(**kwargs)¶ Bases:
Details for the request to embed texts.
A constant which can be used with the input_type property of a EmbedTextDetails. INPUT_TYPE_CLUSTERING
A constant which can be used with the input_type property of a EmbedTextDetails. INPUT_TYPE_IMAGE
A constant which can be used with the input_type property of a EmbedTextDetails. INPUT_TYPE_SEARCH_DOCUMENT
A constant which can be used with the input_type property of a EmbedTextDetails. INPUT_TYPE_SEARCH_QUERY
A constant which can be used with the input_type property of a EmbedTextDetails. TRUNCATE_END
A constant which can be used with the truncate property of a EmbedTextDetails. TRUNCATE_NONE
A constant which can be used with the truncate property of a EmbedTextDetails. TRUNCATE_START
A constant which can be used with the truncate property of a EmbedTextDetails. compartment_id
[Required] Gets the compartment_id of this EmbedTextDetails. input_type
Gets the input_type of this EmbedTextDetails. inputs
[Required] Gets the inputs of this EmbedTextDetails. is_echo
Gets the is_echo of this EmbedTextDetails. serving_mode
[Required] Gets the serving_mode of this EmbedTextDetails. truncate
Gets the truncate of this EmbedTextDetails. Methods
(**kwargs)Initializes a new EmbedTextDetails object with values from keyword arguments. -
= 'CLASSIFICATION'¶ A constant which can be used with the input_type property of a EmbedTextDetails. This constant has a value of “CLASSIFICATION”
= 'CLUSTERING'¶ A constant which can be used with the input_type property of a EmbedTextDetails. This constant has a value of “CLUSTERING”
= 'IMAGE'¶ A constant which can be used with the input_type property of a EmbedTextDetails. This constant has a value of “IMAGE”
= 'SEARCH_DOCUMENT'¶ A constant which can be used with the input_type property of a EmbedTextDetails. This constant has a value of “SEARCH_DOCUMENT”
= 'SEARCH_QUERY'¶ A constant which can be used with the input_type property of a EmbedTextDetails. This constant has a value of “SEARCH_QUERY”
= 'END'¶ A constant which can be used with the truncate property of a EmbedTextDetails. This constant has a value of “END”
= 'NONE'¶ A constant which can be used with the truncate property of a EmbedTextDetails. This constant has a value of “NONE”
= 'START'¶ A constant which can be used with the truncate property of a EmbedTextDetails. This constant has a value of “START”
(**kwargs)¶ Initializes a new EmbedTextDetails object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):
Parameters: - inputs (list[str]) – The value to assign to the inputs property of this EmbedTextDetails.
- serving_mode (oci.generative_ai_inference.models.ServingMode) – The value to assign to the serving_mode property of this EmbedTextDetails.
- compartment_id (str) – The value to assign to the compartment_id property of this EmbedTextDetails.
- is_echo (bool) – The value to assign to the is_echo property of this EmbedTextDetails.
- truncate (str) – The value to assign to the truncate property of this EmbedTextDetails. Allowed values for this property are: “NONE”, “START”, “END”
- input_type (str) – The value to assign to the input_type property of this EmbedTextDetails. Allowed values for this property are: “SEARCH_DOCUMENT”, “SEARCH_QUERY”, “CLASSIFICATION”, “CLUSTERING”, “IMAGE”
¶ [Required] Gets the compartment_id of this EmbedTextDetails. The OCID of compartment in which to call the Generative AI service to create text embeddings.
Returns: The compartment_id of this EmbedTextDetails. Return type: str
¶ Gets the input_type of this EmbedTextDetails. Specifies the input type.
Allowed values for this property are: “SEARCH_DOCUMENT”, “SEARCH_QUERY”, “CLASSIFICATION”, “CLUSTERING”, “IMAGE”
Returns: The input_type of this EmbedTextDetails. Return type: str
¶ [Required] Gets the inputs of this EmbedTextDetails. Provide a list of strings or one base64 encoded image with input_type setting to IMAGE. If text embedding, each string can be words, a phrase, or a paragraph. The maximum length of each string entry in the list is 512 tokens.
Returns: The inputs of this EmbedTextDetails. Return type: list[str]
¶ Gets the is_echo of this EmbedTextDetails. Whether or not to include the original inputs in the response. Results are index-based.
Returns: The is_echo of this EmbedTextDetails. Return type: bool
¶ [Required] Gets the serving_mode of this EmbedTextDetails.
Returns: The serving_mode of this EmbedTextDetails. Return type: oci.generative_ai_inference.models.ServingMode
¶ Gets the truncate of this EmbedTextDetails. For an input that’s longer than the maximum token length, specifies which part of the input text will be truncated.
Allowed values for this property are: “NONE”, “START”, “END”
Returns: The truncate of this EmbedTextDetails. Return type: str