``put`` ======= .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Description ------------ Creates a new object or overwrites an existing one. The object can be uploaded as a single part or as multiple parts. Below are the rules for whether an object will be uploaded via single or multipart upload (listed in order of precedence): * If the object is being uploaded from STDIN, it will be uploaded as a multipart upload (if the object content is smaller than --part-size, default for STDIN is 10 MiB, the multipart upload may contain only one part, but it will still use the MultipartUpload API) * If the --no-multipart flag is specified, the object will be uploaded as a single part regardless of size (specifying --no-multipart when uploading from STDIN will result in an error) * If the object is larger than --part-size, it will be uploaded as multiple parts * If the object is empty it will be uploaded as a single part Example: oci os object put -ns mynamespace -bn mybucket --name myfile.txt --file /Users/me/myfile.txt --metadata '{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}' Usage ----- .. code-block:: none oci os object put [OPTIONS] Required Parameters -------------------- .. option:: -bn, --bucket-name [text] The name of the bucket. .. option:: --file [filename] The file to load as the content of the object, or '-' to read from STDIN. Optional Parameters -------------------- .. option:: --cache-control [text] The optional Cache-Control header that defines the caching behavior value to be returned in GetObject and HeadObject responses. Specifying values for this header has no effect on Object Storage behavior. Programs that read the object determine what to do based on the value provided. For example, you could use this header to identify objects that require caching restrictions. .. option:: --content-disposition [text] The optional Content-Disposition header that defines presentational information for the object to be returned in GetObject and HeadObject responses. Specifying values for this header has no effect on Object Storage behavior. Programs that read the object determine what to do based on the value provided. For example, you could use this header to let users download objects with custom filenames in a browser. .. option:: --content-encoding [text] The optional Content-Encoding header that defines the content encoding of the object to be returned in GetObject and HeadObject responses. Specifying values for this header has no effect on Object Storage behavior. Programs that read the object determine what to do based on the value provided. For example, you could use this header to determine what decoding mechanisms need to be applied to obtain the media-type specified by the Content-Type header of the object. .. option:: --content-language [text] The optional Content-Language header that defines the content language of the object to be returned in GetObject and HeadObject responses. Specifying values for this header has no effect on Object Storage behavior. Programs that read the object determine what to do based on the value provided. For example, you could use this header to identify and differentiate objects based on a particular language. .. option:: --content-md5 [text] The optional base-64 header that defines the encoded MD5 hash of the body. If the optional Content-MD5 header is present, Object Storage performs an integrity check on the body of the HTTP request by computing the MD5 hash for the body and comparing it to the MD5 hash supplied in the header. If the two hashes do not match, the object is rejected and an HTTP-400 Unmatched Content MD5 error is returned with the message: "The computed MD5 of the request body (ACTUAL_MD5) does not match the Content-MD5 header (HEADER_MD5)" .. option:: --content-type [text] The optional Content-Type header that defines the standard MIME type format of the object to be returned in GetObject and HeadObject responses. Content type defaults to 'application/octet-stream' if not specified. Specifying values for this header has no effect on Object Storage behavior. Programs that read the object determine what to do based on the value provided. For example, you could use this header to identify and perform special operations on text only objects. .. option:: --disable-parallel-uploads If the object will be uploaded in multiple parts, this option disables those parts from being uploaded in parallel. .. option:: --encryption-key-file [filename] A file containing the base64-encoded string of the AES-256 encryption key associated with the object. .. option:: --force If the object name already exists, overwrite the existing object without a confirmation prompt. .. option:: --from-json [text] Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax. The :option:`--generate-full-command-json-input` option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id --> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array. Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used. For examples on usage of this option, please see our "using CLI with advanced JSON options" link: https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/SDKDocs/cliusing.htm#AdvancedJSONOptions .. option:: --if-match [text] The entity tag to match. .. option:: --metadata [text] Arbitrary string keys and values for user-defined metadata. This will be applied to all files being uploaded. Must be in JSON format. Example: '{"key1":"value1","key2":"value2"}' .. option:: --name [text] The name of the object. Default value is the filename excluding the path. Required if reading object from STDIN. .. option:: -ns, --namespace, --namespace-name [text] The top-level namespace used for the request. If not provided, this parameter will be obtained internally using a call to 'oci os ns get' .. option:: --no-multipart Do not transfer the file in multiple parts. By default, files above 128 MiB will be transferred in multiple parts, then combined. .. option:: --no-overwrite If the object name already exists, do not overwrite the existing object. .. option:: --opc-checksum-algorithm [text] The optional checksum algorithm to use to compute and store the checksum of the body of the HTTP request (or the parts in case of multipart uploads), in addition to the default MD5 checksum. Accepted values are: .. code-block:: py CRC32C, SHA256, SHA384 .. option:: --opc-content-crc32c [text] Applicable only if CRC32C is specified in the opc-checksum-algorithm request header. The optional header that defines the base64-encoded, 32-bit CRC32C (Castagnoli) checksum of the body. If the optional opc-content-crc32c header is present, Object Storage performs an integrity check on the body of the HTTP request by computing the CRC32C checksum for the body and comparing it to the CRC32C checksum supplied in the header. If the two checksums do not match, the object is rejected and an HTTP-400 Unmatched Content CRC32C error is returned with the message: "The computed CRC32C of the request body (ACTUAL_CRC32C) does not match the opc-content-crc32c header (HEADER_CRC32C)" .. option:: --opc-content-sha256 [text] Applicable only if SHA256 is specified in the opc-checksum-algorithm request header. The optional header that defines the base64-encoded SHA256 hash of the body. If the optional opc-content-sha256 header is present, Object Storage performs an integrity check on the body of the HTTP request by computing the SHA256 hash for the body and comparing it to the SHA256 hash supplied in the header. If the two hashes do not match, the object is rejected and an HTTP-400 Unmatched Content SHA256 error is returned with the message: "The computed SHA256 of the request body (ACTUAL_SHA256) does not match the opc-content-sha256 header (HEADER_SHA256)" .. option:: --opc-content-sha384 [text] Applicable only if SHA384 is specified in the opc-checksum-algorithm request header. The optional header that defines the base64-encoded SHA384 hash of the body. If the optional opc-content-sha384 header is present, Object Storage performs an integrity check on the body of the HTTP request by computing the SHA384 hash for the body and comparing it to the SHA384 hash supplied in the header. If the two hashes do not match, the object is rejected and an HTTP-400 Unmatched Content SHA384 error is returned with the message: "The computed SHA384 of the request body (ACTUAL_SHA384) does not match the opc-content-sha384 header (HEADER_SHA384)" .. option:: --opc-sse-kms-key-id [text] The OCID of a master encryption key used to call the Key Management Service to generate a data encryption key or to encrypt or decrypt a data encryption key. .. option:: --parallel-upload-count [integer range] The number of parallel operations to perform. Decreasing this value will make the process less resource intensive but it may take longer. Increasing this value may decrease the time taken, but the process will consume more system resources and network bandwidth. The maximum is 1000. .. option:: --part-size [integer] Part size (in MiB) to use when the file is split into multiple parts and then combined. Part size must be greater than 10 MiB and defaults to 128 MiB. .. option:: --storage-tier [text] The storage tier that the objects should be stored in. If not specified, the objects will be stored in the same storage tier as the bucket. Accepted values are: .. code-block:: py Archive, InfrequentAccess, Standard .. option:: --verify-checksum Verify the checksum of the uploaded object with the local file. Global Parameters ------------------ Use ``oci --help`` for help on global parameters. :option:`--auth-purpose`, :option:`--auth`, :option:`--cert-bundle`, :option:`--cli-auto-prompt`, :option:`--cli-rc-file`, :option:`--config-file`, :option:`--connection-timeout`, :option:`--debug`, :option:`--defaults-file`, :option:`--endpoint`, :option:`--generate-full-command-json-input`, :option:`--generate-param-json-input`, :option:`--help`, :option:`--latest-version`, :option:`--max-retries`, :option:`--no-retry`, :option:`--opc-client-request-id`, :option:`--opc-request-id`, :option:`--output`, :option:`--profile`, :option:`--proxy`, :option:`--query`, :option:`--raw-output`, :option:`--read-timeout`, :option:`--realm-specific-endpoint`, :option:`--region`, :option:`--release-info`, :option:`--request-id`, :option:`--version`, :option:`-?`, :option:`-d`, :option:`-h`, :option:`-i`, :option:`-v` Example using required parameter ------------------ Copy the following CLI commands into a file named example.sh. Run the command by typing "bash example.sh" and replacing the example parameters with your own. Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up `the OCI configuration `__ and `appropriate security policies `__ before trying the examples. .. code-block:: none :class: copy-code-block export bucket_name= # https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/oci-cli/latest/oci_cli_docs/cmdref/os/object/put.html#cmdoption-bucket-name export file= # https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/oci-cli/latest/oci_cli_docs/cmdref/os/object/put.html#cmdoption-file oci os object put --bucket-name $bucket_name --file $file Other Examples ------------------ Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will upload the specified file Command ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: none :class: copy-code-block oci os object put -bn bucket-client --file test.txt Output ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "etag": "9b1e02c5-0710-4927-9f54-11022ea604e7", "last-modified": "Thu, 27 Oct 2022 07:44:43 GMT", "opc-content-md5": "1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg==" } Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This upload the object with specified cache-control method Command ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: none :class: copy-code-block oci os object put -bn bucket-client --file test.txt --cache-control no-cache Output ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "etag": "b7fa8ccb-a108-4857-b892-126d41462e79", "last-modified": "Thu, 27 Oct 2022 07:54:59 GMT", "opc-content-md5": "1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg==" } Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This upload the object with specified content-type Command ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: none :class: copy-code-block oci os object put -bn bucket-client --file test.txt --content-type text/plain Output ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "etag": "665f2dcd-a394-42c1-b176-f324903842c3", "last-modified": "Thu, 27 Oct 2022 07:56:48 GMT", "opc-content-md5": "1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg==" } Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will override the already existing object without confirmation prompt, forcefully Command ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: none :class: copy-code-block oci os object put -bn bucket-client --file test.txt --force Output ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "etag": "0cb65907-9568-4c20-842f-936e10b6f0a0", "last-modified": "Thu, 27 Oct 2022 07:57:39 GMT", "opc-content-md5": "1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg==" } Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will upload the object with user defined metadata Command ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: none :class: copy-code-block oci os object put -bn bucket-client --file test.txt --metadata '{''object-type':'Large''}' Output ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "etag": "79be26e1-550b-42fa-9f75-19aa43d98f55", "last-modified": "Thu, 27 Oct 2022 08:29:59 GMT", "opc-content-md5": "1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg==" } Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will not upload the object, if object with same name already exists Command ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: none :class: copy-code-block oci os object put -bn bucket-client --file test.txt --no-overwrite Output ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "output": "The object already exists and was not overwritten" } Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This command will upload object with specified json Command ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: none :class: copy-code-block oci os object put -bn bucket-client --file test.txt --from-json '{'content-type':'plain/text'}' Output ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "etag": "60a87fe1-49c8-4dc8-8fe6-0ca75b4c4987", "last-modified": "Thu, 27 Oct 2022 09:10:34 GMT", "opc-content-md5": "1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg==" } Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will upload the object with specified storage tier Command ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: none :class: copy-code-block oci os object put -bn bucket-client --file test.txt --storage-tier Archive Output ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "etag": "36cd287a-3911-42fd-b07e-b485cd343fb1", "last-modified": "Thu, 27 Oct 2022 08:52:36 GMT", "opc-content-md5": "1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg==" } Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will upload the object and verify the checksum with local file Command ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: none :class: copy-code-block oci os object put -bn bucket-client --file test.txt --verify-checksum Output ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "etag": "0a4aae1c-0931-492e-b104-08f38785157b", "last-modified": "Thu, 27 Oct 2022 08:54:24 GMT", "opc-content-md5": "1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg==" } Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will generate json which can be used with --from-json parameter Command ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: none :class: copy-code-block oci os object put -bn bucket-client --file test.txt --generate-full-command-json-input Output ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "bucketName": "string", "cacheControl": "string", "contentDisposition": "string", "contentEncoding": "string", "contentLanguage": "string", "contentMd5": "string", "contentType": "string", "disableParallelUploads": "true", "encryptionKeyFile": "/path/to/file", "file": "/path/to/file", "force": "true", "ifMatch": "string", "metadata": { "string1": "string", "string2": "string" }, "name": "string", "namespace": "string", "namespaceName": "string", "noMultipart": "true", "noOverwrite": "true", "opcSseKmsKeyId": "string", "partSize": 0, "storageTier": "Standard|InfrequentAccess|Archive", "verifyChecksum": "true" } Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~ This will upload the object, taking input from stdin, EOF represent custom end of file symbol Command ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: none :class: copy-code-block oci os object put -bn bucket-client --name test.txt --file - << EOF heredoc> file content hereheredoc> EOF Output ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "etag": "36cd287a-3911-42fd-b07e-b485cd343fb1", "last-modified": "Thu, 27 Oct 2022 08:52:36 GMT", "opc-content-md5": "1B2M2Y8AsgTpgAmY7PhCfg==" }