JMS Resource Health

JMS Resource Health provides a comprehensive list of issues affecting JMS Fleets and a JMS plug-in. It identifies and reports the following types of issues:

For JMS Fleets:
  • Fleets that don't have any managed instances.
  • JMS plug-in registered to a fleet that encounter errors while attempting to push inventory data to the fleet inventory or operational logs, likely due to missing policies.
For a JMS Plug-in:
  • JMS plug-in in instances that cannot register with JMS Fleets due to a missing policy.
  • JMS plug-in in instances that encounter errors while attempting to push inventory data to the fleet inventory or operational logs, likely due to missing policies.
  • JMS plug-in in instances not associated with any fleet, which may occur if the JMS plug-in is enabled under OCA but registration hasn't been completed.

The JMS Fleets and JMS plug-in that encounter these issues are presented in a table. Users can review each instance or incident, and JMS Resource Health provides resolution options to address and resolve each finding.

This chapter includes the following topics: