Access Database Management Overview

On obtaining the required permissions and completing the prerequisite tasks, you can use the Database Management Overview page as a launch pad to get started with Database Management for HeatWave and External MySQL.

To access the Overview page:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
  2. Open the navigation menu, click Observability & Management. Under Database Management, click Overview.
  3. On the left pane on the Overview page, select the compartment that contains the HeatWave and External MySQL DB systems for which Database Management is enabled.

On the Overview page, you can:

  • Obtain an overview of the Database Management features.
  • Click the following links on the Get started tile:
    • Add policies: Automatically generate and add policies to grant permissions to user groups to enable and use Database Management for HeatWave and External MySQL. For information, see Automatically Grant Permissions to User Groups.
    • External databases under MySQL databases: Go to the External MySQL DB systems page and perform tasks such as registering an External MySQL DB system and enabling Database Management. For information, see Register an External MySQL DB System.
    • Cloud databases under MySQL databases: Go to the DB systems page in the HeatWave service and perform tasks such as viewing the list of HeatWave DB systems and enabling Database Management. For information, see Enable Database Management for HeatWave.
  • Expand the MySQL databases tile to view the total number of HeatWave and External MySQL DB systems in the compartment and the number of DB systems for which Database Management is enabled. Note that to view the information on the MySQL databases tile, you must have the required permissions. For information, see Permissions Required to Use Database Management.