Work Requests

In the Resources section, click Work Requests to view the list of Work Requests associated with the managed instance during the specified time period.

For each work request, the table presents the following information:
  • Operation: type of operation initiated on the managed instance during the selected period, such as Scan for Java libraries
  • Status: status of the work request, which can be one of: Accepted, In progress / Canceling, Canceled, Completed with Errors, Completed without Errors
  • Progress: percentage of progress
  • Created by: user who created the work request
  • Accepted: date and time when the work request was accepted
  • Started: date and time when the work request was started
  • Finished: date and time when the work request was completed
  • Status last updated: date and time when the status of work request was last updated

For more information about a work request, see Work Request.

Click the operation of a work request to view its details. See Work Request Details. Only certain work requests, such as Java Runtime Lifecycle Management operations, have a details page.