OCI Linux

This section describes the steps to set up the Oracle Cloud Agent and deploy the JMS plug-ins on an Oracle Linux Compute Instance. For Oracle Linux instances in different region and/or tenancy, and other supported Linux platforms, follow the On-premises Linux instructions to set up Oracle Management Agent.


The recommended approach for onboarding OCI Linux instances to the fleet is using the fleet's Add Managed Instance(s) action in the Managed Instances view. See instructions in the OCI Linux section in the Manual Method for Installing Management Agent and Deploying JMS Plug-in.


  1. Copy the compressed file and the configuration file to a new folder.
  2. Extract the compressed file into the new folder. For example, extracting jms_setup_v9.0.56_linux_rhel-x86_64.tar.gz will create a folder named jms_setup_v9.0.56_linux_rhel-x86_64 within the new folder.
  3. (Optional diagnostic check):
    • Add jms.diagnostic = true to the JMS_agent_configuration.rsp file.
    • Navigate to the extracted folder from Step 2 and execute ./installJMSAgent.sh as a root user.

    Depending on the operating system and agent type, the results will be similar to:

    Diagnostic failed:

    Diagnostic Summary
    Shell is supported? : Yes
    User has sudo/root privileges? : Yes
    Certified OS? : Yes
    Meets minimum disk requirements? : Yes
    Meets minimum memory requirements? : Yes
    Able to reach OCI endpoint? : No
    	Check your internet connection and proxy setting.
    Is clock sync with OCI platform? : Unknown
    	The clock sync check was skipped. Can't read headers as provided OCI endpoint is not reachable.
    Certificate verification has been passed? : Unknown
    	The certificate check was skipped. Can't read certificate as provided OCI endpoint is not reachable.
    Prerequisites for Oracle Cloud Agent were installed? : No
    	OCI Metadata and Instance Config are not available but are required for installation.
    	Try to manually install 'oci-metadata' and run the JMS_YourFleetName_linux_updated.sh script again.
    	Or force Management Agent installation on the instance using the '--install-mgmt-agent' argument.
    Meets Java requirement? : No
    	Management Agent requires a minimum Oracle JDK 1.8 (1.8.0_281). The recommended version is 1.8.0_361 or later.
    	Try to install Java manually and run the JMS_YourFleetName_linux_updated.sh script again.
    Valid Management Agent installer? : No
    	Found 0 files with the 'oracle.mgmt_agent*.rpm' pattern in the /home/opc folder.
    	Run the JMS_YourFleetName_linux_updated.sh script again with the '--use-agent-installer-path' parameter.
    Existing Management Agent has been detected? : No
    Diagnostics have failed. Please resolve all issues and run script JMS_YourFleetName_linux_updated.sh again.
    Please refer troubleshooting guide https://docs.oracle.com/en-us/iaas/jms/doc/troubleshooting.html for more details.
    A copy of this installation log can be found at /var/log/oracle/JMSInstallScript/JMSInstallScriptLogs-<date>.log
    Diagnostic completed successfully:
    Diagnostic Summary
    Shell is supported? : Yes
    User has sudo/root privileges? : Yes
    Certified OS? : Yes
    Meets minimum disk requirements? : Yes
    Meets minimum memory requirements? : Yes
    Able to reach OCI endpoint? : Yes
    Certificate verification has been passed? : Yes
    Is clock sync with OCI platform? : Yes
    Meets Java requirement? : Yes
    Certified OS for Oracle Cloud Agent? : Yes
    Oracle Cloud Agent has been detected? : Yes
    Diagnostics have finished running and no error occurred.
    A copy of this installation log can be found at /var/log/oracle/JMSInstallScript/JMSInstallScriptLogs-<date>.log

    See Running Agent Installation Diagnostics for the complete list of question with solutions or recommendations.

  4. Navigate to the extracted folder from Step 2 and execute ./installJMSAgent.sh as a root user.
  5. Once the installation is complete, the following message will appear:
    A copy of this installation log can be found at/var/log/oracle/JMSInstallScript/JMSInstallScriptLogs-<date>.log
    Removing the temporary files.

The log files are located in the /var/log/oracle/JMSInstallScript/ directory.