Migration Analysis Report Details

The Migration Analysis Reports detailed view is divided into two sections:

  1. Migration report information, which includes:
    • General information
      • Application name or Deployed application name: the name of the application or deployed application that is being analyzed.

        The field is updated based on the Deployment type. For Java server, Deployed application is displayed and for Standalone, Application name is displayed.
      • Application or Deployed application install path: the installation path for the application or the source associated with the deployed application being analyzed
      • Managed instance: managed instance on which the application is running
      • Source JDK: the current JDK version in use by the application
      • Target JDK: JDK version to which migration is being evaluated
      • Number of archives scanned: total number of archive files scanned
      • Number of class files scanned: total number of class files scanned
      • Deployment type: the deployment type of an application - standalone or on a Java server

      Click the application link to view the application details.

    • Analysis results
      • Number of classes which needs mandatory changes: total count of number of classes that require mandatory changes
      • Diagnostics count of mandatory changes: total number of mandatory changes that are required in the application
      • Number of classes with recommended changes: total count of number of classes that require recommended changes
      • Diagnostics count of recommended changes: total number of recommended changes that are required in the application
      • HTML report: the downloadable HTML report
      • Effort to migrate:
        • None: No mandatory changes required (0%)
        • Minor: Up to 10% of classes require mandatory changes
        • Major: More than 10% of classes require mandatory changes
      • Warnings: The number of warnings encountered during the analysis. Click the number to see details of the warnings.
      • Maven recommendations: The number of Maven artifacts identified that can replace JDK APIs removed from the selected target JDK. Click the number to see the list of Maven recommendations.
      • Number of package prefixes excluded (displayed only if package prefixes were provided to be excluded when Migration Analysis was initiated): The number of package prefixes specified for exclusion from the analysis. Click the number to see the list of excluded package prefixes.
  2. Report summary: provides high level summary of the analysis. Report summary table provides the following information:
    • Type of change: lists the type of change such as Mandatory changes, Recommended changes, and No changes required
    • Number of classes: count of number of changes to the class files that are required for each change type

Click the links either in the Report Summary page or in Resources section to view the relevant analysis.

The following reports are available from Resources section: