Monitor the Health of Your Oracle Database Fleet

As a Database Administrator, monitoring the status and performance of your Oracle Databases is an important part of your job. Database Management Diagnostics & Management provides a unified view of your fleet of Oracle Databases in a compartment or in a Database Group on the Oracle Database fleet summary page.

On the Oracle Database fleet summary page, you can monitor multiple Oracle Databases, which include single instance and RAC databases. This enables you to proactively detect and identify the root cause of performance issues across a fleet of databases and respond to performance and configuration-related alerts. For RAC databases, the Oracle Database fleet summary page provides an overview of the RAC environment and enables you to monitor multiple RAC databases and instances.

Before you go to the Oracle Database fleet summary page to monitor your Oracle Databases, you must complete the tasks given in Get Started with Diagnostics & Management. Note that to view Oracle Database metrics and alarms, you must have additional Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring service permissions. For information, see Additional Permissions Required to Use Diagnostics & Management.

To go to the Oracle Database fleet summary page and monitor your fleet of databases:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
  2. Open the navigation menu, click Observability & Management. Under Database Management, click Diagnostics & Management.

    The Oracle Database fleet summary page is displayed.

  3. On the left pane, select the Compartment in which your databases or Database Group resides, and then select either the Compartment or Database group option depending on whether you want to monitor the databases in a compartment or a Database Group. Note that the Compartment option is selected by default, however, if you've created a Database Group that you want to monitor, then you must select the Database group option and the name of your Database Group. For information on Database Groups, see Create and Use Database Groups.
  4. Optionally, use the following filters on the left pane to filter the Oracle Databases displayed on the Oracle Database fleet summary page:
    • Database type: Select a database type to filter Oracle Databases by type. For example, if you select Autonomous, then all the Autonomous Databases in your fleet will be displayed. You can also select a more specific option such as ADW-D under Autonomous to only view the Autonomous Data Warehouses on Dedicated Exadata Infrastructure on the Oracle Database fleet summary page.
    • Lifecycle state: Select a lifecycle state to filter Oracle Databases by lifecycle state. For example, if you select Up, then only the databases that are up will be displayed.
    • View CDB/PDB: Select an option to only view the CDBs or the PDBs and non-CDBs in your fleet. By default, all CDBs, PDBs, and non-CDBs are listed; the PDBs are nested under the parent CDB.
    • Tag filters: Add a tag filter to filter the list of Oracle Databases. For information on:
  5. Use the following drop-down lists in the upper-right corner of the page to compare the performance and configuration metrics of the fleet of databases between two time periods:
    • Time period: Select a time period. The options are Last 60 min (default option), Last 24 hours, and Last 7 days.
    • Comparison: Depending on the selected time period, select a Comparison option to compare database metrics between the selected time period and the comparison time period. By default, Same 60 min yesterday is selected in this drop-down list, and the various tiles on the Oracle Database fleet summary page display the change percentage that denotes the comparison of the metrics between the current hour and the same hour yesterday.

The following tiles are displayed on the Oracle Database fleet summary page and provide important status and performance information about your Oracle Databases for the selected time period:

  • Inventory: Displays an overview of the Oracle Databases in the compartment or Database Group. You can use the options in the drop-down list on this tile to categorize and view specific areas of your fleet in a donut chart:
    • Type: Select this option to view the types of databases in your fleet. If selected, the PDBs, Non-CDBs, and Autonomous Database types in the fleet are displayed in the donut chart.
    • Deployment: Select this option to view your Oracle Databases categorized by deployment type.
    • Version: Select this option to view your Oracle Databases categorized by version.
    • Cluster: Select this option to view the single instance and RAC databases in your fleet.
  • Monitoring status: Displays the current monitoring status of the Oracle Databases in a donut chart. The monitoring status indicates whether Database Management can collect monitoring metrics for the databases.
  • Resource usage: Displays a summary of the overall CPU and Storage allocation and utilization and a change percentage that denotes the comparison of resource usage between the selected time period and the comparison time period.
  • Alarms: Displays the total number of open database alarms in the compartment or Database Group, and the number of alarms by severity. Note that an alarm is only displayed on the Database Management Diagnostics & Management pages if the OCID of the database is specified using the resourceId dimension when creating the alarm. You can click the number of alarms to access the Alarms panel and review the list of open alarms. For more information, see Monitor Alarms for Managed Databases.
  • Members: Displays a list of your Oracle Databases with their name, status, and type. This information includes the database type, configuration information, and deployment type, for example, SI CDB External indicates that the Oracle Database is a single instance CDB in the External Database service.

    For each database, the following metrics are displayed along with the change percentage that denotes the comparison of database metrics between the selected time period and the comparison time period. Note that an upward or downward facing arrow in each of the columns indicates high or low change percentage respectively, and the arrow is blue if the change percentage is more than 10%, otherwise it's gray.

    • Avg. Active Sessions: Displays the average active sessions broken down by CPU, User I/O, and Others, which includes different categories within wait time such as System I/O and Commit.

      For Autonomous Databases, the User I/O and Others metric categories are replaced with a single Wait (Total) category.
    • CPU: Displays the CPU allocation and usage.
    • Storage: Displays the storage allocation and usage.
    • I/O: Displays the I/O rate and throughput.

      The I/O metrics are not displayed for Autonomous Database Serverless.

    On the Members tab, the list view is displayed by default, however, you can select the Table option to view the same information in a tabular view. In the tabular view, select the Actual radio button to view the actual values of the database metrics and select the Change % radio button to view the change percentage.

    To search for a particular Oracle Database in the Members list or table, you can enter its name in the Search by display name field. You can also use Sort by and Direction on the list view to sort and view the Members list in ascending or descending order. Note that the sorting options used in the list view are also applied to the table view.

    On the Members tab, click the name of an Oracle Database to go to the Managed database details page of that database.

  • Performance: Displays a tree map of the performance of your Oracle Databases against various database metrics.