Creating a Child Tenancy
Create a child tenancy in your organization.
To create a child tenancy, you provide the necessary information, such as tenancy name and designated administrator email. Then, sign-in instructions are provided in an email notification to the child tenancy administrator. The created (child) tenancy automatically consumes from the default subscription of the organization, so all usage is charged based on the rate card of the subscription. The parent tenancy is also responsible for the child tenancy's usage.
The child tenancy administrator receives instructions to activate the tenancy, and to set up a password and MFA.
Use the oci organizations child-tenancy create command and required parameters to create a child tenancy:
oci organizations child-tenancy create --admin-email [text] --compartment-id, -c [text] --home-region [text] --tenancy-name [text] [OPTIONS]
For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.
Run the CreateChildTenancy operation to create a child tenancy.
When the subscriptionId attribute is specified for a created child tenancy, then more permissions are required. For more information see CreateChildTenancyDetails Reference and Permissions Required for Each API Operation.