Unpublishing a Task

Unpublish a task in Data Integration.

You can't unpublish a running task. Wait until the task is done running before trying to unpublish it.

The following types of published tasks in an application also can't be unpublished:

  • Tasks in an application that was created as a copy of another application
  • Tasks that are used in pipelines in the application

To unpublish a task, follow these steps:

    1. On the workspace home page, click Applications.
    2. On the Applications page, select the compartment that contains the application.
    3. In the applications list, click the name of the application that has the published task.
    4. On the application details page, click Tasks.
    5. In the Tasks list, select Unpublish from the Actions menu (Actions menu) of the task that you want to unpublish.

      The unpublish action is unavailable for the tasks in an application that was created as a copy of another application.

      If the task is associated with a pipeline in the application, the task can't be unpublished and a notification appears with the names of one or more pipelines that the task is used in.

    6. In the Unpublish task dialog box, verify that this is the task that you want to unpublish, and then click Unpublish.
    A patch entry is created in the application when you unpublish a task. See Understanding Patches.
  • Use the oci data-integration application create-patch command and required parameters, with the UNPUBLISH patch type, to unpublish a task from an application in Data Integration:

    oci data-integration application create-patch [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the CreatePatch operation with the UNPUBLISH patch type to unpublish a task from an application in Data Integration.