Member Properties Causing Plan Deletion Post Update

Following is the list of member properties which can cause plan deletion after the update:

  • Any Resource type: Adding or deleting members from the DRPG.
  • Any Compute instance: Changing the Compute instance type from moving instance to non-moving instance and vice versa.

    This option is disabled from the UI.
  • Moving instance:
    • Adding, deleting or updating Destination capacity reservation in the Destinations tab.
    • Adding, deleting or updating File systems' export mappings in the File Systems tab.
  • Non-moving instance:
    • Enabling/disabling Start and stop instance on failover/switchover in the Settings tab.
    • Adding, deleting or updating block volume in block volume mappings will delete the plans in the Block Volumes tab.
    • Updating Volume attachment reference instance or mount point in existing block volume mapping will not delete the plans in the Block Volumes tab.
  • Adding, deleting or updating File systems' export mappings in the File Systems tab.