``embed-text`` ============== .. contents:: :local: :depth: 1 Description ------------ Produces embeddings for the inputs. An embedding is numeric representation of a piece of text. This text can be a phrase, a sentence, or one or more paragraphs. The Generative AI embedding model transforms each phrase, sentence, or paragraph that you input, into an array with 1024 numbers. You can use these embeddings for finding similarity in your input text such as finding phrases that are similar in context or category. Embeddings are mostly used for semantic searches where the search function focuses on the meaning of the text that it's searching through rather than finding results based on keywords. Usage ----- .. code-block:: none oci generative-ai-inference embed-text-result embed-text [OPTIONS] Required Parameters -------------------- .. option:: --compartment-id, -c [text] The OCID of compartment in which to call the Generative AI service to create text embeddings. .. option:: --inputs [complex type] Provide a list of strings or one base64 encoded image with `input_type` setting to `IMAGE`. If text embedding, each string can be words, a phrase, or a paragraph. The maximum length of each string entry in the list is 512 tokens. This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax. The :option:`--generate-param-json-input` option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax. .. option:: --serving-mode [complex type] This is a complex type whose value must be valid JSON. The value can be provided as a string on the command line or passed in as a file using the file://path/to/file syntax. The :option:`--generate-param-json-input` option can be used to generate an example of the JSON which must be provided. We recommend storing this example in a file, modifying it as needed and then passing it back in via the file:// syntax. Optional Parameters -------------------- .. option:: --from-json [text] Provide input to this command as a JSON document from a file using the file://path-to/file syntax. The :option:`--generate-full-command-json-input` option can be used to generate a sample json file to be used with this command option. The key names are pre-populated and match the command option names (converted to camelCase format, e.g. compartment-id --> compartmentId), while the values of the keys need to be populated by the user before using the sample file as an input to this command. For any command option that accepts multiple values, the value of the key can be a JSON array. Options can still be provided on the command line. If an option exists in both the JSON document and the command line then the command line specified value will be used. For examples on usage of this option, please see our "using CLI with advanced JSON options" link: https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/API/SDKDocs/cliusing.htm#AdvancedJSONOptions .. option:: --input-type [text] Specifies the input type. Accepted values are: .. code-block:: py CLASSIFICATION, CLUSTERING, IMAGE, SEARCH_DOCUMENT, SEARCH_QUERY .. option:: --is-echo [boolean] Whether or not to include the original inputs in the response. Results are index-based. .. option:: --truncate [text] For an input that's longer than the maximum token length, specifies which part of the input text will be truncated. Accepted values are: .. code-block:: py END, NONE, START Global Parameters ------------------ Use ``oci --help`` for help on global parameters. :option:`--auth-purpose`, :option:`--auth`, :option:`--cert-bundle`, :option:`--cli-auto-prompt`, :option:`--cli-rc-file`, :option:`--config-file`, :option:`--connection-timeout`, :option:`--debug`, :option:`--defaults-file`, :option:`--endpoint`, :option:`--generate-full-command-json-input`, :option:`--generate-param-json-input`, :option:`--help`, :option:`--latest-version`, :option:`--max-retries`, :option:`--no-retry`, :option:`--opc-client-request-id`, :option:`--opc-request-id`, :option:`--output`, :option:`--profile`, :option:`--proxy`, :option:`--query`, :option:`--raw-output`, :option:`--read-timeout`, :option:`--realm-specific-endpoint`, :option:`--region`, :option:`--release-info`, :option:`--request-id`, :option:`--version`, :option:`-?`, :option:`-d`, :option:`-h`, :option:`-i`, :option:`-v` Example using required parameter ------------------ Copy and paste the following example into a JSON file, replacing the example parameters with your own. .. code-block:: none :class: copy-code-block oci generative-ai-inference embed-text-result embed-text --generate-param-json-input inputs > inputs.json oci generative-ai-inference embed-text-result embed-text --generate-param-json-input serving-mode > serving-mode.json Copy the following CLI commands into a file named example.sh. Run the command by typing "bash example.sh" and replacing the example parameters with your own. Please note this sample will only work in the POSIX-compliant bash-like shell. You need to set up `the OCI configuration `__ and `appropriate security policies `__ before trying the examples. .. code-block:: none :class: copy-code-block export compartment_id= # https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/tools/oci-cli/latest/oci_cli_docs/cmdref/generative-ai-inference/embed-text-result/embed-text.html#cmdoption-compartment-id oci generative-ai-inference embed-text-result embed-text --compartment-id $compartment_id --inputs file://inputs.json --serving-mode file://serving-mode.json Other Examples ------------------ Description ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Send an inference request for text embedding Command ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: none :class: copy-code-block oci generative-ai-inference embed-text-result embed-text --compartment-id $COMPARTMENT_ID --serving-mode "{\"servingType\": \"ON_DEMAND\", \"modelId\": \"$SERVING_MODEL_ID\"}" --inputs "$INPUTS" --read-timeout 240 --region "$REGION" Output ~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: json { "data": { "embeddings": [ [ 0.1508789, -0.93115234, 1.6337891, -1.9023438, -1.3085938, 0.6777344, 1.234375, 0.9926758, -0.047058105, -1.0683594, -1.046875, 1.6503906, 1.0292969, 0.82373047, -0.56396484, 0.50878906, 0.32788086, 0.5263672, 0.39819336, -1.1289062, 0.09631348, 1.234375, -0.38378906, -0.57470703, 1.0185547, 3.5957031, 7.0273438, -1.3271484, 1.4804688, 0.23937988, -1.3779297, 0.3696289, 2.5722656, -0.50390625, -0.5678711, 1.296875, 1.1767578, -0.26635742, 0.6738281, 1.6728516, 0.85595703, -0.4621582, 0.37109375, 0.8847656, -1.2285156, 0.013969421, -1.1816406, -2.0664062, -0.029022217, 1.5166016, -0.26953125, 0.22094727, -0.48535156, 0.34960938, -0.16833496, 0.93359375, 1.2314453, -0.8022461, 0.62060547, 1.5029297, -0.15258789, -0.048217773, -0.7607422, -0.5786133, -0.5698242, -1.1728516, -0.51171875, -1.8417969, -1.4238281, -1.0898438, -1.1708984, -0.6333008, 0.24951172, 0.9091797, -0.6616211, -0.6542969, 0.20202637, 0.8520508, 0.34301758, -1.5048828, 1.6074219, 1.2011719, 1.2900391, -0.08959961, -1.0595703, -1.9130859, -0.06573486, -0.96240234, 1.1533203, 0.041381836, -1.9511719, 0.030166626, -2.5664062, -10.0, -2.09375, 0.9482422, -1.6826172, -1.0693359, -1.4511719, -0.45092773, 1.5332031, -0.67578125, 2.7714844, -1.0898438, -0.15673828, 1.0576172, 0.8535156, 0.4440918, -0.071777344, -0.609375, 0.62353516, -1.2705078, 0.101623535, 1.1259766, 0.19604492, 0.7919922, 2.46875, 1.2666016, -0.99316406, -1.0478516, 0.7783203, -0.48413086, -0.8378906, -1.578125, 0.40039062, -1.6474609, 1.2314453, 1.8398438, -0.25708008, 0.84814453, -1.171875, 0.4873047, -1.2304688, 1.5878906, -0.19641113, 1.3505859, 1.6347656, 0.15014648, 1.5761719, -0.24890137, 0.47631836, -1.1855469, 1.5859375, -1.109375, 1.1416016, -0.16845703, -0.6904297, 1.0693359, 0.49316406, 1.2255859, -0.96875, 0.92822266, -1.0947266, -0.48608398, -0.048828125, -1.0048828, -0.4729004, -0.37329102, 0.14477539, -0.32714844, -1.2753906, 1.0273438, -1.9589844, 1.7705078, 0.9926758, 0.046173096, -2.8671875, 2.6113281, 1.3740234, 0.112976074, -1.1025391, -0.62890625, 0.703125, -0.26245117, -0.2241211, 1.6054688, 0.1932373, 0.26098633, 0.7939453, -0.4753418, 0.60546875, 1.8144531, -0.6347656, -1.5478516, 0.15002441, 0.41723633, 1.265625, -1.1064453, 0.18908691, -0.5263672, 1.5400391, -0.25878906, -1.5566406, 2.5566406, 1.3876953, -0.58203125, 1.390625, 0.44384766, 1.984375, 1.4082031, 0.22814941, 1.390625, -0.009986877, -0.101257324, -0.31640625, 0.5258789, 0.8276367, 1.4101562, 0.13293457, 0.86083984, 0.18347168, -0.10864258, 0.19567871, 0.29785156, -0.62060547, -1.2597656, 1.3222656, -1.0644531, 0.33935547, 0.8461914, -0.70214844, 2.0234375, -0.19921875, 1.1054688, 1.2265625, 0.22241211, 0.3334961, 0.044433594, 1.3662109, -1.1357422, -0.20361328, 0.46020508, -0.5541992, -1.7021484, -0.11541748, 1.3789062, 0.15551758, 0.16674805, -0.74609375, -0.18005371, 0.44628906, -0.52734375, 0.6113281, -1.5048828, 0.7026367, 1.3886719, -0.0680542, 0.02897644, -0.24450684, 1.4384766, 1.4257812, 0.86279297, -0.0501709, 1.8466797, 0.046081543, 1.0449219, 0.69433594, 0.110839844, 0.21582031, 0.9238281, 1.1259766, -0.3149414, 1.0585938, 0.8642578, 0.83154297, -0.26489258, -0.7158203, 1.1269531, -0.47680664, 0.07208252, 0.0340271, -0.38110352, -1.6464844, -0.6958008, -0.039794922, 0.07019043, -1.0224609, -0.17834473, -1.6572266, 1.3818359, 0.4020996, -0.33935547, -2.6445312, 1.5224609, 0.05444336, 0.05557251, -0.071899414, -0.4934082, -0.48413086, 1.7626953, 3.1445312, 1.359375, 1.6933594, 2.9960938, -0.6010742, -0.3959961, -1.0839844, -0.24072266, 0.8261719, 0.75097656, -0.66845703, 1.0673828, -1.3017578, 1.3417969, 0.068725586, -1.1464844, -0.98876953, 1.5410156, -0.48291016, -0.8701172, 0.5991211, -0.49780273, 1.2851562, -0.36035156, 0.08868408, -0.71484375, -1.9541016, -0.31958008, -1.7275391, 0.46899414, 0.36010742, -0.6357422, 0.23535156, 1.1806641, -0.48950195, 0.046081543, -0.51464844, 0.78808594, 1.2460938, 0.52685547, -0.47509766, 0.4909668, -1.7861328, -0.1484375, -0.5698242, -0.33544922, -0.88964844, 0.69091797, 0.79589844, -0.95703125, -0.44702148, 0.15246582, 0.62109375, 0.7763672, 3.5039062, -7.59375, 1.1210938, 1.8242188, -0.6459961, -0.57958984, 0.28393555, 0.24304199, 0.38452148, -5.9765625, -1.3222656, 1.4101562, -2.1914062, -1.3271484, 0.6777344, 0.60009766, 0.78466797, -3.1113281, -0.35180664, -2.6757812, -1.9833984, 0.3317871, 0.55322266, -0.33129883, -0.28295898, -0.092285156, 1.0263672, 0.76953125, 0.5551758, 1.0224609, 0.48608398, 0.48876953, 0.15319824, 3.0546875, 0.32202148, -0.48217773, -1.3994141, 0.38427734, 0.7817383, 0.09387207, 0.5913086, 2.7773438, 1.5830078, 0.57177734, 1.7070312, 1.3652344, 1.0507812, 0.81689453, 0.7324219, 2.2324219, -0.11816406, -0.19348145, 1.2714844, 0.27026367, -1.0908203, -0.18200684, -0.5083008, 1.8867188, -0.72998047, 0.0027637482, -1.1210938, -0.98535156, 0.087402344, 1.4804688, 1.3193359, -0.69091797, 0.12866211, 0.109191895, 0.16967773, -0.6279297, 1.2509766, -0.2565918, 1.3222656, -1.2714844, -0.051574707, -1.5732422, 0.67529297, 0.5263672, 0.90966797, 1.5302734, -0.09686279, -1.5517578, -0.037200928, -0.8852539, 0.55615234, -1.2841797, -0.07128906, 0.06161499, 1.6552734, -0.87353516, -0.2722168, 0.18664551, -1.2998047, -0.11975098, -0.765625, 0.89160156, 0.044921875, -0.18103027, 1.1699219, -0.086120605, 0.11785889, 0.36694336, 0.59375, -0.07196045, -1.4345703, 0.04660034, -0.05419922, -0.11450195, -1.1220703, -1.3447266, 0.63378906, -0.19567871, 4.1757812, -0.6303711, -0.4741211, 0.9873047, -0.3310547, 0.2861328, 0.18554688, -0.023742676, 1.5898438, 1.9570312, -1.0214844, -1.1738281, -0.85498047, 0.7285156, -0.99902344, 0.11462402, -1.6357422, 1.1269531, -0.7451172, -2.7324219, -1.7958984, -0.54052734, -1.3398438, 0.34472656, 1.0839844, 0.0075645447, 0.96875, 0.58984375, -0.14758301, 0.2770996, 1.1787109, 0.32202148, -0.8183594, 0.1694336, -1.9892578, 0.13659668, -0.5888672, -1.3662109, 1.2236328, 1.2978516, -0.5942383, -0.69384766, 0.47387695, -0.53466797, 1.2285156, 1.5869141, 1.0507812, -1.3330078, -0.23376465, -0.89208984, -1.3076172, 0.08306885, -0.32739258, -1.2460938, 0.42016602, -1.3613281, -0.26611328, -2.3085938, -0.7128906, -0.31396484, -0.35717773, 0.4501953, -0.012481689, 1.7763672, -0.51220703, -1.0927734, 1.6826172, 0.15344238, -0.66259766, -0.041229248, 1.5732422, 2.2988281, 1.8886719, 0.79345703, -1.3242188, 0.64746094, -1.1328125, -1.3046875, 1.3212891, 1.5537109, 0.33984375, -0.8198242, -1.4443359, -0.26733398, 0.7314453, -0.045898438, -0.61035156, 0.18676758, -0.36547852, 1.4482422, 1.6298828, 1.9277344, 0.8383789, -0.6948242, -0.78515625, 0.81689453, 0.41333008, 0.34570312, -0.109069824, -3.0332031, -1.2783203, 0.78759766, -1.5800781, -0.6411133, 0.40771484, -1.0849609, 0.11883545, -0.44189453, 1.2441406, -0.1829834, -2.0371094, -0.25512695, 0.34814453, -0.27392578, 0.15185547, -1.2714844, 1.0683594, -1.2197266, -0.53564453, -0.4609375, 1.1152344, 1.1376953, 0.28320312, -0.083862305, 2.5957031, -1.2939453, 1.6152344, -0.71533203, -2.9375, 1.484375, -0.99365234, 1.0488281, -1.9375, 0.24194336, 0.77441406, -0.81933594, -0.72314453, -0.16796875, -0.027786255, -0.20825195, 0.3935547, 0.48828125, -0.7294922, -1.2050781, 0.5517578, -0.43579102, -0.54589844, -0.06298828, -2.2109375, 0.22180176, -3.1015625, -0.28759766, 1.53125, 0.8852539, -0.15332031, 1.1347656, -1.1884766, -1.5146484, 0.77001953, 1.2353516, 0.41479492, 0.89990234, -1.7792969, -0.010803223, 0.48486328, -1.234375, 0.55322266, 0.6015625, 1.0625, -1.8183594, -0.25756836, 2.0527344, -0.75097656, 1.2919922, 2.1464844, -0.8496094, 1.2578125, 1.6660156, -2.15625, -0.7890625, 1.0898438, -0.16894531, -0.7104492, -1.1835938, 0.69189453, 0.5830078, 1.0390625, -2.9316406, -0.77978516, -0.5541992, -4.3320312, -1.7177734, 1.1445312, 3.7988281, 0.1751709, 1.2255859, 0.14404297, -0.6484375, 0.8540039, -0.49780273, 1.4931641, -1.7001953, 0.59033203, 1.5107422, 0.027160645, 0.44726562, -1.3925781, 2.7617188, -1.9970703, -0.39331055, 0.9633789, -0.8417969, 0.89160156, -0.43725586, 2.078125, 0.22058105, -1.9853516, 0.42285156, -1.6503906, -0.46435547, 0.35424805, 3.8105469, -1.0771484, -0.65722656, 0.37158203, 1.3671875, 0.5551758, 0.06097412, -2.2363281, -1.6416016, 0.5371094, 0.38061523, 1.2587891, -0.10095215, 1.6464844, -2.796875, 0.066711426, 0.4230957, -1.4169922, 0.074401855, -0.67285156, -0.23095703, -0.2902832, 1.4042969, 0.73583984, 0.12438965, 0.61621094, 0.3310547, 0.8120117, 0.4807129, 1.8857422, 1.2109375, -0.13623047, 0.23852539, -0.73779297, 1.296875, -2.0761719, -0.7216797, -2.6621094, -0.46289062, -1.8769531, 0.38842773, 1.0605469, 1.2539062, 1.578125, -0.57910156, -0.3161621, -0.26513672, 0.54785156, 0.07128906, 0.9614258, -0.095336914, -0.94091797, 0.15917969, 0.11621094, 1.2431641, -1.8642578, -1.1875, 1.1884766, -1.1035156, -0.8286133, -0.35839844, -2.0742188, 0.28100586, 0.38427734, -0.27661133, -1.5097656, 1.1123047, 3.0351562, -0.89990234, -0.7060547, -2.5566406, -0.33789062, -1.0449219, 1.4355469, 0.3017578, -0.38964844, -0.22570801, -0.7973633, 5.0820312, 0.35424805, -0.095947266, -1.3691406, -0.52734375, 0.6220703, 1.5253906, -0.9980469, -0.0513916, -1.1533203, -0.85498047, 1.203125, -1.6005859, 2.6796875, -0.4675293, 0.24157715, -0.2019043, -0.828125, 0.5209961, 0.54541016, 0.17749023, 0.64697266, 2.0195312, 1.4589844, 1.4091797, 1.4716797, -0.2788086, 0.053131104, -0.99121094, 0.47485352, 0.83496094, 0.13684082, -2.7714844, -0.5385742, -0.9604492, 0.52685547, 0.1628418, 0.73339844, -0.62890625, -0.81591797, 1.3691406, -0.5966797, 1.5595703, -0.093933105, 0.27148438, -0.2692871, 0.58935547, -1.1083984, -0.3642578, 1.7753906, 1.0488281, -1.3066406, 0.2939453, 0.32714844, 1.7851562, -0.7324219, 2.2988281, 0.8833008, 2.9785156, 1.8837891, 0.9448242, -1.2167969, 1.0478516, 0.3996582, -0.75, 0.6591797, -2.2578125, -0.7011719, -0.5410156, 1.3046875, -0.57666016, 2.5214844, 0.7680664, 1.8652344, 1.0, 0.30371094, -1.5, -0.6010742, -0.050689697, -0.0713501, -1.5546875, -0.20288086, -1.4023438, -1.5, -0.66552734, -1.1132812, 1.2998047, -0.7319336, 0.32080078, 0.64746094, 0.043121338, -0.69970703, -0.43798828, 1.0869141, -0.7080078, -2.390625, -3.0820312, -0.90283203, -2.015625, 2.1953125, -0.39526367, 1.1728516, -0.73828125, 0.5957031, 2.1679688, -0.38500977, 1.9951172, -0.28564453, 1.9785156, 0.89208984, 2.5351562, -1.7509766, 0.5830078, -0.01626587, 1.5429688, 0.27856445, 1.8056641, -0.12158203, 0.24475098, 0.6669922, 2.1054688, 0.7504883, -0.7675781, -1.8125, 0.013214111, -0.90185547, -0.21789551, 0.3864746, -1.4580078, -2.53125, 0.33422852, -1.2480469, -0.13098145, -0.6044922, 0.6743164, 0.28393555, 1.0371094, 0.30249023, 1.3242188, 0.09881592, -0.65966797, -0.45507812, -0.036254883, 0.75341797, -2.7128906, -0.06329346, 0.83203125, 0.39624023, -0.20654297, 0.390625, 0.48583984, -0.43188477, 1.7910156, -0.16918945, -0.8725586, -1.9882812, 0.122802734, 0.4345703, -0.17700195, 1.1191406, -1.0117188, 1.8964844, 0.11694336, 1.0029297, -0.6591797, -1.0322266, -1.0048828, 0.041015625, -0.10620117, 1.3818359, 1.1757812, -0.24804688, 0.12109375, 0.5600586, -0.0496521, -0.96972656, -1.0107422, 1.3369141, -0.24401855, -1.4599609, 2.3496094, 1.2402344, 0.7167969, -1.6015625, -3.6914062, -0.5625, 1.0146484, -2.4023438, -0.19152832, -0.45385742, -0.54003906, -0.98583984, -2.3378906, 0.1048584, -0.4074707, 0.86279297, 3.6503906, -0.17468262, 0.45043945, -2.2011719, 1.8349609, -1.1074219, -1.1152344, 0.61279297, 2.7011719, -0.34204102, -2.1875, -0.17346191, 1.2871094, 0.12426758, -0.22290039, 0.86328125, 0.23376465, -1.5888672, 0.32226562, -1.5927734, -0.44384766, 0.98583984, -1.3320312, 0.94140625, -1.2207031, 1.2294922, -2.1640625, 1.8613281, 2.7441406, -0.59521484, 0.6513672, -1.3154297, -1.4921875, 0.0058898926, -0.6298828, -0.9404297, -0.91503906, -2.6855469, 1.0439453, -0.8833008, 0.7084961, 0.3479004, 1.7724609, -0.83740234, -0.24023438, 2.0898438, -0.11419678, 0.5620117, 2.0390625, -1.9140625, 1.2832031, 1.9902344, -1.0185547, 1.6962891, -1.265625, -0.5415039, 0.93652344, -1.4072266, 0.59472656, -0.54541016, 1.9677734, 0.45336914, 0.46826172, -0.08215332, 1.3828125, 0.80615234, 0.44799805, -1.6875, 0.29223633, 0.8569336, -0.018203735, 0.20996094, -1.8476562 ], [ 0.10266113, -0.82470703, -0.43359375, -1.2382812, -0.57470703, 0.8691406, 0.61621094, 0.5024414, 0.083496094, -1.1855469, -1.6777344, 1.3691406, 2.1933594, 0.70996094, -0.7451172, 0.82177734, -1.2734375, -0.47216797, 0.53808594, -0.57421875, 0.10687256, 0.39892578, 0.5498047, -0.63916016, 1.203125, 2.8105469, 7.0273438, -0.7421875, 0.92089844, 0.84033203, -0.75439453, 0.62841797, 2.7910156, -0.7270508, -1.1376953, 1.1269531, 0.6479492, -0.7973633, 0.8798828, 1.6376953, 0.81689453, -1.1914062, -0.20825195, 0.6791992, -0.9667969, -0.8925781, -1.1044922, -1.2080078, -1.1777344, 0.6074219, -0.025680542, -0.25854492, 0.028823853, 0.2631836, 0.5180664, 0.61621094, 1.0830078, -0.33251953, 0.7832031, 1.2646484, -0.49902344, -0.8540039, -0.7475586, -0.8378906, -1.0087891, -1.3662109, -1.2666016, -2.0683594, -1.2382812, -1.0742188, -0.36547852, 0.42993164, 0.46606445, 0.47607422, -1.1298828, -0.64501953, 0.25927734, 0.1895752, 0.4387207, -1.1826172, 1.3154297, 0.83203125, 1.4511719, -0.040283203, -0.4609375, -1.4248047, 0.2944336, -0.87353516, 1.4648438, -0.31445312, -2.2851562, -0.3034668, -3.0878906, -9.8125, -3.0371094, 1.015625, -1.5595703, -1.5810547, -0.5566406, 0.17492676, 2.6914062, -0.27978516, 2.6210938, -0.7211914, 0.33276367, 1.0488281, 0.19067383, -0.0803833, 0.62109375, -0.76953125, 0.07141113, -0.19311523, 0.78271484, 0.9819336, 0.57470703, 0.18310547, 1.5917969, 1.3828125, -0.5415039, -0.15588379, 1.0419922, -0.73779297, -0.5727539, -1.3994141, -0.053375244, -1.6699219, 1.1914062, 2.5195312, -1.5488281, 0.421875, -0.38452148, 1.1435547, -0.65527344, 1.6884766, -0.1697998, 1.1044922, 0.10864258, -1.4550781, 0.52783203, -0.57910156, 0.6826172, -1.1835938, 1.2626953, -1.0712891, 0.8339844, 0.09899902, -1.3203125, 0.8696289, 0.47192383, 0.5258789, -0.4892578, 1.1386719, -1.3466797, -0.73339844, -0.08532715, -0.8022461, -0.016082764, -0.92041016, 0.68847656, 0.32788086, -2.0605469, 1.9179688, -1.234375, 1.1914062, 0.72314453, -0.33007812, -3.4726562, 3.0605469, 1.5039062, 0.22497559, -1.71875, -0.69140625, 0.25708008, 0.40673828, -0.26000977, 1.2802734, 0.28442383, 0.8676758, 0.6225586, -1.6337891, 0.1083374, 1.7099609, -1.0126953, -1.6943359, 0.9140625, 1.2744141, 1.3251953, -2.3300781, 0.52490234, -1.5039062, 1.9189453, -0.40966797, -1.5888672, 1.9755859, 2.2207031, -0.66015625, 2.0605469, 0.8286133, 1.9179688, 1.3125, 1.2470703, 0.9433594, 1.046875, -1.0097656, -0.23242188, 0.74560547, 1.3242188, 1.7675781, 0.9375, 1.390625, 0.45507812, -0.2421875, 0.15771484, 0.4736328, -0.18383789, -0.8510742, 1.8408203, -0.74121094, 0.24694824, 1.0722656, -0.96484375, 2.015625, 0.10736084, 0.39697266, 0.44384766, 0.09082031, 0.4790039, 0.2697754, 1.0078125, -0.65625, -0.10559082, 0.4345703, -0.4296875, -0.76464844, -0.43041992, 1.4580078, -0.46142578, -0.07171631, -0.27416992, 0.3100586, 1.3359375, -1.1982422, 1.375, -1.5800781, 0.32592773, 0.36206055, 0.42626953, 0.32763672, 0.4099121, 1.4296875, 1.4287109, 0.024871826, -0.033203125, 2.2714844, -0.8198242, 1.2265625, 0.050811768, -0.49243164, 0.51171875, -0.0715332, 1.1142578, -0.6123047, 1.9863281, 1.5341797, 1.0195312, -0.8930664, -0.061706543, 1.7607422, -0.68115234, -0.19189453, -0.6479492, -0.3503418, -2.1484375, -0.54785156, -0.2434082, -0.3317871, -1.609375, -0.34887695, -0.5288086, 1.9462891, 0.3840332, -0.03451538, -2.4414062, 1.0683594, 0.21960449, -0.14819336, -0.4814453, -1.0195312, -0.6113281, 0.21179199, 2.4882812, 1.7460938, 2.0175781, 2.7597656, -0.4272461, -0.18774414, -2.0449219, 0.2668457, 0.2644043, 1.0888672, -0.07952881, 1.5546875, -0.80859375, 1.1455078, 0.6821289, -1.7753906, -0.30297852, 1.5722656, -0.34277344, -0.6933594, 0.265625, -0.5263672, 0.9741211, -0.6191406, -0.24890137, -0.34301758, -2.5371094, 0.42211914, -1.5283203, 0.093811035, -0.04977417, -0.9760742, -0.45043945, -0.33496094, -0.11004639, 0.17956543, -0.3347168, 0.87841797, -0.20153809, -0.89697266, 0.111083984, 0.03253174, -1.2705078, -0.7675781, -0.78759766, -0.19250488, -0.51953125, 0.55029297, -0.05529785, 0.35620117, 0.25756836, 1.1640625, 0.5932617, 0.4260254, 1.5087891, -4.8007812, 0.50439453, 1.9892578, 0.4675293, -0.80371094, -0.12890625, 0.8857422, 1.6611328, -5.2773438, -2.5664062, 0.84521484, -2.4589844, -0.40625, 1.7949219, 0.5625, 1.09375, -3.0625, 0.23510742, -2.1035156, -0.57373047, 0.44750977, 1.8623047, 0.5371094, -1.0859375, -0.51708984, 0.65527344, 0.34594727, 1.0341797, 0.68847656, 0.40014648, -0.16784668, -0.062927246, 1.7910156, 0.37597656, 0.51171875, -1.2246094, 0.296875, 0.48632812, 0.028915405, 0.375, 1.9414062, 1.3496094, 1.2246094, 1.1884766, 1.3798828, -0.07232666, 0.53759766, 0.68359375, 1.1845703, 0.11102295, 1.0849609, 0.7988281, -0.26220703, -2.2910156, -0.60839844, -0.55126953, -0.46533203, -1.8007812, -0.10632324, -0.20251465, -0.22106934, -0.12902832, 0.5810547, 1.6220703, -0.91064453, 0.5708008, 0.3034668, 1.1142578, -1.1074219, 1.6708984, -0.00049591064, 0.63623047, -1.5537109, 0.40795898, -1.3369141, 0.1817627, -0.7949219, 0.9819336, 1.4052734, -0.42529297, -2.7480469, -0.9707031, 0.17663574, 1.9345703, -1.7050781, 0.40771484, 0.18334961, 2.2578125, -0.12841797, 0.265625, -0.22192383, -1.234375, 0.36767578, -0.39111328, 1.6162109, 0.90283203, 0.72021484, 0.6845703, -1.1152344, -0.31396484, 1.1142578, 1.7617188, -0.43310547, -1.3232422, -0.52978516, 0.7446289, -0.4934082, -0.1315918, -1.4326172, 1.1894531, 0.064819336, 3.375, -0.7714844, -0.6269531, 1.7822266, 0.24060059, 0.17980957, -0.9067383, -0.023834229, 0.6123047, 2.0878906, -2.1347656, 0.28686523, -0.98876953, 0.22058105, -0.24645996, -0.08959961, -0.14172363, 0.8120117, -1.6142578, -2.3769531, -1.9267578, 0.21948242, -1.2792969, 0.18688965, 0.23486328, -0.81591797, 0.19494629, -0.20581055, -0.17480469, 0.016952515, 0.9848633, 0.4423828, 1.1269531, 0.55029297, -1.0439453, -0.056671143, -0.39819336, -2.3710938, 0.011528015, 1.5458984, -0.9790039, -0.97509766, 0.033721924, -0.38061523, 0.6274414, 2.5292969, 1.1015625, -1.0761719, -0.38720703, -0.515625, -0.61035156, 0.92578125, -0.81933594, -2.0859375, 1.0722656, -1.7617188, 0.5595703, -1.671875, -0.74072266, -0.09454346, -1.2080078, -0.7631836, 0.044952393, 0.64208984, -0.46801758, -1.9394531, 1.8164062, -0.69140625, -0.71484375, -1.0498047, 1.2548828, 1.8457031, 1.0830078, 1.21875, -1.6191406, 0.9863281, -1.3681641, -1.9033203, 0.7753906, 1.5136719, 0.7597656, -0.34423828, -1.3095703, -0.48242188, 1.5800781, -0.049224854, -0.7441406, 1.3945312, -0.77490234, 1.5419922, 1.6298828, 1.6015625, 0.079833984, -1.7421875, -0.9008789, 2.2519531, -1.0517578, -0.7626953, 0.036376953, -4.1640625, -1.4501953, 0.18579102, -1.4960938, 0.04083252, 1.4658203, -1.2783203, 0.10046387, -0.53808594, 1.0576172, -0.1817627, -1.6816406, 0.50097656, 1.2568359, 0.3239746, -0.4958496, -2.4238281, 1.4912109, -1.953125, -0.54052734, 0.09564209, 1.546875, 0.52490234, 0.99902344, -0.8564453, 2.4785156, -1.1298828, 0.78759766, -0.63427734, -3.4453125, 2.1308594, -1.125, 1.8251953, -1.2353516, -0.42456055, 0.36376953, -1.6542969, -1.6728516, -0.7661133, 0.087768555, -1.09375, 0.17602539, 0.07446289, 0.2076416, -2.0722656, 0.8222656, -0.61816406, 0.30932617, 0.12597656, -1.8251953, 0.27929688, -1.8378906, -0.16638184, 1.1523438, 0.99853516, -0.16333008, 1.4833984, -2.0058594, -0.7734375, 0.30004883, 2.03125, 0.10620117, 0.4477539, -1.7314453, -1.3037109, -0.51123047, -1.0322266, 0.50878906, 0.45825195, 0.7441406, -2.3574219, -0.75097656, 1.9492188, 0.061309814, 1.4462891, 3.1425781, 0.16882324, 1.6826172, 2.2832031, -1.4541016, -1.6123047, 0.5834961, 0.062316895, -1.4257812, -1.0761719, 0.77978516, 0.9082031, 1.0615234, -4.703125, -0.77783203, -0.28320312, -3.0488281, -2.3984375, 1.1074219, 3.3691406, 0.10614014, 0.8129883, -0.32861328, -1.0732422, 0.13757324, -0.80615234, 1.7011719, -2.0039062, -0.9404297, 0.71972656, 0.5546875, 0.44091797, -0.35791016, 1.7275391, -1.5166016, -0.031433105, -0.2590332, -1.0683594, 0.9941406, -0.23474121, 1.3925781, -0.014274597, -1.8994141, 0.71777344, -0.6191406, -1.2636719, -0.16333008, 5.0742188, -1.2421875, -0.54052734, 0.46533203, 2.0644531, 0.82177734, -1.1337891, -3.0214844, -2.2695312, 0.39990234, 0.26782227, 2.5820312, -0.39575195, 1.0527344, -2.046875, 0.16491699, 0.7128906, -0.27563477, 0.39672852, -0.0059814453, -1.1005859, -0.13598633, 0.44360352, 0.6748047, -1.0927734, 0.1694336, -0.36132812, 0.50390625, 0.83984375, 1.7763672, 1.5429688, -0.6459961, 0.10900879, -0.23620605, 2.6875, -1.3457031, -0.86621094, -3.7539062, -0.45043945, -1.5126953, 0.78222656, 0.27929688, 1.7177734, 1.1542969, -0.6352539, -0.45703125, -0.6401367, 0.76220703, 1.1962891, 0.0011787415, 0.11627197, -0.84814453, 0.8930664, 0.40576172, 0.96533203, -1.3984375, -1.1083984, 0.99072266, -0.57910156, 0.003189087, -0.79345703, -1.7841797, 0.16271973, 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-0.9140625, 1.9638672, 1.9091797, 1.2519531, 1.5654297, 0.42114258, -1.3486328, -0.48120117, 0.3996582, 0.13427734, -1.7783203, -0.8901367, -1.2880859, -1.9433594, -0.4519043, -1.8378906, 1.7441406, -0.07086182, 1.0048828, 1.1630859, -0.6245117, -1.3564453, -0.86376953, -0.2536621, -0.3305664, -3.0625, -2.3984375, -0.44848633, -2.1777344, 2.0039062, 0.13366699, 0.67333984, 0.33007812, 0.44750977, 2.5820312, -0.64404297, 1.7851562, -0.049682617, 2.078125, 0.8261719, 2.3945312, -2.3144531, 0.8857422, -0.8383789, 2.0234375, 0.71240234, 2.3066406, -0.6816406, 1.0693359, 0.953125, 1.6210938, 1.4892578, -1.1298828, -0.84716797, 1.6767578, -1.0039062, -1.3398438, 0.8432617, -1.5117188, -2.9375, 0.043029785, -0.7055664, -0.24255371, -0.33740234, 1.90625, 0.79785156, 0.5395508, -0.43310547, 1.9794922, -0.359375, -0.2854004, -1.0126953, -0.7363281, 0.45458984, -2.3789062, -0.02116394, 1.578125, 1.2519531, 0.4248047, -0.32373047, 0.90527344, -1.4931641, 0.6269531, -1.2939453, -0.4970703, 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