Cloning a Managed List

Clone managed lists as needed in Cloud Guard to fine-tune the selection of managed lists available to use in your environment.

When you want to create a managed list that's similar to one that exists, you can save time by cloning the existing list.
    1. Open the navigation menu and click Identity & Security. Under Cloud Guard, click Configuration.
    2. On the Configuration page, click Managed lists.
    3. (Optional) Under Scope, set parameters to filter the lists on the Managed lists page:
      • Set the value for Compartment to display only managed lists attached to a specific compartment.
      • If you also want managed lists attached to compartments under the selected compartment to appear in the list, select Include child compartments.
    4. At the top of the page, click Clone.
    5. On the Basic information page, select the managed list to clone from the Cloning list.
      A default List name and Description appear.
    6. (Optional) Edit the default List name and Description entries.
      Avoid entering confidential information.

      The List name:
      • Can't duplicate the name of an existing list.
      • Can't be changed after the list is created.
    7. (Optional) Select a different Compartment to assign the list to.
      The default compartment is the tenancy root. When you select a parent compartment, all child compartments under it are automatically selected.
    8. Click Next.
    9. (Optional) On the List entries page, modify the list items:
      • To change the value for an existing item, edit the item directly in its text box
      • To delete an unwanted item, click the "X" to the right side of the item.
      • To add a new item, click Additional list item.
    10. Click Submit.
      The cloned managed list appears on the Managed lists page.
  • For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

    To clone a managed list, first use the oci cloud-guard managed-list get command and required parameters to get the specific managed list that you want to clone:

    oci cloud-guard managed-list get --managed-list-id <managed_list_ocid> [OPTIONS]

    Then use the oci cloud-guard managed-list create command and required parameters to save that managed list, with a new name:

    oci cloud-guard managed-list create --compartment-id, -c <compartment_ocid> --display-name <display_name_text> [OPTIONS]
  • To clone a managed list, first run the GetManagedList operation to get the specific managed list that you want to clone.

    Then run the CreateManagedList operation to create a managed list. to save that managed list with a new name.