This resource provides the Masking Policies Masking Column resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Safe service.
Creates a new masking column in the specified masking policy. Use this operation to add parent columns only. It automatically adds the child columns from the associated sensitive data model or target database. If you provide the sensitiveTypeId attribute but not the maskingFormats attribute, it automatically assigns the default masking format associated with the specified sensitive type. Alternatively, if you provide the maskingFormats attribute, the specified masking formats are assigned to the column.
Using the maskingFormats attribute, you can assign one or more masking formats to a column. You need to specify a condition as part of each masking format. It enables you to do conditional masking so that you can mask the column data values differently using different masking conditions. A masking format can have one or more format entries. The combined output of all the format entries is used for masking. It provides the flexibility to define a masking format that can generate different parts of a data value separately and then combine them to get the final data value for masking.
You can use the maskingColumnGroup attribute to group the columns that you would like to mask together. It enables you to do group or compound masking that ensures that the masked data across the columns in a group continue to retain the same logical relationship.
Example Usage
resource "oci_data_safe_masking_policies_masking_column" "test_masking_policies_masking_column" {
column_name = var.masking_policies_masking_column_column_name
masking_policy_id = oci_data_safe_masking_policy.test_masking_policy.id
object = var.masking_policies_masking_column_object
schema_name = var.masking_policies_masking_column_schema_name
is_masking_enabled = var.masking_policies_masking_column_is_masking_enabled
masking_column_group = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_column_group
masking_formats {
format_entries {
type = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_type
column_name = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_column_name
description = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_description
end_date = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_end_date
end_length = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_end_length
end_value = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_end_value
fixed_number = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_fixed_number
fixed_string = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_fixed_string
grouping_columns = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_grouping_columns
length = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_length
library_masking_format_id = oci_data_safe_library_masking_format.test_library_masking_format.id
pattern = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_pattern
post_processing_function = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_post_processing_function
random_list = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_random_list
regular_expression = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_regular_expression
replace_with = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_replace_with
schema_name = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_schema_name
sql_expression = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_sql_expression
start_date = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_start_date
start_length = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_start_length
start_position = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_start_position
start_value = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_start_value
table_name = oci_nosql_table.test_table.name
user_defined_function = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_format_entries_user_defined_function
condition = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_condition
description = var.masking_policies_masking_column_masking_formats_description
object_type = var.masking_policies_masking_column_object_type
sensitive_type_id = oci_data_safe_sensitive_type.test_sensitive_type.id
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required) The name of the database column. This attribute cannot be updated for an existing masking column. Note that the same name is used for the masking column. There is no separate displayName attribute for the masking column.
- (Optional) (Updatable) Indicates whether data masking is enabled for the masking column. Set it to false if you don’t want to mask the column.
- (Optional) (Updatable) The group of the masking column. It’s a masking group identifier and can be any string of acceptable length. All the columns in a group are masked together to ensure that the masked data across these columns continue to retain the same logical relationship. For more details, check Group Masking in the Data Safe documentation.
- (Optional) (Updatable) The masking formats to be assigned to the masking column. You can specify a condition as part of each masking format. It enables you to do conditional masking so that you can mask the column data values differently using different masking formats and the associated conditions. A masking format can have one or more format entries. The combined output of all the format entries is used for masking. It provides the flexibility to define a masking format that can generate different parts of a data value separately and then combine them to get the final data value for masking.condition
- (Optional) (Updatable) A condition that must be true for applying the masking format. It can be any valid SQL construct that can be used in a SQL predicate. It enables you to do conditional masking so that you can mask the column data values differently using different masking formats and the associated conditions.description
- (Optional) (Updatable) The description of the masking format.format_entries
- (Required) (Updatable) An array of format entries. The combined output of all the format entries is used for masking the column data values.column_name
- (Required when type=DETERMINISTIC_SUBSTITUTION | RANDOM_SUBSTITUTION) (Updatable) The name of the substitution column.description
- (Optional) (Updatable) The description of the format entry.end_date
- (Required when type=DETERMINISTIC_ENCRYPTION_DATE | RANDOM_DATE) (Updatable) The upper bound of the range within which all the original column values fall. The end date must be greater than or equal to the start date.
- (Required when type=RANDOM_DIGITS | RANDOM_STRING) (Updatable) The maximum number of characters the generated strings should have. It can be any integer greater than zero, but it must be greater than or equal to the start length.
- (Required when type=RANDOM_DECIMAL_NUMBER | RANDOM_NUMBER) (Updatable) The upper bound of the range within which random decimal numbers should be generated. It must be greater than or equal to the start value. It supports input of double type.
- (Required when type=FIXED_NUMBER) (Updatable) The constant number to be used for masking.fixed_string
- (Required when type=FIXED_STRING) (Updatable) The constant string to be used for masking.grouping_columns
- (Applicable when type=SHUFFLE) (Updatable) One or more reference columns to be used to group column values so that they can be shuffled within their own group. The grouping columns and the column to be masked must belong to the same table.
- (Required when type=SUBSTRING) (Updatable) The number of characters that should be there in the substring. It should be an integer and greater than zero.
- (Required when type=LIBRARY_MASKING_FORMAT) (Updatable) The OCID of the library masking format.pattern
- (Required when type=PATTERN) (Updatable) The pattern that should be used to mask data.post_processing_function
- (Required when type=POST_PROCESSING_FUNCTION) (Updatable) The post processing function in SCHEMA_NAME.PACKAGE_NAME.FUNCTION_NAME format. It can be a standalone or packaged function, so PACKAGE_NAME is optional.
- (Required when type=RANDOM_LIST) (Updatable) A comma-separated list of values to be used to replace column values. The list can be of strings, numbers, or dates. The data type of each value in the list must be compatible with the data type of the column. The number of entries in the list cannot be more than 999.
- (Required when type=DETERMINISTIC_ENCRYPTION | REGULAR_EXPRESSION) (Updatable) The regular expression to be used for masking. For data with characters in the ASCII character set, providing a regular expression is optional. However, it is required if the data contains multi-byte characters. If not provided, an error is returned when a multi-byte character is found.In the case of ASCII characters, if a regular expression is not provided, Deterministic Encryption can encrypt variable-length column values while preserving their original format.
If a regular expression is provided, the column values in all the rows must match the regular expression. Deterministic Encryption supports a subset of the regular expression language. It supports encryption of fixed-length strings, and does not support * or + syntax of regular expressions. The encrypted values also match the regular expression, which helps to ensure that the original format is preserved. If an original value does not match the regular expression, Deterministic Encryption might not produce a one-to-one mapping. All non-confirming values are mapped to a single encrypted value, thereby producing a many-to-one mapping.
- (Required when type=REGULAR_EXPRESSION) (Updatable) The value that should be used to replace the data matching the regular expression. It can be a fixed string, fixed number or null value.schema_name
- (Required when type=DETERMINISTIC_SUBSTITUTION | RANDOM_SUBSTITUTION) (Updatable) The name of the schema that contains the substitution column.sql_expression
- (Required when type=SQL_EXPRESSION) (Updatable) The SQL expression to be used to generate the masked values. It can consist of one or more values, operators, and SQL functions that evaluate to a value. It can also contain substitution columns from the same table. Specify the substitution columns within percent (%) symbols.start_date
- (Required when type=DETERMINISTIC_ENCRYPTION_DATE | RANDOM_DATE) (Updatable) The lower bound of the range within which all the original column values fall. The start date must be less than or equal to the end date.start_length
- (Required when type=RANDOM_DIGITS | RANDOM_STRING) (Updatable) The minimum number of characters the generated strings should have. It can be any integer greater than zero, but it must be less than or equal to the end length.start_position
- (Required when type=SUBSTRING) (Updatable) The starting position in the original string from where the substring should be extracted. It can be either a positive or a negative integer. If It’s negative, the counting starts from the end of the string.start_value
- (Required when type=RANDOM_DECIMAL_NUMBER | RANDOM_NUMBER) (Updatable) The lower bound of the range within which random decimal numbers should be generated. It must be less than or equal to the end value. It supports input of double type.table_name
- (Required when type=DETERMINISTIC_SUBSTITUTION | RANDOM_SUBSTITUTION) (Updatable) The name of the table that contains the substitution column.type
- (Required) (Updatable) The type of the format entry.user_defined_function
- (Required when type=USER_DEFINED_FUNCTION) (Updatable) The user-defined function in SCHEMA_NAME.PACKAGE_NAME.FUNCTION_NAME format. It can be a standalone or packaged function, so PACKAGE_NAME is optional.
- (Required) The OCID of the masking policy.object
- (Required) The name of the object (table or editioning view) that contains the database column. This attribute cannot be updated for an existing masking column.object_type
- (Optional) (Updatable) The type of the object that contains the database column.schema_name
- (Required) The name of the schema that contains the database column. This attribute cannot be updated for an existing masking column.sensitive_type_id
- (Optional) (Updatable) The OCID of the sensitive type to be associated with the masking column. Note that if the maskingFormats attribute isn’t provided while creating a masking column, the default masking format associated with the specified sensitive type is assigned to the masking column.
** IMPORTANT ** Any change to a property that does not support update will force the destruction and recreation of the resource with the new property values
Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- An array of child columns that are in referential relationship with the masking column.column_name
- The name of the database column. Note that the same name is used for the masking column. There is no separate displayName attribute for the masking column.
- The data type of the masking column.is_masking_enabled
- Indicates whether data masking is enabled for the masking column.key
- The unique key that identifies the masking column. It’s numeric and unique within a masking policy.lifecycle_details
- Details about the current state of the masking column.masking_column_group
- The group of the masking column. All the columns in a group are masked together to ensure that the masked data across these columns continue to retain the same logical relationship. For more details, check Group Masking in the Data Safe documentation.
- An array of masking formats assigned to the masking column.condition
- A condition that must be true for applying the masking format. It can be any valid SQL construct that can be used in a SQL predicate. It enables you to do conditional masking so that you can mask the column data values differently using different masking formats and the associated conditions.description
- The description of the masking format.format_entries
- An array of format entries. The combined output of all the format entries is used for masking the column data values.column_name
- The name of the substitution column.description
- The description of the format entry.end_date
- The upper bound of the range within which all the original column values fall. The end date must be greater than or equal to the start date.
- The maximum number of characters the generated strings should have. It can be any integer greater than zero, but it must be greater than or equal to the start length.
- The upper bound of the range within which random decimal numbers should be generated. It must be greater than or equal to the start value. It supports input of double type.
- The constant number to be used for masking.fixed_string
- The constant string to be used for masking.grouping_columns
- One or more reference columns to be used to group column values so that they can be shuffled within their own group. The grouping columns and the column to be masked must belong to the same table.
- The number of characters that should be there in the substring. It should be an integer and greater than zero.
- The OCID of the library masking format.pattern
- The pattern that should be used to mask data.post_processing_function
- The post processing function in SCHEMA_NAME.PACKAGE_NAME.FUNCTION_NAME format. It can be a standalone or packaged function, so PACKAGE_NAME is optional.
- A comma-separated list of values to be used to replace column values. The list can be of strings, numbers, or dates. The data type of each value in the list must be compatible with the data type of the column. The number of entries in the list cannot be more than 999.
- The regular expression to be used for masking. For data with characters in the ASCII character set, providing a regular expression is optional. However, it is required if the data contains multi-byte characters. If not provided, an error is returned when a multi-byte character is found.In the case of ASCII characters, if a regular expression is not provided, Deterministic Encryption can encrypt variable-length column values while preserving their original format.
If a regular expression is provided, the column values in all the rows must match the regular expression. Deterministic Encryption supports a subset of the regular expression language. It supports encryption of fixed-length strings, and does not support * or + syntax of regular expressions. The encrypted values also match the regular expression, which helps to ensure that the original format is preserved. If an original value does not match the regular expression, Deterministic Encryption might not produce a one-to-one mapping. All non-confirming values are mapped to a single encrypted value, thereby producing a many-to-one mapping.
- The value that should be used to replace the data matching the regular expression. It can be a fixed string, fixed number or null value.schema_name
- The name of the schema that contains the substitution column.sql_expression
- The SQL expression to be used to generate the masked values. It can consist of one or more values, operators, and SQL functions that evaluate to a value. It can also contain substitution columns from the same table. Specify the substitution columns within percent (%) symbols.start_date
- The lower bound of the range within which all the original column values fall. The start date must be less than or equal to the end date.start_length
- The minimum number of characters the generated strings should have. It can be any integer greater than zero, but it must be less than or equal to the end length.start_position
- The starting position in the original string from where the substring should be extracted. It can be either a positive or a negative integer. If It’s negative, the counting starts from the end of the string.start_value
- The lower bound of the range within which random decimal numbers should be generated. It must be less than or equal to the end value. It supports input of double type.table_name
- The name of the table that contains the substitution column.type
- The type of the format entry.user_defined_function
- The user-defined function in SCHEMA_NAME.PACKAGE_NAME.FUNCTION_NAME format. It can be a standalone or packaged function, so PACKAGE_NAME is optional.
- The OCID of the masking policy that contains the masking column.object
- The name of the object (table or editioning view) that contains the database column.object_type
- The type of the object that contains the database column.schema_name
- The name of the schema that contains the database column.sensitive_type_id
- The OCID of the sensitive type associated with the masking column.state
- The current state of the masking column.time_created
- The date and time the masking column was created, in the format defined by RFC3339.time_updated
- The date and time the masking column was last updated, in the format defined by RFC3339.
The timeouts
block allows you to specify timeouts for certain operations:
* create
- (Defaults to 20 minutes), when creating the Masking Policies Masking Column
* update
- (Defaults to 20 minutes), when updating the Masking Policies Masking Column
* delete
- (Defaults to 20 minutes), when destroying the Masking Policies Masking Column
MaskingPoliciesMaskingColumns can be imported using the id
, e.g.
$ terraform import oci_data_safe_masking_policies_masking_column.test_masking_policies_masking_column "maskingPolicies/{maskingPolicyId}/maskingColumns/{maskingColumnKey}"