Mounting File Systems on Microsoft Windows Instances

On Compute Cloud@Customer, you can make file systems available to Microsoft Windows instances by mapping a network drive to the mount target IP address and export path provided by the File Storage service. You can accomplish this task using NFS or SMB protocols.


Using the SMB protocol requires that the Microsoft Windows instances and Compute Cloud@Customer belong to the same Active Directory domain. Before performing any tasks in this section, ensure the following requirements are set up:

  • Installed and configured Microsoft Active Directory Federation Services for your organization.

  • Set up groups in Active Directory that will map to groups in Compute Cloud@Customer.

  • Created users in Active Directory who will sign in to the Compute Cloud@Customer Console.


    Consider naming Active Directory groups that you intend to map to Compute Cloud@Customer groups with a common prefix to make it easy to apply a filter rule, for example, CCC_Administrators, CCC_NetworkAdmins, CCC_InstanceLaunchers.

  • Open an Oracle support request to request an Active Directory configuration in the Compute Cloud@Customer Infrastructure. See Creating a Support Request. To access support, sign in to the Oracle Cloud Console as described in Sign In to the OCI Console.