Creating a Data Loader Task

Create a data loader task in a project or folder in Data Integration. A data loader task takes data from a source and loads it into a target.


If you're using hierarchical data entities, see Hierarchical Data Types to understand what is supported.

Data Integration includes one default project to get you started. To create other projects or a folder, see Projects and Folders.

  • A configuration UI with numbered steps guides you through the process of creating a data loader task. A check mark appears on the step icon after you configure a step. To move between steps, click Next or Previous. You can also navigate directly to a configured step by clicking the step icon.

    1. Open the project or folder in which you want to create the task.

      For the steps to open the details page of a project or folder, see Viewing the Details of a Project or Viewing the Details of a Folder.

    2. On the project or folder details page, click Tasks.
    3. In the Tasks section, click Create task and select Data loader.
    4. In the Basic information step on the Create Data Loader Task page, make the following selections:
      • Source type: The type of the source data entity.

      • Target type: The type of the target data entity.

      • Load type: Select one of the following options:
        • Multiple data entities: Use more than one entity from the same schema for the source.

        • Single data entity: Use only one entity for the source.

    5. Enter a name and an optional description for the task.

      The identifier is a system-generated value based on the name. You can change the value, but after you create and save the task, you can't update the identifier.

    6. (Optional) For Project or folder, click Select and select a different project or folder to save the task in.
    7. To save the task for the first time, click one of the following buttons:
      • Create: Creates and saves the task. You can continue to configure the task.
      • Create and close: Creates and saves the task, and closes the page. You're returned to the tasks list on the project or folder details page.
    8. Save periodically while you work by clicking one of the following buttons:
      • Save: Commits changes since the last save. You can continue editing after saving.
      • Save and close: Commits changes and closes the page. You're returned to the tasks list on the project or folder details tasks page.
    9. To configure the source and target data entities for the data loader task, follow these steps:
      1. Select a source data entity.
      2. Create or select an existing target data entity.
      3. (Optional) Apply transformations on the source attributes.
      4. For an existing target data entity, map the source attributes to the target attributes.
      5. Review and validate the task configuration.
    10. When you finish configuring and validating the task, click Create and close or Save and close.
    Publish the data loader task to an application in Data Integration before you run the task or schedule the task for running. You can also publish the data loader task to OCI Data Flow, if applicable. For publishing information, see Task Publishing.
  • Use the oci data-integration task create-data-loader-task command and required parameters to create a data loader task:

    oci data-integration task create-data-loader-task [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the CreateTask operation with the appropriate resource subtype to create a data loader task.