation Downtime for more information.
  • Known Issues:
    • If you are using OML4Spark, it isn't supported for upgrade during this ODH patch. Open a Support Request if you face any issues with OML4Spark after applying the ODH patch.
    • If the cluster has SSL enabled for Hive, before applying the ODH patch, you might have an issue with the Hive Service check. To fix this issue, re-run the enable operation of cert-util with the existing cert-util config. See Enabling/Renewing SSL for Self-signed Certificates for more information.