Enable Automatic Backups to Recovery Service

Use this procedure to enable the Oracle-managed automatic backups feature and set Recovery Service as the backup destination for Oracle Cloud databases in your tenancy.


Operational backups to two different backup destinations may create data loss scenarios. Therefore, before you enable automatic backups to Recovery Service, you must disable manual backup scripts and processes to other storage destinations.
Ensure that you have met all the prerequisites as described in Configuring Recovery Service.
  1. Log in to your OCI tenancy.
  2. In the navigation menu, click Oracle Database, select the relevant database service, and navigate to the required database system page.
    Choose a compartment containing the database you want to view, and click the name of the required database.
    For example, follow these steps to navigate to the cloud VM cluster containing the database that you want to back up to Recovery Service.
    1. Open the navigation menu, click Oracle Database, then click Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure.
    2. Click Exadata VM Clusters.
    3. In the list of VM clusters, find the VM cluster you want to access and click its highlighted name to view the details page for the cluster.
    Follow these steps to access DB systems:
    1. Open the navigation menu, click Oracle Database and then select Oracle Base Database Service.
    2. Click DB Systems.
    3. In the list of DB systems, find the DB System you want to access, and then click its name to display details about the system.
    The details section indicates whether the database is configured to use automatic backups. If you have previously enabled automatic backups for this database, then the Backups section indicates the backup destination, the backup retention period, and the health of database backups, among other details.
  3. In the Database Details page, click Configure automatic backups.
  4. In the Configure automatic backups dialog, select Enable automatic backups.
  5. Select these options to configure automatic backups:
    1. Backup destination - Select Autonomous Recovery Service as the backup destination for the database.
    2. Protection policy - Defines the retention period for backups created by Recovery Service. The Protection policy field defaults to the Oracle-defined Silver policy which has a backup retention period of 35 days. You can optionally select a different Oracle-defined protection policy or a custom protection policy that you have created.
      Recovery Service retains database backups for the period defined in the selected protection policy. For example, if you have assigned a Silver policy, then backups for the database will be available for a maximum period of 35 days.
  6. Review the backup Location for this database.
    Location indicates the cloud location where the backups will be stored for this database.
    • OCI: Indicates that Recovery Service will store the database backups in Oracle Cloud.
    • Store backup in the same cloud provider as the database: Indicates that Recovery Service will store the database backups in the same cloud location where the database is provisioned.

    Recovery Service stores backups in Oracle Cloud by default. However, if the database is provisioned in a different cloud location and if you have enabled the Store backups in the same cloud provider as the database option in the chosen protection policy, then Recovery Service stores the backups in the same cloud location where the database is provisioned. For example, for Oracle Database@Azure, Recovery Service stores the associated protected database backups in Azure if you have selected the Store backups in the same cloud provider as the database option in the protection policy. See Multicloud Oracle Database Backup Support for more information.

    When the protected database backup is complete, the protected database details page displays the relevant cloud provider Subscription details and the exact Backup location information. See Viewing the Protection Details of a Database for more information.

  7. Review whether the chosen protection policy enforces a Retention lock to protect the database backups. If the lock is Enabled, then Recovery Service prohibits the modification or deletion of backups until the retention period expires.
    See Using Retention Lock to Protect Backups to know more about retention lock and how the retention lock takes effect.
  8. Real-time data protection - Real-time data protection enhances database protection, minimizes data loss, and supports a recovery point up to the last sub-second. This is an extra cost option.
    See: Oracle Database Releases That Support Recovery Service for information about the Oracle Database versions that support using Real-time data protection for your database.
  9. Deletion options after database termination - Options that you can use to retain protected database backups after the database is terminated. These options can also help restore the database from backups in case of accidental or malicious damages to the database.
    1. Retain backups according to the protection policy retention period - Select this option if you want to retain database backups for the entire period defined in the protection policy after the database is terminated.
    2. Retain backups for 72 hours, then delete - Select this option to retain backups for a period of 72 hours after you terminate the database.
  10. Click Save changes.
    After you enable automatic backups, Recovery Service automatically creates an associated protected database resource to represent the database in Recovery Service.
    In the Database Details page, the Backups section indicates Autonomous Recovery Service as the Backup destination. This page also displays these fields to provide additional details about database protection:
    • Automatic backup: Indicates whether the database uses automatic backups.
    • Health: Indicates the protection status of the database in Recovery Service. The allowed values are: Protected, Warning, and Alert.
      • A Protected status indicates that Recovery Service can ensure database recovery to any point in time within the entire recovery window, and the potential data loss exposure since the last backup is less than 10 seconds (if real-time data protection is enabled) or less than 70 minutes (if real-time data protection is disabled).
      • A Warning status indicates that Recovery Service can ensure database recovery within the current recovery window, and the potential data loss exposure since the last backup is greater than 10 seconds (if real-time data protection is enabled) or greater than 70 minutes, (if real-time data protection is disabled).
      • An Alert status indicates that Recovery Service cannot recover the database within the current recovery window, and the latest backup has failed.
    • Data loss exposure: Time for potential data loss since the last backup was taken.
    • Last failed backup: The date and time of the most recent failed backup
    • Last completed backup: The date and time of the most recent successful backup
    • Next scheduled backup: The date and time of the next scheduled backup
    • Space used for recovery window: The amount of storage space that is currently used to meet the recovery window goal for the protected database
    • Backup destination: Indicates that the database sends backups to Recovery Service.
    • Real-time protection: Indicates whether the real-time redo data is sent from the protected database to Recovery Service. Real-time data protection minimizes the possibility of data loss and enhances data protection. This is an extra-cost option.
    • Protection policy: The protection policy that defines the maximum period to retain the backups created for the database. Click Edit Policy to view the Configure automatic backups pane and change the protection policy.


  1. In the Backup destination field, click the Autonomous Recovery Service link to view the protected database details page.