Using Real Time SQL Monitoring


Available for database users with DBA and PDB_DBA roles.
The Real Time SQL Monitoring page shows in real time the SQL statements that are being monitored in the database.

In the Auto Refresh drop-down list, you can select the time (in seconds) to periodically refresh the data. Select 0 seconds to disable the auto-refresh.

This tool helps identify run-time issues for SQL statements by providing two major functions:

  • General view of monitored statements

  • View of SQL execution details

General View of Monitored Statements

The page contains a table of SQL statements currently running. This table shows the following information:

  • Status: Current state of the SQL statement execution. For example, a SQL statement that has already finished its execution will show a status of "DONE".

  • Duration: Amount of time a SQL statement is taking, or has taken, to execute.

  • SQL ID: SQL identifier of the statement being monitored.

  • Session ID: Session identifier that is executing, or has executed, the SQL statement.

  • Session Serial Number: Uniquely identifies a session's objects. 

  • Instance Degree of Parallelism: This Degree of Parallelism (DOP) column shows how many instances and parallel execution servers are allocated. It is shown in the form of “number of instances” | “number of parallel servers”.

  • Database Time: Place the cursor over the database time to see a breakdown of the time and wait events.

  • CPU Time: CPU time consumed by the execution of the query.

  • I/O Time: I/O time consumed by the execution of the query.

  • Start Time: Time in which the execution of the SQL statement started.

  • SQL Statement: SQL statement being monitored.

View of SQL Execution Details

When a SQL statement is drilled down from the main monitor table, a detailed view is shown. The SQL ID, Start Time and the SQL Execution ID represent the execution key that uniquely identify this SQL statement. A detail view consists of the general characteristics that integrate the execution of a SQL statement.

General information about the query execution is provided:

  • Execution Plan: Degree of Parallelism of the SQL statement

  • Execution Started: Time that the SQL statement execution started

  • Last Refresh Time:  Last update time of the SQL monitor registry for the SQL statement

  • Execution ID: Execution identifier

  • User: User in the format USER@CONTAINER

  • SQL Text: Formatted view of the SQL statement that is being executed.

General statistics of the SQL statement are provided: total duration of execution, the number of buffered gets, number of Input/Output requests and bytes.

Detailed information of the statement: This space holds the information corresponding to the explain plan, parallel behavior and CPU activity involved in the execution of the statement:

  • Plan Statistics: Explain plan of the execution of the SQL statement in the form of a table. Each row is a different operation involved in the execution of the SQL statement and it shows hierarchy dependency by adding a space at the beginning of the text in the Operation column.

  • Parallelism Details for the SQL statement: Each execution consists of a parallel coordinator and one or more parallel sets. Each set can have one or more processes. When a row has dependents, each of its columns will be the sum of the values of its dependants. When this happens, a sigma symbol will appear to show that a value consists of the sum of others.


For more information, see Monitoring the Database in the Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide.