
This section describes the steps to set up the Oracle Management Agent and deploy the JMS plug-ins on macOS host using the OMA installer.


  1. Copy the compressed file and the configuration file to a new folder.
  2. Extract the compressed file into the new folder. For example, extracting jms_setup_v9.0.57_macos-x86_64.tar.gz will create a folder named jms_setup_v9.0.57_macos-x86_64 within the new folder.
  3. Navigate to the extracted folder from Step 2 and execute ./ as a root user.

    • The following are the optional parameters along with the description:
      • --diagnostic: determines if prerequisite conditions are met on the host machine to allow for successful agent installation and plug-in deployment
      • --force: uninstalls the plug-ins, deletes the configuration files or restores the originals from backups, and continues with installation
      • --override-jdk-symlink: replaces the existing JDK symlink that is created by the user with a new symlink pointing to the JDK installed in the agent's directory
      • --ignore-unsupported: proceeds with the agent installation on an unsupported platform.
      • --configuration-file-path: provides a custom file path to the configuration file JMS_configuration.rsp. For example, sudo ./ --configuration-file-path=/home/user/Downloads/test/JMS_configuration_region1.rsp.

      Alternatively, the JMS_configuration.rsp file contains the setup parameters that you can use to customize your installation process. See Configuration Parameters for the complete list.

    • See Running Agent Installation Diagnostics for the complete list of criteria checked during diagnostics, along with solutions or recommendations.
  4. Once the installation is complete, a similar message will appear:
    Verifying status of JMS installation...
    Management Agent installation has been completed with 'Java Management service plugin ('    
        JMS advanced features will be enabled on this instance.
    Management Agent was successfully registered using key <JMS_YourFleetName>(ocid1.managementagentinstallkey.oc1.iad.<ocid hash>).
    Instance has been assigned to JMS fleet <JMS_YourFleetName>(ocid1.managementagentinstallkey.oc1.iad.<ocid hash>)
    A copy of this installation log can be found at /Library/Oracle/JMSInstallScript/JMSInstallScriptLogs-<date>.log
    Removing the temporary files.
    The JMS installer and configuration file can be removed from the machine.
    /Library/Oracle/JMSInstallScript/JMSInstallerLogs-<date>.log contains the install log.
    Agent is successfully installed and is running.

The log files are located in the /Library/Oracle/JMSInstallScript/ directory.