Managing the Query Favorites List

Add queries to the favorites list that you want to run again manually.


If you want a query to run automatically, at set time intervals, see Scheduling a New Query.

You can add existing queries to the favorites list from the Past queries and Run query pages. If you create a query from the Favorite queries page, the query is automatically added to the favorites list.

    1. To add an existing query to the favorites list from the Past queries page:
      1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Cloud Guard, click Queries.
      2. On the Queries page, click Past queries.
      3. Locate the query that you want to add to the favorites list.
        See Managing Past Queries for steps to filter the list.
      4. From the Actions menu Image of Action menu at the right end of the row for the query, select Add to favorites.
      5. In the Add to favorites dialog box, enter the required information.
        Avoid entering confidential information.
      6. Click Add.
      7. Navigate to the Favorite queries page to see the query added at the top of the list.
    2. To add an existing query to the favorites list from the results on the Run query page:

      This approach only works when you view the results on the Run query page immediately after running the query.
      1. Run a new query on the Run query page.
      2. After the results of the query are displayed, click Action at the bottom of the page and select Add to favorites.
      3. In the Add to favorites dialog box, enter the required information.
        Avoid entering confidential information.
      4. Click Add.
      5. Navigate to the Favorite queries page to see the query added at the top of the list.
    3. To create a query from the Favorite queries page and add it to the favorites list:
      1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Cloud Guard, click Queries.
      2. On the Queries page, click Favorite queries.
      3. On the Favorite queries page, click Create favorite query just below the page title.
      4. In the Create favorite query dialog box, enter the required information.
        Avoid entering confidential information.
      5. Click Create.

        The new query is created, and is now displayed on the Favorite query details page.

        On this page, you can:

        • Click Edit to make most of the changes in the query that are allowed.
        • Click Add tags to add tags to the query.
        • Click Move resource to move the query to a different compartment.
      6. Navigate to the Favorite queries page to see the query added at the top of the list.
  • For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

    Use the oci cloud-guard saved-query change-compartment command and required parameters to move a favorite query to a different compartment:

    oci cloud-guard saved-query change-compartment --compartment-id, -c <new_compartment_ocid> --saved-query-id <query_ocid> [OPTIONS]

    Use the oci cloud-guard saved-query create command and required parameters to create a favorite query:

    oci cloud-guard saved-query create --compartment-id, -c <compartment_ocid> --display-name <saved_query_display_name> --query-parameterconflict <query_expression> [OPTIONS]

    Use the oci cloud-guard saved-query delete command and required parameters to delete a favorite query:

    oci cloud-guard saved-query delete --saved-query-id <query_ocid> [OPTIONS]

    Use the oci cloud-guard saved-query get command and required parameters to get the details for a favorite query:

    oci cloud-guard saved-query get --saved-query-id <query_ocid> [OPTIONS]

    Use the oci cloud-guard saved-query list command and required parameters to list all available favorite queries in a compartment:

    oci cloud-guard saved-query list --compartment-id, -c <compartment_ocid> [OPTIONS]

    Use the oci cloud-guard saved-query update command and required parameters to update a favorite query:

    oci cloud-guard saved-query update --saved-query-id <query_ocid> [OPTIONS]
  • Run the ChangeSavedQueryCompartment operation to move a favorite query to a different compartment.

    Run the CreateSavedQuery operation to create a favorite query.

    Run the DeleteSavedQuery operation to delete a favorite query.

    Run the GetSavedQuery operation to get the details for a favorite query.

    Run the ListSavedQueries operation to list all available favorite queries in a compartment.

    Run the UpdateSavedQuery operation to update a favorite query.