Viewing a Pipeline Run's Step Details
Use the Console to view the details for a pipeline run step.
The step runs that run as part of the pipeline run are displayed, and display the following details for each step:
The step name
Step run OCID.
The lifecycle state of the step:
Waiting: Waiting to start because it has dependencies on other steps that haven't completed yet.
Accepted: Starting and the infrastructure is being provisioned for it. It might take a few minutes to complete.
In Progress: Running, and the code is being run.
Succeeded: Completed successfully
Failed: Failed during the run. All the dependent steps are skipped
Skipped: Skipped because one of its dependent steps failed.
More lifecycle information on the state, especially in the provisioning (accepted) state.
The time the step switched to the Accepted state.
The time the step finished running.
The step definition, which you can click to see what was defined for the step including the type and default configuration.
The Runtime configuration tab shows any command line arguments, maximum runtime minutes, and environment variables that were specified. The infrastructure configuration includes the Compute shape and block storage amount.
You can use the Step runs resource to manage the pipeline's steps.