View Saved Comparison Reports

You can view and analyze all the previously generated and saved SQL Performance Analyzer comparison reports for all the databases in a compartment or a single database.

For information on SQL Performance Analyzer comparison reports and how to save a report, see View SQL Performance Analyzer Comparison Reports.

To view the saved reports for all the databases in a compartment

  1. Go to the SQL Watch Summary page.
  2. Click Reports on the left pane and then select a compartment in the Compartment drop-down list.

To view the saved reports for a single database

  1. Go to the SQL Watch Summary page.
  2. Click the Actions icon (Actions) for the database and click Manage saved reports.

The saved reports saved for the database are displayed.

On the Reports saved in... page, you can:

  • Click the name of a saved report to view it.
  • Click the Actions icon (Actions) for a report and click Delete to delete the report.