OCI and On-premises Windows

This section describes the steps to set up the Oracle Management Agent and deploy the JMS plug-ins on an OCI or on-premises Windows host using the OMA installer.


  1. Copy the compressed file and the configuration file to a new folder.
  2. Extract the compressed file into the new folder. For example, extracting jms_setup_v9.0.57_windows-x86_64.zip will create a folder named jms_setup_v9.0.57_windows-x86_64 within the new folder.
  3. Navigate to the extracted folder from Step 2 and use either of the following methods:
    • Right click setupJMS.ps1 and select Run with PowerShell
    • Open PowerShell as Administrator and execute .\setupJMS.ps1

      • The following are the optional parameters along with the description:
        • --diagnostic: determines if prerequisite conditions are met on the host machine to allow for successful agent installation and plug-in deployment
        • --force: uninstalls the plug-ins, deletes the configuration files or restores the originals from backups, and continues with installation
        • --override-jdk-symlink: replaces the existing JDK symlink that is created by the user with a new symlink pointing to the JDK installed in the agent's directory
        • --force-32bit-installer: force installation of the 32-bit agent even on a 64-bit system
        • --ignore-unsupported: proceeds with the agent installation on an unsupported platform.
        • --configuration-file-path: provides a custom file path to the configuration file JMS_configuration.rsp. For example, .\setupJMS.ps1 --configuration-file-path=C:\Users\user\test\JMS_configuration_region1.rsp.

        Alternatively, the JMS_configuration.rsp file contains the setup parameters that you can use to customize your installation process. See Configuration Parameters for the complete list.

      • See Running Agent Installation Diagnostics for the complete list of question with solutions or recommendations.
  4. Once the installation is complete, the following message will appear:
    Management Agent was successfully registered using key <JMS_YourFleetName>(ocid1.managementagentinstallkey.oc1.iad.<ocid hash>)
    Instance has been assigned to JMS fleet <JMS_YourFleetName>(ocid1.managementagentinstallkey.oc1.iad.<ocid hash>)
    Management Agent with plugins installation has been completed.
    Transcript stopped, output file is C:\ProgramData\Oracle\JMSInstallScript\JMSInstallScriptLogs-<date>.txt
    Removing the temporary files.
    The JMS installer and configuration file can be removed from the machine.
    C:\ProgramData\Oracle\JMSInstallScript\JMSInstallerLogs-<date>.txt contains the install log.
    Agent is successfully installed and is running.

The log files are located in the C:\ProgramData\Oracle\JMSInstallScript directory.