
The Objects menu in Scheduling provides links to the following four pages: Job Classes, File Watchers, Windows and Window Groups

Job Classes

A job class is an Oracle Scheduler object that enables the Scheduler administrator to group jobs for logical purposes, such as to assign the same set of attribute values to member jobs, to set service affinity for member jobs, to set resource allocation for member jobs, or to group jobs for prioritization.


Creating a job class requires the MANAGE SCHEDULER system privilege. Access to SYS.DBA_RSRC_CONSUMER_GROUPS and SYS.DBA_SERVICES dictionary views is required in order UI to provide all details and choices.

The Job Classes page displays the job classes created in a tabular format. You can perform the following actions:

  • Create: To create a job class, see Create Job Class.
  • Edit: To edit a job class, select Edit from the Actions menu at the end of a row. For a description of the fields, see Create Job Class .
  • Drop: To drop a job class, select Drop from the Actions menu.
File Watchers

A file watcher is an Oracle Scheduler object that defines the location, name, and other properties of a file whose arrival on a system causes the Scheduler to start a job. You create a file watcher and then create any number of event-based jobs or event schedules that reference the file watcher. When the file watcher detects the arrival of the designated file, it raises a file arrival event. The job started by the file arrival event can retrieve the event message to learn about the newly arrived file.

The File Watchers page displays the file watchers created in a tabular format. You can perform the following actions:

  • Create: To create a file watcher, see Create File Watcher.
  • Edit: To edit a file watcher, select Edit from the Actions menu at the end of a row. For a description of the fields, see Create File Watcher.
  • Drop: To drop a file watcher, select Drop from the Actions menu.
  • Show DDL: Displays the Data Definition Language statements for the file watcher. To show DDL, select this option from the Actions menu.

A window is an Oracle Scheduler object that can be used to automatically start jobs or to change resource allocation among jobs during various time periods of the day, week, and so on.


Creating a window object requires the MANAGE SCHEDULER system privilege. Access to SYS.DBA_RSRC_PLANS dictionary view is required to provide all details and choices.

The Windows page displays windows created in a tabular format. You can perform the following actions:

  • Create: To create a window, see Create Window.
  • Edit: To edit a window, select Edit from the Actions menu at the end of a row. For a description of the fields, see Create Window.
  • Drop: To drop a window, select Drop from the Actions menu.
  • Show DDL: Displays the Data Definition Language statements for the window. To show DDL, select this option from the Actions menu.
Window Groups

A window group is an Oracle Scheduler object that is a list of Oracle Scheduler Windows. Scheduler jobs that are scheduled to be run in a window group will be activated in that time span and using that resource plan for all windows in the group

The Window Groups page displays windows created in a tabular format. You can perform the following actions:

  • Create: To create a window group, see Create Window Group.
  • Edit: To edit a window group, select Edit from the Actions menu at the end of a row. For a description of the fields, see Create Window Group.
  • Drop: To drop a window group, select Drop from the Actions menu.
  • Show DDL: Displays the Data Definition Language statements for the window group. To show DDL, select this option from the Actions menu.