Insights Table

The Insights table and Aggregate treemap are either-or choices for the top half of the page, which is used to drive the Trend & Forecast drill-down chart in the bottom half.

Figure 3-1 Ops Insights Table

Ops Insights Table
Database Types
  • ADW-D: Autonomous Data Warehouse Dedicated
  • ADW-S: Autonomous Data Warehouse Serverless
  • External NonCDB: External Non-Container Database
  • External PDB: External Pluggable Database
  • Virtual Machine PDB: Virtual Machine Pluggable Database
  • Bare Metal PDB: Bare Metal Pluggable Database
  • ExaDB-D PDB: Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure pluggable database
  • ExaDB-D NonCDB: Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure non-container database
  • MySQL Database: HeatWave MySQL Database Services

ExaDBs monitored by Enterprise Manager are also allowed.
  • Utilization (%): Utilization percentage for the 90th percentile value of the daily average CPU usage over the selected time period
  • Usage Change (%): Percentage change in the linear trend of CPU usage over the selected time period
  • Usage: 90th percentile value of the daily average CPU usage over the selected time period
  • Allocation: Total number of CPUs allocated to the database across instances.
  • Database Version: Version of the Oracle Database.
  • Telemetry: The source platform of the database: Cloud Infrastructure, Enterprise Manager, or Agent Service
  • Instances: The number of instances. Click on the instance number to display a list of the instance and host names.

The table facilitates a number of tasks in support of Capacity Planning use cases:

  • Isolates databases with current or forecasted high (or low) utilization
  • Quickly compare these databases to each other by size or usage to prioritize analysis
  • Identify databases with fastest growth (shrinkage) in CPU demand over the time period

Selecting a database row in the Insights Table will display historical trends and future forecasts for CPU usage for that database in the lower half of the page, described next.