APM Trace Explorer Updates

APM Trace Explorer has the following new features and updates:

  1. Background Queries: You can create queries, run them in the background and retrieve the results later. This new feature is useful when analyzing large amount of data. For information, see Monitor Traces in Trace Explorer.
  2. Query assist: When working with queries, a list of available attributes and functions appear after typing a space and pausing automatically. For information, see Work with Queries in Trace Explorer.
  3. Threat Intelligence dashboard is now available. This application security dashboard shows what rogue user accessed the application, how far they got, allocated resources, and more.
  4. Clock skew: The Trace Detail now denotes cases of client/server clock skew.
  5. Trace Query Language updates: New functions and enhancements available including the following:
    • Support for nested queries in the show clause and subqueries (not correlated) in the where clause
    • Date transformation function: date_bucket
    • Regex functions, including regexp_count, regexp_instr, regexp_replace, regexp_like and substr

For more information, see Work with Queries in Trace Explorer.